Monsanto cannabis yes or no? more needed 4poll here@RIU, also ballot prop...

Much of the cheap meat and dairy produce sold in supermarkets across Europe is arriving as a result of serious human rights abuses and environmental damage in one of Latin America's most impoverished countries.

In this film, produced by the Ecologist Film Unit in conjunction with coalition of pressure groups including Friends of the Earth, Food and Water Watch and Via Campesina, documents the experiences of some of those caught up in Paraguay's growing conflict over soy farming.

It also reveals, for the first time, how intensive animal farming across the EU, including the UK, is fuelling the problem. To read the article that goes with this video go to:

Why Eating NON-GMO Foods is Absolutely Important

We have heard people talking about None GMO products and the hype... but what about the facts... what about the long term impact of GMO foods.
Here are a few things people should know about GMO foods.
Even during studies that were approved male rats feed GMO foods gained 11% in body fat and triglycerides went up 40% and had pathology of the liver and the kidneys.
And studies show that GMO foods contain pesticide residues that can cause problems later in life. It’s a question of chronic toxicity... not short term toxicity that was approved by the FDA. Some of these pesticide residues have been shown to disrupt hormonal balance and create chronic problems at levels 1000 times less than found GMO crops.

Results of multiple studies have shown that long term intake of these foods could result in reproductive, pancreas, kidney, and liver disease. Also DNA from GMO foods don’t always break down in the gut, thus these crops may create antibiotic resistance to every antibiotic that we have on the planet... thus creating super bugs that could rage out of control.
Even in the rats studied with GMO foods more than 1/3rd had necrotic lesions of their gut lining causing bleeding... thus causing a huge health risk to elderly people and the public in general. 1/6th of the animals used in studies with GMO tomatoes died... and these deaths were never studied at all.
Mice feed GMO potatoes had the cells of their gut disrupted, mitochondrial damage (cellular damage) and a significant increase in crypt paneth cells which are cells that try to protect the lining of the gut. In other studies animals given GMO potatoes had increased thickening of the lining of the stomach.
Like DDT and Alar which decades later became powerful health risks... GMO foods too stand as a powerful health risk if not studied deeply over long periods of time.
Rabbits given GMO soy had heart and kidney enzyme problems, and other studies show markers for long term chronic disease problems later in life. Yet there are no requirements for long term studies of GMO products.
Rats feed GMO corn were very slow growing, became fat, and had damage to their kidneys, liver, and blood chemistries were not normal, and they had high cholesterol, high triglycerides, and more... and both young mice and old mice all had immune system dysfunctions.
Also sheep feed GMO foods for 3 generations had cellular damage of their livers and pancreas. Rats feed GMO rice starting drinking lots of water, much more than normal and at the same time had changes in immune response, changes in their blood chemistries, and the bacteria in their gut were different with an over growth of coliform bacteria... plus all these rats had large adrenal glands, uterus, and testicles... and none of this happened with Non-GMO rice.
Also when studies where conducted looking for traces of GMO foods in honey, almost all of the containers contained traces of pollen from GMO crops. And mice feed GMO peas had powerful allergic reactions to egg white protein... and the control groups had no reactions at all.
Many scientists say the genetic engineering foods is not precise... that we cannot predicted what the long term health risks of GMO foods will be.
Also there are powerful effects on the land, soil, and the environment. Plus biodiversity is important, when one genetic strain of a particular food has a problem... biodiversity will sustain our planet.

Dr. Paul Haider - Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 20 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, Shambala Spiritual Transformation Institute, Meditation for the Soul, and Relax Into Success, Punjab teas, and at - feel free to contact him any time. Also check out Dr. Haider’s radio show at
65983_566021120083079_1925440646_n.jpgfirst trip to eastern market today. enjoyed! many locally grown gmo free options there. found a new raw milk supplier and several grass fed only beef farms. will be going back with a wagon next time
Monsanto Protection Act May Soon Be Repealed Thanks to Activism

Anthony Gucciardi
May 19, 2013

The so-called Monsanto Protection Act signed into law earlier this year caused such an outrage that people around the world are planning to protest the biotech company later this month. Now a United States Senator is expected to try and repeal that law after mounting pressure.
The notorious ‘Monsanto Protection Act’ rider stuffed into the non-related Senate spending bill may soon be repealed thanks to the massive amounts of activism and outrage that have now amounted into a legislative charge towards action. Action that has turned into legislation progress through Senator Jeff Merkley of Oregon, who has announced an amendment that would remove Section 735 (the Monsanto Protection Act as its known) from the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act of 2013 Senate spending bill.
The rider, which almost managed to slip incognito and pass by the alarm system of the alternative media, grants GMO juggernaut Monsanto full immunity from federal courts in the event that one of its genetically modified creations is found to be causing damage to health or the environment. Essentially, it grants Monsanto power over the United States federal government. Thankfully, I was able to get on the subject through news tips and covered the Monsanto Protection Act all the way up until the bill containing it was signed into law by Obama.
Ultimately, as the Monsanto Protection Act became more a hot issue, we had an increasing amount of publicity — but the Senate vote came just too quickly for the attention to put a halt on the rider. But even after its passing, sources like Russia Today, NaturalNews, Infowars, and myself here at NaturalSociety were sounding the alarm big time. Enough so that it even led to an apology from the top Senator who actually ended up approving the bill containing the rider.
Senator Barbara Mikulski of Maryland actually went and released a statement apologizing for allowing the Monsanto Protection Act through and vowing to fight against GMOs and Monsanto. Ultimately, multiple Senators had entered damage control after the jig was up. That is besides Senator Roy Blunt from Missouri, who actually worked with Monsanto (as in he let them write it while he received funding) on the Monsanto Protection Act rider. A rider he says is perfectly reasonable. After all, why not give Monsanto full immunity from the legal system the rest of us are subject to?

Even Obama was getting blasted on his Facebook page following the approval of the Monsanto Protection Act, with the majority of comments coming into his page criticizing his signature on the bill that contained the rider.
Thanks to this activism, it looks like the Monsanto Protection Act may soon be repealed after this new bill hits Washington. This time, we will have plenty of time to let the Senators know that they are voting against the public if they choose to side with Monsanto. And with such a specific agenda for this bill, I see it doing well in the Senate.
Originally appeared at Natural Society.
Event and Media Resources for 5/25/13. Find Local Info and Content and Add Info and Content Here:
Posted: 25 May 2013 12:41 AM PDT

We have created an official spreadsheet for us all to upload and share pictures and streams from our events to! It is an open source spreadsheet, so we will all be able to add content at will!

It is important that we archive content from each event all together. It will make getting out the news and stories from each march much more efficient. Documentation is essential to recording this day in history. Thanks for all your hard work everyone, and have a fantastic march against Monsanto!


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Anonymous Event #OpMonsanto | Call to all Anons
The Illinois Ag Dept. illegally seized privately owned bees from renowned naturalist, Terrence Ingram, without providing him with a search warrant and before the court hearing on the matter, reports Prairie Advocate News.

Behind the obvious violations of his Constitutional rights is Monsanto. Ingram was researching Roundup’s effects on bees, which he’s raised for 58 years. “They ruined 15 years of my research,” he told Prairie Advocate, by stealing most of his stock.
A certified letter from the Ag Dept.’s Apiary Inspection Supervisor, Steven D. Chard, stated:
“During a routine inspection of your honeybee colonies by … Inspectors Susan Kivikko and Eleanor Balson on October 23, 2011, the bacterial disease ‘American Foulbrood’ was detected in a number of colonies located behind your house…. Presence of the disease in some of your colonies was confirmed via test results from the USDA Bee Research Laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland that analyzed samples collected from your apiary….”
Ingram can prove his bees did not have foulbrood, and planned to do so at a hearing set in April, but the state seized his bees at the end of March. They have not returned them and no one at the Ag Dept. seems to know where his bees are.
The bees could have been destroyed, or they could have been turned over to Monsanto to ascertain why some of his bees are resistant to Roundup. Without the bees as evidence, Ingram simply cannot defend against the phony charges of foulbrood.
Worse, all his queens died after Kivikko and Balson “inspected” his property, outside of his presence and without a warrant.
Of note, Illinois beekeepers are going underground after Ingram’s experience and refuse to register their hives, in case the state tries to steal their private property on phony claims.
bee keeping is on my wifes to do list once we move back to the country in ten years give or take. our rights are being trampled and we are being confined to a state of tyranny. the brobama admin is in not in charge but only a pawn to monsanto. march against monsatan worldwide 5-25-13 other countries have beaten them, why are we so far behind???
An hour from now, I'll be heading to downtown GR to join the March Against Mansanto.

If anyone cares to join, it's at Ah Nab Awen park. Rally meets up at 2pm, probably start the march around 2:30, but we'll see how long it takes to round up >1K people.

FWIW, over 1100 RSVP'd so far
575874_560788613965674_1616067474_n.jpgevery little bit helps. enjoyed watching their stock slip lower and lower. david has beaten goliath before!! so the story goes atleast
Jon Stewart explains the ‘Monsanto Protection Act’


Seeds of Death
"The world's leading Scientists, Physicians, Attorneys, Politicians and Environmental Activists expose the corruption and dangers surrounding the widespread use of Genetically Modified Organisms in the new feature length documentary, "Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs".


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

March Against Monsanto organizer to face charges for using amplified sound at a park

[TABLE="class: tr-caption-container"]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="class: tr-caption, align: center"]Kristin "Krissy" Jones arrested at the
Ann Arbor, Michigan
March Against Monsanto - May 25, 2013[/TD]
Madison Ruppert
Activist Post


In an apparent case of an organizer of a major protest being targeted by police, Kristen “Krissi” Jones, an organizer of the Ann Arbor, Michigan March Against Monsanto, was arrested for using amplified sound in a public park on May 25, 2013.

Jones maintains that she did no such thing and says that fifteen other people used a bullhorn in Hanover Park that day but were neither harassed nor arrested.

[h=1]Sanity prevails: US Supreme Court rules that human genes are not eligible for patent protection[/h]Thursday, June 13, 2013
(NaturalNews) In a unanimous ruling, the United States Supreme Court ruled today that human genes cannot be patented. The ruling invalidates the thousands of patents that have already been granted on human genes, including the patent by Myriad Genetics on the BRCA breast cancer genes which the company says no one else can research or even detect without paying it a royalty. Click here to read the complete ruling.

"Myriad did not create anything," said Justice Clarence Thomas. "To be sure, it found an important and useful gene, but separating that gene from its surrounding genetic material is not an act of invention."

Well, exactly. This point should have been obvious to the lower courts, too, but in today's world of corporate domination over seemingly everything, gene industry lawyers were able to argue that patent protection would somehow inspire more innovation and research. "The biotechnology industry had warned that an expansive ruling against Myriad could threaten billions of dollars of investment," wrote Reuters.

But exactly the opposite is true. Gene patents restricted research and created medical monopolies that raised prices for consumers. Even USA Today seemingly gets this point, saying, "The decision represents a victory for cancer patients, researchers and geneticists who claimed that a single company's patent raised costs, restricted research and sometimes forced women to have breasts or ovaries removed without sufficient facts or second opinions."

The ACLU, which argued the case before the Court, said, "By invalidating these patents, the Court lifted a major barrier to progress in further understanding how we can better treat and prevent diseases."

[h=1]Corporate efforts to influence the Supreme Court ultimately failed[/h]Had the Supreme Court upheld the patentability of human genes, it would have unleashed a horrifying new era of corporations and universities rushing to claim monopoly patent protection on every gene in the human genome. Virtually no one in the media covered this angle other than Natural News. We warned readers that everything found in nature could then be patented: blades of grass, insects, human ears, eye colors, hair colors... anything encoded with DNA.

We also pointed out that Angelina Jolie's carefully orchestrated announcement of a double mastectomy following BRCA gene testing seemed timed to be part of a public relations campaign engineered by the biotech industry to influence the Supreme Court decision. We also challenged Jolie to publicly denounce patents on human genes, which she never did.

It's clear that powerful forces were at work behind the scenes to try to influence this Supreme Court decision, but they failed. Ultimately, the court discovered a moment of unanimous sanity... something we see so rarely that perhaps it deserves patent protection, too.

[h=1]Huge loss for the biotech and pharmaceutical industries[/h]It's important to note that this decision is a huge loss for the biotech and pharmaceutical industries, both of which relentlessly seek total domination over all forms of life on the planet through monopoly patent protection. The biotech industry, of course, would love to patent all seeds and food crops -- even ones it hasn't genetically engineered. And the pharmaceutical industry would love to patent every human gene, thereby claiming literal ownership over every human being born into the world.

Myriad Genetics tried every desperate argument to convince the court that human genes should be patentable by corporations. They even rolled out a whacky "baseball bat theory" which claims it's an "invention" to decide where to start and end a gene sequence:

"A baseball bat doesn't exist until it's isolated from a tree. But that's still the product of human invention to decide where to begin the bat and where to end the bat." - Myriad lawyer Gregory Castanias.

That absurd argument claims that the mere deciding of which genes to snip out of DNA strands somehow makes all genes corporate property. Thankfully, the court did not agree with the baseball bat theory. As Chief Justice John Roberts explained:

"The baseball bat is quite different. You don't look at a tree and say, well, I've cut the branch here and cut it here and all of a sudden I've got a baseball bat. You have to invent it."

[h=1]Huge victory for humanity[/h]Ultimately, this decision is a tremendous victory for all humankind because it prevents the power-hungry, evil-bent medical and biotech corporations from claiming ownership over genetic sequences that already occur in nature.

This ruling means the biotech industry cannot patent common plants and animals, either. They can't patent human body parts or human gene sequences. Yes, the industry can still patent synthetically-created genes, said the Supreme Court, but that's something they would actually have to create rather than merely discover in an already-existing organism.

Today's ruling also means that men and women will have access to far less expensive testing for gene sequences in their own bodies. Currently, women who want to test themselves for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes must pay as much as $4,000 for the test due to the monopoly "ownership" of those genes by Myriad Genetics. But now that the Supreme Court has ruled such patents are invalid, prices for the test should drastically fall over time as competition enters the picture. Ultimately, the test could eventually be offered for as little as $100.

The ruling also means that other companies can conduct research on those genes without first seeking permission from Myriad. This will actually spur more innovation, potentially leading to more advanced genetic analysis tests that might help people better understand their health risks (and hopefully encourage them to change their diets and lifestyle choices to avoid expressing those genes).

In a world that seems increasingly dominated by corporate monopolies and biotechnology insanity, this ruling is a breath of fresh air. It confirms that corporations cannot patent naturally-occurring things which have been in existence for hundreds of thousands of years, and it confirms that when you have a child through an act of genetic replication, corporations cannot force you to pay royalties for your own child.

This is a decision of fundamental freedom, which is why I'm shocked the court actually ruled this way. This must be one of those rare moments of sanity in a Supreme Court that otherwise seems intent on destroying human liberty, dignity and justice.
Humans have geneticaly modified crops by hand for centuries untold and we do not need help from Monsanto to be honest . There is a natural order to things and this company is the most unnatural entity I can think of .

If we could reverse the times the whole damn corporation would be stoned to death in a very short time . Boycotting is not always possible unless you are able to spend big bucks on food and even then there is no real promise .

Grow your own weed and food but be sure to use legit honest seeds from the get go .
Molokai MOM - Standing Up to GMO


"Big News For Bees! Oregon to Ban Pesticides After Latest Bee Die Off"

Posted on July 6, 2013

According to the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA), the state is temporarily restricting the use of 18 pesticides containing dinotefuran while it investigates the death of thousands of bees near Portland this month. Dinotefuran is a neonicontinoid, a class of pesticides that have been linked to honeybee die-offs.
In a report entitled “In the wake of large bee kills, ODA takes steps in an abundance of caution,” we find that the ODA restricts use of certain dinotefuran pesticides. They are restricting the use of 18 pesticide products containing the active ingredient dinotefuran while it continues the investigation of a large kill of bumblebees in Wilsonville and Hillsboro this month. By adopting a temporary rule, ODA is taking action, in an abundance of caution, to avoid the potential of similar large bee kills this summer due to specific pesticide applications.
“I have directed the agency to take this step in an effort to minimize any potential for additional incidents involving bee deaths connected to pesticide products with this active ingredient until such time as our investigation is completed and we have more information,” says ODA Director Katy Coba. “Conclusions from the investigation will help us and our partners evaluate whether additional steps need to be considered.”
The ODA restriction focuses on ornamental, turf, and agricultural pesticide products that are used by both professional applicators and homeowners. Products with the active ingredient dinotefuran registered in Oregon for other uses, such as flea and tick control on pets or home ant and roach control, are not affected by the restriction. ODA’s concern is focused on those uses that may impact pollinators.
By statute, ODA has legal authority to establish limitations and procedures deemed necessary and proper for the protection of bees and other pollinating insects. The temporary rule, which goes into effect immediately, will be enforced for 180 days, by which time ODA is expected to complete its pesticide use investigations of the Wilsonville and Hillsboro incidents. Those investigations will determine if the pesticide applications were in violation of state and federal pesticide regulations, and will assist ODA in addressing any potential future actions.
ODA’s Pesticide Program has established a website with more information on the dinotefuran restriction, including a list of specific products affected as well as instructions for those who may have purchased these products. Go to the Oregon government website.
Here’s a list of consumer products that contain neonicontinoids via Beyond Toxics. For more on honeybees and neonics and local efforts to save the bees go to Beyond Toxics’s website.

[video=youtube;GJzfD7SMgXM][/video]people are waking up and have had enough monsanto