My 1st organic grow... pics & setup!


Well-Known Member
no pics of the plants on this update,... I am waiting for some flowers to show up... but I just saw something really cool in the room though, a black ladybug!!! it was drowning in the waste water bucket, it's a big one I am amazed I had never seen it!! Can anyone tell me also if the other tiny black bug beside it is a baby ladybug? I am really happy to have them in my garden, I was expecting them to die sooner but there is still quite a few around!


Is it possible that she turned black because she got caked by my UVB light!? hehe


Well-Known Member
No flower yet, but I can see a hairs coming out, ... I didnt spend much time looking, it took me 15 minutes just to water them.

Today was treat time, I had made a compost tea with a ready brew kit I bought online from . Looking forward to see how the plants respond to it.

They are doing really well, it should be a fine harvest. I will not touch them anymore, only raise the lights from now on.

What can I expect per plant assuming that everything goes fine from here? just a rough estimate on the lower side...

Here is a few pics, Enjoy.! :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Hey Gastanker! thanks for stopping by, ... yes they are blowing up! So far, my girls are doing really well.

I just cleaned as much as I could under the screen, I left a few buds on the grapefruit that were below the screen because it almost look like they are gonna make it,... and the blue mystic I just did my best... I spent about 40 minutes contortioned on my knees!!

I am worry though, ... I can't believe how much of a commitment it is to grow the medicine!! Anything can go wrong anytime! My plants in my experimental dresser are not doing good at all and it makes me realise that I would be lucky to bring those 3 girls to harvest without issues.

I am crossing my finger.

Here is a little pictures update... hope you enjoy! :leaf:



Well-Known Member
They are looking great.

Growing is definitely a test of endurance. Pot is easy to grow if everything goes right, but it's hard to have everything go right all the time. A single fan failure on a hot day, a bad spray job, mite breakout, forgotten watering... can decimate a crop in a day or two. My last crop went straight into the trash after 2 weeks flower - 100 degree ambient temps and the AC failed so I had no option. Cutting a bunch of large flowering plants just to compost them is a very sad day but sometimes you just have to accept what the pot god decides.

Keep it up, I bet you can get those 3 to maturity. If not don't fret, instead think about how you're just becoming more experienced :)


Well-Known Member
DAY 19 FLOWERING I believe...

Things are going really well, the better it goes the more anxious I get, ... I do not want to fail!!

My goal was to get 1.5lbs , does it look achievable from looking at those pics? I know that is asking a lot of 3 plants hehe. I guess 1 lbs would be great too!

Some buds on the AK apparently got a little hot, I think it will recover just fine, otherwise it's just like the tip of 3 buds. How far should I keep my 400s? I have them at about 10-12 inches right now (was 6-8 at some point). Maybe they were burnt by the UVB lamp, I raised that one up a bit as well.

Anyway, on the pics you can see the stalks of my favorite, the blue mystic, it's also currently growing the fattest buds, but for some reason they are not growing upward as much as the other 2 plants. Cheers



Well-Known Member
little update, I think everything is going good, lots of flowers. I will feel really good when I will be harvesting my plants... for now I can't help it, I am anxious!!

How much damage can a little bit of pest really do? I mean I am about 23 days into flowering, I have found the odd gnats, so they are around... but my room looks pretty clean overall. I am just wondering how much time do they need to really make damage? I do have neem cake in my top dressing and in my super soil, I have sprayed habaneros water a few times on them, twice in the last week. (the ladybugs dont like it!!!)

Also, what is the minimum distance between the 400s and the top of the plants?

thanks (special thanks to Gastanker!! it seems like you are the only one following my journal these days so these questions are for you!! hehe)



Well-Known Member
I made a nice tea for my girls yesterday, I am planning on giving them another one around the 20th. I was just moving leaves around (its so bushy) to give more light to a few buds, I was not very successful at it but anyway, just moving them around created a really sweet aroma in the room and on my hands... to die for! I cannot wait to smoke the best bud I have ever had. The buds are growing a little bit every day, and they are getting really frosty! I can't believe I am barely halfway there, starting to feel like I will reach my minimum goal of 1pound easy. pics in a few days :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Look at the size of the stump of the blue mystic!! (circled in red) it's huge!! I submitted a little Christmas pics for the club600 Christmas contest, so that is why I have a decorated bud! Things are going well, the hairs are not turning brown yet so I am a bit worry that it will be much longer before harvest, but if they keep growing it's all good hehe. Does it look like they could be ready in less than 25 days? The Afghan Kush is suppose to be 56 days of flowering to harvest so I figured probably 60 (always seems to take a little longer right?)... That would put me around the January 11th!? Does it look like it's possible still? Thanks



Well-Known Member
You look right on track! Super frosty buds and nice dense canopy - I'm thinking you are going to out yield me on this run. I have a feeling we're going to be cutting around the same time as well. My 8 week mark is around the first but I have a feeling they will need a couple more weeks. You would be surprised though how quickly plants can pull their pistils in and finish up.

Loved your xmas submission.


Well-Known Member
Hehe Thanks Gastanker ! I doubt that I will out yield you though!! I just looked at a few 10days old pics from your grow and you may have less main buds but they are much longer!! What you see in my pics is what I get, the canopy is so thick that there is not enough light penetrating. The Blue Mystic and the Grapefruit will definitely be the big yielder, the afghan kush is really nice and frosty but I don't expect much yield, the buds aren't thick!! It's so hard to guess the yield though... I am hoping for a pound so bad but unless they swell considerably more within the next 20 days, I can't see it happen! The AK has 2 oz at the most on it... Anyway, regardless of the yield, I am very happy with my garden, and very proud of myself!! I am addicted!

BTW, I just saw this morning the hairs are turning brown on the AK! and also starting on the Grapefruit!


Well-Known Member
Nice! Its weird, my more indica dom doesn't have any brown hairs but looks much closer to being finished in every other aspect than my sativa dom which is just starting to have brown hairs. I have a sick feeling some of my plants are going to want to go way longer than I am willing - I hate the wait this close to harvest.

I don't know about a pound... I'm expecting ~8oz after a really close trim. If I had had the other two plants I might have hit up to 12oz and I could have likely had an oz sized plant in it's own pot in the front corner to bump it to 13, but 16oz from a 600w is fairly difficult. I always aim low but with top shelf meds :) If I yield more than I expect it's just icing on the cake.


Well-Known Member
I got 400W hps, 360W hps (conversion bulb hortilux), 100W LED and a 125W reptile lamp that goes on every other hour... so almost a 1000W. I would expect better result than 1x600W hps? what do you think? So that is why my hopes were high! I figured that .4g/watt was realistic considering everything went well but it's only 3 plants... also I must say that some of the light is being wasted on one side of the room. I was hoping that I wouldnt have to buy any weed for a long period of time, 8oz is just not going to cut it!! hehe. anyway, only time will tell... now that you say you expect 8oz I certainly want to out yield you haha! I wish you lots more, good luck!


Well-Known Member
Just popped in to say well done man , your BM pheno is nothing like i recieved , very nice Enduro :)
Was that pins lol @ first i thought u had more ladybugs ahahaa


Well-Known Member
hehe... it was pins hehe everytime I water my plants the ladybugs are rushing out of their hiding place... I think there is about 20 of them still alive!! I think I will always grow with ladybugs now, they are truly awesome!! hehe. I am a bit worry about the BM though because it's not lush green, it's very pale, the buds are still growing nicely. The Grapefruit is doing the best of them all, its got some nice fat buds on it and it's all green still. (they should both have similar weight in the end) The AK is so sugary, I am gonna try to take better pictures of it tonight, the buds are smaller but I have never seen so much frost before!!. anyway, thanks for stopping by clonex! are you not uploading your joournal anymore ?


Well-Known Member
yeah i will be , i have just finished re-building 1 of my tents into a larger area ,
hope you dont mind vid on your thread , i can delete after ,
[video=youtube;gGv3KbGJiuQ] ySS5ubdMvn5RI-qXff1T[/video]

Plus i am looking into Soiless grow techniques , i have 2 vegg rooms working hard to fill new area , the 2 short bushier plants are the best BM pheno i saved and am trying all i can to make something of them .....

i have new beans now including chocolope , but im waiting on the vegg rooms,
again your girls are looking wicked :)