My 1st medicine cabinet. 270 watt ES Supernova LED. Onyx and EasyRyder Autoflowerfem


Active Member
They are looking really good to me. I can see the new sets of tiny leaves coming in. Temp is 79 degrees and Rh is 48% Sorry no pics to post tonight had to keep the wife happy and take her out to dinner. I've been in the run since I got off work. I did pick up a ph meter at the local store. I think I calibrated it right. If so then my tap water is at 7.1 ph and the distiller water I have is reading 5.8 ph. Looks like I need to make a trip back to the local store for the ph up/down stuff. They look like they may need a little water by then, should I give them a little drink of what I've been giving them from the beginning which is the distilled water. Maybe the tap is better? That is until I can get the right stuff tomorrow. Any suggestions? Thanks!


Active Member
Well it has been a busy last couple of days. I bought a hannah digital ph meter at the local hydro store. Also got the calibration solution and the ph up/down solutions. Bought some spray bottles and other items. So now I just have to lower the PH of my tap water. Seems easy enough. Was wondering now that I have the meter and the solutions to adjust ph do I need to let my tap water sit out at all before adjusting ph or can I adjust straight from the tap and water right away? Pretty sure that when the time comes to add nutes I add nutes to tap water then check and adjust the ph? The Plants are looking really good! In a pic or 2 I pulled the first true leave aside a little to show the new leaves coming in. Its been ten days so far and I think maybe I should transplant in about a week. Any suggestions on this? I am using the recipe for success kit by technaflora. Today i am going to spray some thrive alive b-1 green solution onto the foliage. Not sure if I should spray under leaves also? I will just give a spray on top for now. I think this should have been done by now not sure. I have also noticed in two of the pots that there is some sort of green stuff on the soil and some perlite has turned green. You can see this in a couple pics. Is this something to worry about? Is it an algae or fungi? I am using fox farms ocean forest soil. No nutes yet just water. Any info and advice is welcome and appreciated! Thanks! Well as I write this UPS has arrived with my elf filter. Got some mods to the case to do this weekend.P9160101.jpgP9160100.jpgP9160107.jpgP9160104.jpgP9160106.jpgP9160102.jpgP9160099.jpg


Active Member
looking good there're startin to get bigger and nice dark green aswel thats what ive noticed with leds they always seem a really healthy looking colour whereas somtimes under traditional lights you somtimes get a very pale leaf, unless anyone else has seen that with leds?


Active Member
looking good there're startin to get bigger and nice dark green aswel thats what ive noticed with leds they always seem a really healthy looking colour whereas somtimes under traditional lights you somtimes get a very pale leaf, unless anyone else has seen that with leds?
Thanks. Do you think I got anything to worry about with that green stuff?


Well-Known Member
looking good there're startin to get bigger and nice dark green aswel thats what ive noticed with leds they always seem a really healthy looking colour whereas somtimes under traditional lights you somtimes get a very pale leaf, unless anyone else has seen that with leds?
Yep, LED is really dialled in to veg, most people question them at flowering time though..I'm still trying to figure that out for myself..


Active Member
looking at ur pics the soil looks very wet if you water less often and let the soil dry out abit then the green slime should go


Well-Known Member
Or you could put some hydroton balls over the top, only covers it though. Wont solve your possible overwatering problem though. :-)


Active Member
looking at ur pics the soil looks very wet if you water less often and let the soil dry out abit then the green slime should go
Cool thanks! I did water before I took the pic. Pretty sure they needed it soil was kinda dry to me. Thanks I'll definitely watch to make sure nor to over water!


Active Member
Or you could put some hydroton balls over the top, only covers it though. Wont solve your possible overwatering problem though. :-)
Thanks for your input! I am definitely trying not to overwater. Feel like I was doing a good job at that. I'll google the hydroton and see what that's all about thanks!


Active Member
Well I took a peek in on them this morning before work. It sure is cool to see new growth everyday! The easyryder is definitely taller today! They all have new leaves coming in that are bigger than last night. Also last night I sprayed some b-1 water mix onto the foliage as per my recipe for success kit.


Active Member
One more thing. Has anyone else received an email from telling you to click on a link in the email to reconfirm your email or it will be removed from the list. Is this legit? Seemed kinda odd!


Active Member
na iv got no email, and yea just wait abit longer between watering as even if the soil is dry on the top its probably damp deeper down


Well-Known Member
Remember that LEd runs at a much lower heat to traditional HID lights so you wont get the same amount of evaporation, watering less is called for. Good job though, looking nice!!!


Calyx LED
There are cheaper alternatives to the SuperNova. DH makes a 270w UFO also...

OP -Nice setup brotha! Looking forward to seeing your results!
1200 damnn lol wish i had that kinda money to blow on lights, lookin forward to see how this turns out as im considering upgrading my leds sometime in the future


Active Member
This past week has been really busy! Glad my weekend is here and the mod To my case is complete also. I was up till midnight hanging the new elf filter and moving the fan outside the case and mounting it on top of the cabinet. I gotta say I like my cabinet a lot better this way. Still deciding if I want to try and muffle the fan. I bought some water heater insulation if I decide to do this. It may do the job. Inside the cabinet looks better also. The filter is up top freeing up space for another pot. I have space for 6 of my three gallon square pots now. Well the plants are looking really nice to me. Lots of new growth coming in. The easyryder is the tallest still. After I to took the pics I did give them some water. Been two days since the last watering. Anyway This is posted from my iPhone while I stream football on my CPU. Will post the pics at halftime. Thanks for following!