Most breeders are a rip off.

you can try KC brains
i know of no other breeder with a worse rep. even nirvana with it's bogus fems and autos is barely accepted for it's regs. you must be making a joke

definitely want to check sannie's jack f7 out as it's considered one of the best in the world

the thing to do is just do some reading. there are over a dozen breeders who are considered top notch. the other way to do it is to look at everyone's gear and select whatever sounds most interesting and then try to research that.

that many breeders offer really good fems, often in the $10-$15 range should be considered an extreme bargain and 10 packs for $50 or less are reasonable too. you'd spend that much on an eigth of worse stuff in many places. as long as you don't buy autos, you can turn a single female plant into a full garden for years.

breeders can charge whatever they want. it's up to the buyer to decide if it's worth it.
No, I usually shop for what I'm looking for. And yeah, because they all have a name. I think names/strains/crosses all of that shit is interesting to me. I like everything about Cannabis, so I see no reason why I shouldn't be able to talk about anything I want, strains included. I wouldn't settle for another brand just because it's cheaper, or because somebody else likes it. If I want something, I'll find it and buy it... I'm sure Sannie's is great, but I have no reason to quit doing business where I'm at now. They always have what I'm looking for and I always get it, I don't even question it anymore. I'm with ya though crazeyhazey; I think all breeders have something to offer, I've never tried KC Brains & Next Gen but my buddy grows their Avalon & grapefruit (I don't know which breeder makes which and I'm not comparing the two) outside every year, he loves it... though his "version" is 'watered-down' with the other, he just crosses 'em amongst each other. Not exactly what I'd recommend, but he likes it- so why tell him anything different?
What pisses me off is the damn near all strains marked indoor/outdoor can not handle an outdoor climate well...ust say it is prone to powdery mildew in wet outdoor conditions and save people time and aggravation.
...I also realize that K.C. Brains have questionable reputation, but I only hear negative things about them from people who dislike them (well of course), I wouldn't buy their stuff but I can't tell my friend anything different, he probably wouldn't 'hear' it anyways. I have people ripping on me for growing Dinafem stuff all the time, but I'm not gonna quit cuz they don't like it- I love 'em or else I would buy something else. I also grow Serious Seeds and more reputable stuff like GGG but I like to grow cheapies and freebies as well. I just like weed man.
i've heard mostly favorable feedback for dinafem. i think i grew at least one freebie of theirs that was OK. as to KC, some people REALLY hate the dude then. back around '03-'05 i saw at least three different rants about 0% viability. that's pretty bad if it's true and recently someone here said "he's getting better". until i start seeing some happy customers, i'll shop elsewhere.

i like testing freebies as well as random cheap gear mostly and re-buy the best stuff. sometimes a strain can surprise you.

regardless, there's enough variety out there that anyone should be able to easily find a dozen strains they like. i like MOST of what i've grown well enough as i just grow the strains that most suit my tastes. then, some stuff really stands out compared to the rest.

i'm looking to try gage green some day myself. grape krush sounds more interesting than stomper to me though. i'll 3g when i get around to IBL breeding for individual headstash.
No, I usually shop for what I'm looking for. And yeah, because they all have a name. I think names/strains/crosses all of that shit is interesting to me. I like everything about Cannabis, so I see no reason why I shouldn't be able to talk about anything I want, strains included. I wouldn't settle for another brand just because it's cheaper, or because somebody else likes it. If I want something, I'll find it and buy it... I'm sure Sannie's is great, but I have no reason to quit doing business where I'm at now. They always have what I'm looking for and I always get it, I don't even question it anymore. I'm with ya though crazeyhazey; I think all breeders have something to offer, I've never tried KC Brains & Next Gen but my buddy grows their Avalon & grapefruit (I don't know which breeder makes which and I'm not comparing the two) outside every year, he loves it... though his "version" is 'watered-down' with the other, he just crosses 'em amongst each other. Not exactly what I'd recommend, but he likes it- so why tell him anything different?

i mean genetics can be really unique sometimes but all i feel that matters is yield, potency and if its more sativa dom or indica, sannie has a wide variety of indicas, sativas and any ratio of hybrid, bottom line youll be very satisfied i guarantee, he documents his parents and stabilizes most of the strains for a few generations, hes also famous for the killing fields like hazey grapes mentioned. you can buy from ok breeders for a knockoff strain and do some pheno hunting, maybe some selective breeding and stabilize it, youll probably get a killer strain. but if you dont wanna do any work to find a good pheno id highly suggest sannie, youll find out anything you want about his strains in the descriptions.
What pisses me off is the damn near all strains marked indoor/outdoor can not handle an outdoor climate well...ust say it is prone to powdery mildew in wet outdoor conditions and save people time and aggravation.

thats why im always looking into genetic lineage, if theres a coastal land race in its background or a land race grown in swampy climate. idk if reeferman still sells seawarp but anything with that in it will like never mold, even in FL swamp ass weather.
I seem to preach about Dinafem :) They are hands down my favorite breeder for photos and autos. mad <3 But I do agree.. seems to be more shady knockoffs these days then not.
There are a lot of shady seed banks, I find everything I need at the Attitude, when I can't find it there I go to Cannazon because they have exclusives & other stuff you can't find at other banks. Sannie's is fine, if you're happy with 'em but I like variety and they only sell seeds from themselves and 1 or 2 other breeders;that's fine too but they only really have Jack Herer hybrids plus what Dynasty & Breeder's Choice offers. Seem alright to me, I just have no use for them, I can get everything they have and more where I go already. I really wish Bodhi seeds would produce enough seeds to meet the demand for them for longer than a couple of hours at a time... :(
i've heard mostly favorable feedback for dinafem. i think i grew at least one freebie of theirs that was OK. as to KC, some people REALLY hate the dude then. back around '03-'05 i saw at least three different rants about 0% viability. that's pretty bad if it's true and recently someone here said "he's getting better". until i start seeing some happy customers, i'll shop elsewhere.

i like testing freebies as well as random cheap gear mostly and re-buy the best stuff. sometimes a strain can surprise you.

regardless, there's enough variety out there that anyone should be able to easily find a dozen strains they like. i like MOST of what i've grown well enough as i just grow the strains that most suit my tastes. then, some stuff really stands out compared to the rest.

i'm looking to try gage green some day myself. grape krush sounds more interesting than stomper to me though. i'll 3g when i get around to IBL breeding for individual headstash.

KC Brains beans crack just fine for me...
I remember when KC Brains was one of the few to start selling beans through High Times... them and Next Generation both seemed pretty big until the uprising of a plethora of breeders. I've never grown their stuff but I know an older cat who still plays with a KC Mango X Avalon cross he made, I think he even watered it down further crossing that to a bag seed of some sort but he harvests waay too early every time and loves every minute of it; so what the hell aye?
Life is all about having fun really... whatever floats his boat... I gave away most of the KC Brains seedlings I had last season, I kept two and they both turned out to be males :(

I'm not giving away any this year and I'm gonna find out what the Leda Uno smokes like...
I have learned to become stingy as well... I gave out many cuttings this summer, only so those people could kill them with kindness. I just stopped assuming that most people have common sense, because most of them don't.
Mine was different situation, my out door grow was compromised so instead of getting caught or getting ripped later down the road I removed it all and gave away most of the little plants... kept a few to keep close to home and some indoors... but most of what was around 110 plants I gave away...
:/ That sucks, I had to give away a lot of clones over the summer myself. I just didn't have the means to get a lot of 'em outside but I never planned to give any away, I wanted to grow 'em all myself.. it coulda kept me out of trouble though so I guess I'm kind of thankful for that.
I disagree with your assessment of the flavour... but it is a good smoke... Never in my life will I grow it again tho...
tastes vary from individual to individual. i don't care if it's the most popular strain in the world, i do not like the taste of blueberry at all. it's weak tasting and a yucky, to me, taste at that. sour cream reminded me of a desert. i don't like bitter at all, so most berries annoy me and i'd rather eat vanilla ice cream than chocolate. that's just my tastes. bitter and i don't get along at all. i'd rather eat a lemon than a peach.

KC Brains beans crack just fine for me...
i don't have the personal experience with his gear to know one way or the other, but about 3 members back from the overgrow days REALLY had it in for him. it might have been one person with an axe to grind creating multiple accounts over a lost order or something. i'll make a mental note to add that favorable comment to the most recent "he's getting better" one i read a couple years ago. i'll still need to see a lot more thumbs ups though before i seriously consider trying mango
There are a lot of shady seed banks, I find everything I need at the Attitude, when I can't find it there I go to Cannazon because they have exclusives & other stuff you can't find at other banks. Sannie's is fine, if you're happy with 'em but I like variety and they only sell seeds from themselves and 1 or 2 other breeders;that's fine too but they only really have Jack Herer hybrids plus what Dynasty & Breeder's Choice offers. Seem alright to me, I just have no use for them, I can get everything they have and more where I go already. I really wish Bodhi seeds would produce enough seeds to meet the demand for them for longer than a couple of hours at a time... :(

theres sannie and plenty more other breeders, he kept some of mortabel genetics which are some of the best strains ive seen, his dooble koosh has some great pre-98 bubba characteristics with some g13, though herijuana has to be my favorite. not to mention his g13, diesel, cheese and herijuana crosses are bomb(anethesia, k.o. kush), but his jack crosses are pretty nice. most of em are usually bred beyond F1 and they let me know exactly what phenos to expect. hes got a some of the best sativas and indicas out there, not to mention every possible hybrid inbetween. he just came out with silver fields(killing fields x super silver haze) and chuckys bride(exodus cheese x c99).