My Art

Wow buddy. You are really good. I would have elaborated more earlier but I had to go and make dinner for hubby before work.
This is the type of work that authors look for to add to their front covers etc. Its truly excellent and you no doubt have a future in doing something you love which I think everyone should have the right to do.
I dabble with watercolours and woodburning but nothing comparesd to this

Bravo:clap: It's totally awesome!!!!!
i dont know what painter x is
I didnt finish this one, but look at the left at the bird. is it flying? or is sittin down? is it ina box? or is the box a opening to another world? :D
so twisted and beautiful, I love them. Great work, you're very talented. I have trouble draweing stick figures lolz.
ok thanks guys, means alot to me, this art teacher i showed said i put to much detail and i dont have a focus point lol, bet he cant even draw anything i can. here is something i started with like 6 color pencils and never finished it. I never used colors before, cuz life is simple and is black and white to me :D
thats only half of the paper, the scanner wont accept the full size paper for some reason
I like the one with the trees.whats amazing to me is how the hell do you think of shit like that.I wish I could draw.
There's a lot going on in those, maybe add some colour/try and simplify those thoughts man...or you need a bigger canvas!
Simplify...........LOL thats degrading. wow then u wont like this.
BTW copy it to ur desktop and print it out or zoom in by 150-200% to see everything. everything is something in that picture and is a puzzle u have to put together in ur head and make out what u can.
and btw, when u take mushrooms, is everything simple or complex in ur mind. for me its complex and makes my art complex. who takes mushrooms should no that.
not long, i never took any art classes for drawing, just basic art classes in middle skool. one day at skool i just started drawing and thats what i drew.