Most lucrative drug's to produce from home (upkeep vs product value)


Well-Known Member
Watched a documentary on shrooming, and fuck... Got to say per $ spent, plus upkeep, worth of product, jesus, it blows marijuana out of the water... A pressure cooker, lysol, some gloves, and mason jars most of us already have for curing. Plus some LEGALLY ordered spores online for 25 bucks and your in biz... Lighting is next to nothing, and per gram, its about in the same ballpark plus or minus from mary jane. The upkeep is pathetically low. This got my entrepreneur mind going, and I thought if these can be had, much more stealth than marijuana, and at such low cost compared to it... What else is there...

This should include only things you can produce with a budget of a few hundred to $1,000.00 USD for start up (so most can afford it, in order to supplement income in these shit times).

Anyone chime in, and throw your .02 in, for anyone looking to bend some rules, to make some money, this will be a decent thread to read.

Also I am taking into consideration only drugs manufactured INDOORS. Marijuana outdoors is huge profit, but indoor, I have to say shrooms top it (upkeep vs product value).

Let's hear it mo fukka's!
the only thing about shrooms vs cannabis, is shrooms are a much more niche market.. of course, it all depends on your age, and where you live, but even still, way more people smoke weed than take shrooms locally, around me that i can think of off of the top of my head..
people who smoke weed, tend to smoke every day, and people who trip off of shrooms, might do it every once in a great while. of course, some people will do them way more often, but by and large, shrooms always seem like a blue moon kind of thing...
don't get me wrong, if you were to go to festivals and concerts and stuff of that sort and setup shop, i'm sure you could make a killing... you could also get arrested, and or get your stash caught be security just trying to get in the door..

but yeah, saying all of that, i still think there's way more money in bud, unless you plan on going on tour or going to a bunch of festies like i said earlier..
I agree is a less taken substance in my local market, VERY VERY FEW have it... IF its even available... Personally because i like to be fucked up, but stay awake, it should be more my deal... Since i have yet to try, but hear all sorts of positive things. But the market for weed, is also a market for anything organic, and mushrooms, are that... I already have like half dozen people saying if i propagate them, they will buy the shit out of them, as well as that, 3 are marijuana dealers I have supplied in the past with sticky. Who also have said they have demand for it, yet cant get any... If i Sell, I sell cheap, everybody makes money, and everyone is happy (less chance they will ever fuck me, they would fuck another suppler before me, i make it known if i wanted the risk i would sell for the real value)... I did not get into anything to be greedy, although money was always there, not going to lie. I rather make much less, and have a few people between me/product user than sell direct and get all the money... I'm not about it. They can be greedy if they want to, but they know me as a friend... I do favors, which means, if i get locked up because you fuck up, I rather spend the rest of my life in prison from what i do to you, or run aloft to anywhere broke, than live knowing you fucked me bad, and i never even got a reach around. just how i'm built... If i make bad with something, People know I pay back... Theif of shit, is never tolerated, nor is having a big fucking mouth. jail is jail, prison prison... Any one of less than handful of people on normal basis could finger me, and none of them know my shit in detail... As anyone with half a fucking brain, we have measures we take.

Its the fucks trying to get rich overnight that fuck themself in the long run... You hustle crack, cause you wanna buy a key of coke, and turn it into 40-50k... that's your deal... I rather endorse, and try my own product which means nothing highly addictive. Hell to this day I am more addicted to alcohol than anything, i might as well start moonshining.
The bars are a lot better than a 9-5 minus pussy... workout / yard / tv = freedom... strapped to a dickhead boss 9/5 is far worse. In jail you got an issue with somebody, you can act on it, in the outside, your fucked or you go INSIDE. its pathetic.
i think if there was anything better/ more lucrative than weed folk would be doing it this is why its the no1 cash crop

doesn't stop people wanting to branch out though
i have heard folk wanting to grow their own indoor poppies
i have seen others ask about Bolivian coco shrubs lol can i grow these under hps
what about saffron or strawberries some ask, perhaps if you have a few spare hectares

i think your mushroom idea is perhaps the most realistic
but as RB pointed out its such a niche market and folk don't tend to take mushrooms daily
if you know how to find a large clientele like going to festivals or concerts which is risky but many can be sold quickly
you can have folk doing that dirty work for you im sure its possible, nice idea

peace n good luck
Meth is probably the best $$ wise. Really easy to make if you have a bit of chemistry know how, and access to a few really easy to get chemicals. Infinite shelf life, sells for a lot, people come back for more even if its garbage. But its pretty evil too, and horribly easy to end up hopelessly hooked to.
i think if there was anything better/ more lucrative than weed folk would be doing it this is why its the no1 cash crop

doesn't stop people wanting to branch out though
i have heard folk wanting to grow their own indoor poppies
i have seen others ask about Bolivian coco shrubs lol can i grow these under hps
what about saffron or strawberries some ask, perhaps if you have a few spare hectares

i think your mushroom idea is perhaps the most realistic
but as RB pointed out its such a niche market and folk don't tend to take mushrooms daily
if you know how to find a large clientele like going to festivals or concerts which is risky but many can be sold quickly
you can have folk doing that dirty work for you im sure its possible, nice idea

peace n good luck

Only problem with poppies and coca plants is you need a LOT to produce a tangible amount of opium/heroin or coke.
What's the documentary called?
I used to go and pick magic mushrooms from a cricket pitch and girl's school hockey field amongst other places. It's kinda dangerous to have enough pshychoactive to floor a bison, but you learn to fear and respect it given time... both of us did.
I'm just considering the most viable option that takes next to nothing... Why does every marijuana grower, not branch out to at least shrooms...

I mean i have gone as far as thinking about seeing up a lab, and going the mdma route, not only do it love the drug, its is next to harmless, and nothing but happy customers, but its street value is next to nothing, and the synthesizing of it will yield MASS product / profits. the problem is the money in education, and lab equipment. Not only is it massively profitable, but it is also massively illegal, which comes with more bullshit. Which as i have read, you CAN do it with no chem background, BUT WHYYYYYYY!? Organic chemistry college class is the best bet. Get organized... For as far as i know, unless your importing cocaine 40-70 a gram, where as your pure mdma is worth 70-100 a gram... THATS INSANE!!!!
What's the documentary called?
I used to go and pick magic mushrooms from a cricket pitch and girl's school hockey field amongst other places. It's kinda dangerous to have enough pshychoactive to floor a bison, but you learn to fear and respect it given time... both of us did.
just watch it...

all you have to do is wholesale to people dealing with zips or quops. one thing i weigh is risk against penalty against profit.
if you can push it, homeade "acid" cdlsa is easy enough and super cheap..
my indoor yields 11$ oz's. I can crystallize the hash nd double the price of bho