My 2019/2020 Winter Grow


Well-Known Member
Welcome to my 2019/2020 winter grow.

This year I'm growing 4 plants that I have previously named "Rick Hermie", which are seeds from an ounce that I purchased several years ago, I have grown this strain before and was surprized how good it was.

I'll be growing my plants in the "Hempy" style using perlite, with a soil core & soil cap

Two plants are in 3 US gallon buckets, one in a 1 gallon bucket, and the fourth in a 2L pop bottle. (the fifth one will be destroyed soon, as we have a 4 plant max here in Canada).

This year I'm back to using my 600 watt HPS, as I was not overly impressed with the 315 CMH that I used last year

I have not decided yet which nutes to use, as I have 3 options but will think about it for awhile

The seeds popped on Nov 10th, which I kept under a few CFL's for a few days

Nov 13th

Nov 16th

Nov 18th - setup the grow tent and my 600 watt HPS, but only running at 50% power

Nov 19th - this morning, they are doing well, but I see the runt in the yogurt cup is lacking so its days are numbered

Indoor Sun King
The gals are doing well, but not as expected, as some always do better than others even if they all came from the same plant.

I rated them and used the two best as #1 and #2 in the blue buckets, third best in the 1 gallon and the fourth best in the 2L pop bottle, (the fifth stayed in the yogurt cup).

They took well to the 600 watt HPS so I moved them closer (about 16 inches) and will move them closer as they progress


# 1



# 4 (which is doing the best, likely because the others are putting more effort into building roots)

in the tent

this is the fifth one which I uprooted today....rather impressed on the length of the roots considering it was in a yogurt cup...but was surprized how much the others grew compared to it.

Yesterday I started adding nutes which is much sooner than I would normally use them but their chart said to used as soon as transplanted (I waited several days to be on the safe side).

I'm using "Technaflora" nutes which are way overkill but I got two starter kits for free at our MJ trade show, so I want to experiment with them.

Below are the bottles from just one kit....I normally use GH Maxi-Grow (Lucas formula) which is a very simplest method, so time will tell how these fancy nutes perform
Dec 6, 2019 update

The gals in the blue buckets are kicking into gear and are now bigger than the 2L pop bottle

Dec 12, 2019 update

The gals are doing okay except for the 2L runt, its leave are a bit yellow but not a right off yet


# 1 - this gal is looking more bushy than her sister in the 3 gallon bucket

# 2 - this gal is a bit on the thinner side than her sister but is healthy

# 3 (one gallon bucket) this gal is doing okay, just a bit behind the blue buckets

# 4 - (2L pop bottle) the leaves on the bottom are turning yellow, and even the top leaves are a lighter shade of green compared to the others
Dec 15, 2019

I turned up the power output on the HPS from 50% to 100% and replaced the 600w bulb with a new one.

I use an old bulb when running under 100%, as I heard it's hard on the bulb to run at 50% or 75%, but I'm not sure this is true or not.

The plants did not take well to the new bulb and 100% as they started to droop a bit, so I have the lights 14' away now.

In retrospect, I should have ran at 75% for a week or two

I just noticed today that # 1 is starting to show some minor signs of a calcium and/or magnesium deficit, so I'll be increasing the Cal-Mag supplement from 5ml to 6ml per batch (6 litres).

the 2L pop bottle is still looking pale, but seems to not be getting worst



# 2

# 3


along for the ride . I legit accidentally chopped a pant in half at this size and taped it back together lol. coming along nicely now. I'm finding the girls always pull through!!
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Hey man! I see one of your seedlings was started in a very small yogurt cup;
I started a seedling in something not much bigger; How old was it when you transplanted it exactly?
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Hey man! I see one of your seedlings was started in a very small yogurt cup;
I started a seedling in something not much bigger; How old was it when you transplanted it exactly?
they were only about 8 days old when I transplanted from the yogurt cups to the hempy buckets

Most people use rock wool or plugs to start the seedlings, but @WattSaver got me using a soil core to start the plants...and a soil cap
Looking good, have you figured out why the 2L one is droopy?
I'm thinking that since its reserve is so much smaller, that it's lacking nutrients, as it's on the same feed cycle as the others.

That would explain the yellow leaves...but as to why it's still drooping it not obvious to me.

They all were dropping when I switched the HPS to a brand new bulb and cranked the power level from 50% to 100%....but the other three have adjusted, the little 2L is still not happy.
Dec 29 update

I switched my lights to 11/13 yesterday, so I'm starting the flower mode.

I checked my nute chart and realized that I've been fucking up for the last month.

I've been feeding them all this time in the "transplanting stage" and I was using 15ml of the SugarDaddy & Root 66 instead of the recommended 10 ml of each..... so I should have been using the BC Boost, BC Grow, Thrive Alive during this veg stage.

I guess I'll use this veg formula for 2 weeks before switching to the recommended nutes during the flower stage.....way to complex for a pot smoker :)

Anyhow, they don't look any worse for wear, but I'm sure they are not growing to their potential



# 2

# 3

# 4
The gals are doing okay....they are taking well to the new formula

I got a new camera, so the pics will have a date stamp on them now...hopefully the quality is as good.

The plants are now too big to move to the kitchen to feed and "strike a pose"

the family

# 1 - is about 3 inches shorter than the her twin sister

# 2 - the tallest of the bunch

# 3 - this gal is doing well but is much shorter than the 3 gallon buckets

# 4 - this one looks really thin and sparse....this won't gal won't produce much....but I will be moving this one into the sunshine when available as being small it's easy to move around