My cabinet grow journal!

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tell me about it.....

On my WW and PPP. They are 4 1/2 weeks old. I want to keep these to take clones from, so i want them to grow a lil more. When i take clones from it, should i vegg it out more and put it into flower?
Or should i let it grow back out, and keep using it for clones?

I have heard mixed emotions on keeping mothers and not keeping them.

I kind of have a spot to keep mothers, but it would take some re-arranging and work that i am willing to do if needed.

Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Just do whatever is most convenient for you.. A few generations of cloning won't likely affect anything at all, but if you decide that you'd like to carry this plant for years/decades then you'd be wise to dedicate..
I've heard claims that problems were observed at 7th generation clones and beyond on some plants, and other claims that quality was never lost after dozens of cloning generations.. I myself have never seen evidence of genetic drift, but most of my plants would have made it only to 5-7th generation if that..


Well-Known Member
Just do whatever is most convenient for you.. A few generations of cloning won't likely affect anything at all, but if you decide that you'd like to carry this plant for years/decades then you'd be wise to dedicate..
I've heard claims that problems were observed at 7th generation clones and beyond on some plants, and other claims that quality was never lost after dozens of cloning generations.. I myself have never seen evidence of genetic drift, but most of my plants would have made it only to 5-7th generation if that..
Thanks born, i was thinking probably keep a mother for awhile, until i get comfortable with taking and starting clones a little more. New light hood coming soon......


Well-Known Member
Hey guys!!

I made my own light reflector for one of my 400 watt MH today.

I made a DIY if anybody wants to check it out. But here is some shots of it, and some randoms of flower cabinet!!!

Looking fluffy and hairy!!!!:weed:

I left the two big ones in front of the other light on the right. They are so tall, they do better beside the light than below it. All my girls under the new light are tied and bent over to keep them under there!!!:leaf:

Enoy!!! Let me know what ya' think!!



Well-Known Member
DIY reflectors are tricky.. I'd paint it white just incase you have hotspots that need diffusing.. Atleast it doesn't look dangerous at first glance like alot of them..
Also regarding mothers, I always prefered an early clone to a seedling for the sake of compactness..


Well-Known Member
DIY reflectors are tricky.. I'd paint it white just incase you have hotspots that need diffusing.. Atleast it doesn't look dangerous at first glance like alot of them..
Also regarding mothers, I always prefered an early clone to a seedling for the sake of compactness..
Yup, might need a can of white spray paint. I like to take my clones small too, but big enough to be able to split the stalks to promote more root growth.


Well-Known Member
any good sites to buy inline fans from?

edit: Also, i am only using Grow big and tiger bloom. Are my plants getting enough of the other needed nutes, like the trace elements i hear about? Or am i getting it all from these two products?


Well-Known Member
Nice looking grow lilmafia, I really like the homeade reflector. I got my 6 inch inline duct booster fan from home depot for pretty cheap and it cools my 250 watt great. It might be something you would want to look into if you're trying to save a buck. Good luck and happy growing

Tom :weed:


Well-Known Member
Nice looking grow lilmafia, I really like the homeade reflector. I got my 6 inch inline duct booster fan from home depot for pretty cheap and it cools my 250 watt great. It might be something you would want to look into if you're trying to save a buck. Good luck and happy growing

Tom :weed:
Thanks for stopping by man. I think i might get the fan from depot to use as an exhaust and intake fan, not going far with it, and going out to carbon filter. I have seen these, but not planned any ideas yet. Thanks!!


Well-Known Member
Wow, They are looking good.

Are you doing Veg Indoor Flowering outdoor?

Some of those pics they look like they are outside. Very nice bud growth.


Well-Known Member
Wow, They are looking good.

Are you doing Veg Indoor Flowering outdoor?

Some of those pics they look like they are outside. Very nice bud growth.
Nope everything is indoor. Couldn't do outdoor right now as it is about 40 degrees here where i am. Only in Ohio does it rain today while being 40, then tomorrow it will be sunny and 55!!!

I need to move to florida, or texas!!!


Well-Known Member
Nope everything is indoor. Couldn't do outdoor right now as it is about 40 degrees here where i am. Only in Ohio does it rain today while being 40, then tomorrow it will be sunny and 55!!!

I need to move to florida, or texas!!!
Oh ok. I know how you feel, I am in New England. Mass. So weather is harsh. Mine is indoors also. But were mostly getting Nor Easters snow storms.

I found 1 male, I had to destroy it, and another plant is starting to preflower, so it will go into 12/12 soon. The biggest one, The Afgan. I hope its a female.

I put some update pics up. On page 10 I think


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
What happend to the rep. I tried to give you rep, but the scales are gone. How do you do it now?


Well-Known Member
What happend to the rep. I tried to give you rep, but the scales are gone. How do you do it now?
I don't know i went back to the old style, i could never find it either!LOL!!
Let me know i'll pm ya' on how to go back to old style and seee the scales. I had the same problem trying to give somebeech some rep a few weeks ago.
Nice. Your plants will love it
They already do, i noticed major changes in 24 hrs after installing the hood. Where i tied the tops over, they were pointed right back up the next day. Before it would take two -three days.


Well-Known Member
They already do, i noticed major changes in 24 hrs after installing the hood. Where i tied the tops over, they were pointed right back up the next day. Before it would take two -three days.[/quote]

Good to know. You got HID lighting, A reflector, Good grow space, A Green Thumb, your good to go my friend.

Ya, Pm me and let me know how to go back. Thanks
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