Well shit, got too many clones, but got some for mothers, some for Fall outside, some for my flower chamber soon.
Well shot a video soon.
(gdp)Big fish is not doing good?Root bound, didn't help ether, but put in a 5 gallon bucket now.All the rest are going good.About 3-4 weeks in, on this run.Sweet kush, well be done in 2 weeks too.
Moving a tangerine kush from outside, in.Have it separated rite now, just spayed it down with neem and caterpillar spray.
Fucker was^ just small?So I put a one foot, gdp clone, in it's place outside
Everything is going good,, but was laid off from my job:fuck it, got my unemplyment coming, and my grow going too, to help me out throw my ruff times.
Wish I could put some money in my old skool ride too.Soon my friends soon, but my family comes first.After I get back on my feet, I'll paint my 68, and put money in my back yard.Going to start the irrigation soon.
Landscaped for 10 years, so this will be fun