My cabinet grow journal!

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Well-Known Member
Yeah, those set of pics look great. Very healthy looking, Don't see any issues.

As far as your others, what are you using for nutes? Some look like they could have nute burn, others look like it could be a diffiencey, and then I don't know whats going on with your gimpy looking ones. I really am not sure what you have givem them for nutes, water, ect so its hard to say.
Well, Plant 3, oasis has the wilted tops so i flushed and the new growth looks better. I think this might just be a weak plant.
The other ones with yellow leaves i haven't given anything to since i had MG soil in the potting mix, left overs, so i didn't want to overdue it.
The gimpy shrivled up one is one that dropped in a bucket of water.....just a goof shot to see if i could get it to come back, but not to worried.

The four big ones get a small dose of MG with mother earth tea mixed in the water, that is PH balance to 6.0-6.5.

The little ones with the yellow lower leaves are, in my opinion, a N deficiency, is this correct?

Aww, I see why it looks droopy, was dropped in water huh. I actually had a mishap with one of the little seedlings. It tipped over. Luckily Nothing to bad happend. I just picked up the soil that fell out, and all is well. But I have 2 really strong ones going, they are doing good. The biggest is getting his second set of leaves. Yeah...I am still at the starting stages, but soon enough it will be time to flower...It goes bye quick..or at least I hope it will. haha

Puff...Puff...Passes it back to you


Well-Known Member
Well, here is what happened to day:

I got there to find that the four big ones had roots sticking out of their 3 gallon pots, which would explain the slow growth over the last few days.
I pulled them from the buckets and placed a few more inches of dirt in the bottoms, then placed the whole old root ball, pics below, back in on top.

I did this to Plant #1-4



Well-Known Member
Then i saw this....Pic #1 below.....when i picked up the next group of four pots, which are now Plants #5-8, that are about two to three weeks younger than #1-4, So i transplanted them into bigger pots too.
Then rearranged and made more room in the big cabinet for all eight babies!:weed:
Here is the transplanting of the next four plants:pics. #2-10
Pic #7-9 is an awesome looking plant!It looks like a cross from the top view, and is very thick with growth!

Edit:pics.1-6 are the same plant, i don't know whats up with this thing! Could it be from root bound?



Well-Known Member
And finally my day was blessed with new birth and saddened by a few losses, Pics below....
Pic 1 and 2 is the new White widow seed creeping out of the prop. plug today, and the clones from plant 1-4 that are finally showing signs of rooting!!!

Then there was some tragedys! These guys didn't make it, the roots were all brown and nasty. I figured it was okay, it's just bagseeds that i don't really need anymore!!!!

The rest of the prop. plugs are holding the PPP, and skunk #1's that are just below the surface but should be out by wed. or thursay!

Ok, that's it, as usual all comments,tips and suggestions are welcomed, so please help me out if ya see a problem.:leaf:



Well-Known Member
If the roots are like that already, then you're going to need to go bigger.. Most of that new growth looks nice.. Again I'd blame those mystery inconsistencies on the MG.. I'd wait and see.. What height is your 400W at?


Well-Known Member
This is probably to ensure you don't transfer the issues from the plant to the clone right?
I have been letting them go, and not doing much to them. I need to flower the four big ones but need a light hooked up first!!!:roll:
Yes,and unhealthy plants dont make good clones,let them recover then clone.Some strains are very difficult to clone and some are very easy.A good dedicated and healthy mother plant is something to look for as she can give you alot of cuts every 2 weeks.When i was doing the 5 plant rotation i used 2 moms and took the healthiest 5 clones every 2 weeks to fill in my rotation i was taking 8 to 10 every 2 weeks and selecting the best 5 and would let the leftovers catch up and get bigger before putting them under the 12/12 photo period.


Well-Known Member
Very nice looking root system on them. Thats awesome your 3 gallon was all filled up with roots. How long are you going to veg for? I really am enjoying this grow. Can't wait to see the finished product.

Puff...Puff...Passes it around


Well-Known Member
what strain are u growing , looks like hyde brid of a 30 ,7o indica. iam growing one top 44 forsure lady about a week old , i want to see if my new enviroment is sweel for her cuz i had to move to a new home with less room and privacy , i grew bagseeds before end strugle a bit with the grow but hold on and vegge 4 almost two months and flowered 7weeks with a 150watts hps and 2 26watts cfl plus home made co2 botles that made a big impact and alot of air circulation . i used soil and got about 18gms a plant , a toal of an oz 1/2 they were strech out and week looking and still manege to give me some desent smoke with out the soap flavor. it just took me time . i didnt clone cuz i wanted better smoke but now i regret . ur plants look terific compare to what i had dude just wait a lil longer and provide co2 u wont regret it.


Well-Known Member
If the roots are like that already, then you're going to need to go bigger.. Most of that new growth looks nice.. Again I'd blame those mystery inconsistencies on the MG.. I'd wait and see.. What height is your 400W at?
The light is about 16" above the plants in the center, but it is pointed straight down instead of laying sidways. I know i need to do something about this!!!:?


Well-Known Member
Yes,and unhealthy plants dont make good clones,let them recover then clone.Some strains are very difficult to clone and some are very easy.A good dedicated and healthy mother plant is something to look for as she can give you alot of cuts every 2 weeks.When i was doing the 5 plant rotation i used 2 moms and took the healthiest 5 clones every 2 weeks to fill in my rotation i was taking 8 to 10 every 2 weeks and selecting the best 5 and would let the leftovers catch up and get bigger before putting them under the 12/12 photo period.
The clones i took off plants 1-4 are just to experiment with for when my White Widow, PPP, and skunk #1's are ready. I did notice they are shooting new roots though, yesterday when i checked them!


Well-Known Member
Very nice looking root system on them. Thats awesome your 3 gallon was all filled up with roots. How long are you going to veg for? I really am enjoying this grow. Can't wait to see the finished product.

Puff...Puff...Passes it around
Thanks man!!!!!
Well, the three gallon pots were kind of weird, all the roots were really low in the bucket which means they didn't branch out as much as they did down. So when i raised them up in the bucket there was still alot of wasted soil space at the top 6 inches of the bucket. Well, i guess we might need 5 gallon buckets,:o!!!
Honestly i wanted to be flowering right now, but the HPS i was supposed to get fell through. So, now i am waiting to find another light.
Plants 1-4 are in their 7th week of vegg, and plants 5-8 are only like two weeks old i think.......:weed:


Well-Known Member
what strain are u growing , looks like hyde brid of a 30 ,7o indica. iam growing one top 44 forsure lady about a week old , i want to see if my new enviroment is sweel for her cuz i had to move to a new home with less room and privacy , i grew bagseeds before end strugle a bit with the grow but hold on and vegge 4 almost two months and flowered 7weeks with a 150watts hps and 2 26watts cfl plus home made co2 botles that made a big impact and alot of air circulation . i used soil and got about 18gms a plant , a toal of an oz 1/2 they were strech out and week looking and still manege to give me some desent smoke with out the soap flavor. it just took me time . i didnt clone cuz i wanted better smoke but now i regret . ur plants look terific compare to what i had dude just wait a lil longer and provide co2 u wont regret it.
Hey green,
All my plants going with leaf matter on them are bagseeds, that i was told had 1 or 2 trainwreck seeds in with it. One of the plants in #5-8 are supposed to be it.
The new seeds that are popping up are of 1 White widow, 2 skunk #1's, and 4 PPP's.
PPP's came from Nirvana, and the rest from a friend for fixing his computer!!!:hump:


Well-Known Member
I want my PPP soooo jealous.Did lond get back with you? I saw where you checked out his grows AWESOME soil grows.GL with the germ and let them be females,if you get a male send me some pollen ;-)


Well-Known Member
I want my PPP soooo jealous.Did lond get back with you? I saw where you checked out his grows AWESOME soil grows.GL with the germ and let them be females,if you get a male send me some pollen ;-)
Well after the three days the PPP's have been in germ, only two have cracked seed and sprouted. I'm a little say the least!
I'm about to put updates up, stick around man!

Oh, no londoner hasn't got back yet, he replied to the one i left, i know he's probably busy, so i can wait!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Did you soak them in water overnight?? I soak for 24 hrs then drop and cover.Are until they sink then i potem.YEA he owns his own business like me and he stays real busy,but he will help you what cha think about his SOG?Gonna be awesome when it feels in.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Did you soak them in water overnight?? I soak for 24 hrs then drop and cover.Are until they sink then i potem.YEA he owns his own business like me and he stays real busy,but he will help you what cha think about his SOG?Gonna be awesome when it feels in.:joint:
Hell yeah, i think my setup would benefit more with SOG, but i don't know all the facts about it, like where and when to cut stuff off?

No, I put in wet warm paper towel, in between two plates and sat on top of cable box for three days, while checking every evening.
Actually, my dude dropped one checking them one day, so it went to four, then onlt two of them germed, but i guess it's better than none!!!:neutral:


Well-Known Member
Last night i had some busy little babies in the room!!!!!:hump:

Let's start with pic. #1, which is the root system on two of the clones that had been under light for a couple weeks. Pic. 2 and 3 show them in their new, temp. pots.

Pic. 4 and 5 show the clones that still show no roots coming through the propagation plugs, which i need to get more of......note to self!!LOL!!:joint:

Pics. 6, 7, and 8 show the condition of the sprouting White Widow, Two PPP's, and two Skunk #1's when i got there!
Pic. 9 shows the two PPP, and One White Widow in their new temp. pots, and the Skunk #1's went back under the light untill the next day!!!

And now to the eight biggens..............


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