Well-Known Member
Your right they do say to start in your final pots but ya see there are a lot of heavy handed ppl out there that maybe tried transplanting autos and you have to be so careful and take your time with it so ppl probably had issues and that's what started that rumor ya know, I have 2 rooms 1 room for auto i start in jiffy pellets then to one gallon and then move up to a 3 gallon for the finish and because they have a shorted life cycle 3 gallon is perfecto to finish in but my other room is for photo period only and I finish is in 5 gallon pots which are fairly big but the root systems are massive when I'm done and dusted it looks like the soil has disappeared because there is just such an abundance of roots, ya see the way too look at it bro is that of your roots become bound and cannot thrive any further the same thing will happen to her fruits
you made the right decision ya see things like don't top or don't do this or that with autos is all hearsay and has been proven to work I have topped autos and never had any issues as long as proper care and patience is taken and you do it at just the right time she will bounce back with an explosion of lower growth