right that was the reason i posted it, to clarify if this is what his plants looked like. I know what my problem was, it froze, i mentioned that.The freezing question is was for mafia(he posted as pic). As to your problems-----FFOF should'nt be above 7PH---Did you add anything to it?-----How long have the plants been in that soil?
Good advice, that's how i do it!!lower the ph of ur water to 6.7 with the next watering(but let it dry out, ur going to create a second problem of over watering) and after that watering, let it dry, then go down to 6.2 and make sure every water u give it is exactly at 6.2 +- .1 which means, only 6.1, 6.2, 6.3..... not.. 6.0 or 6.4
Ok, i see where youre coming from. I never mentioned watering with 6.7 water. I drop my water to about 5.8-6.0, before i give it to the girls.When i add this water to the plant, the PH reads at exactly6.5 in the soil.lilmafia---In your first post you said the pics were from cold night temps---I replied a few posts down with----"did it freeze?"--haze thought I was asking him the question, that is why I posted the--"intended for mafia"---LOL---Back on topic---Its not over-watering---You can worry about over-watering in the seedling and first 6 weeks of the vegetative cycle. Once the plants have developed a substantial root system it would be very-very hard to over-water. As far as feeding water at 6.7----bad advice--He already stated his soil ph was 7.5--At this point anything over 6.5 will cause iron to be unavailable and other micros's as well---more plant deficiencies. As soon as he get a cheap PH tester we will correct his problems.