My Eventual Perpetual Garden; Round 1: Chronic Haze Clones and Attitude seeds.


Well-Known Member
RIP mytery kush :(
Sort of a blessing as she was germ'd and flowered at the same time as my KKS so the flower box was crowded. To solve that problem in the future, I just ordered a new tent to move the 600hps and 400mh into. I will need to get another fan to vent/circulate the tent, and a few other goodies like another lumenaire hood for the 400mh lamp.

There isn't enough room in my current flower box for another air-cooled hood and temps hit 80 when I close it up. Hopefully this solves a few issues for me. I should be able to flower more than 6 plants when necessary and still be be less crowded than I am now. I will have a lot more veg room as well. :hump:


Well-Known Member
Hey man are u sure neem oil did that to your vegger ? I ask because thats what my CheeseQuake looks like and I had been spraying neem . Showed up as rust spots on top then got progressivly worse . Now it's recovering.


Well-Known Member
Hey man are u sure neem oil did that to your vegger ? I ask because thats what my CheeseQuake looks like and I had been spraying neem . Showed up as rust spots on top then got progressivly worse . Now it's recovering.
I also gave her the first dose of nutes that day, which was significantly earlier in veg than I have been giving nutes in the past. It could have been 1 or the other, or a combination of both, but I think the neem was the main cause. I don't think I will be using neem that early again, as I was using it as more of a preventative than a treatment.

My AKS appeared to be deficient when I gave her nutes around day 20 of veg, so I decided to try giving a weaker mix but earlier into veg. I guess I will go back to only bioroot/snowstorm and plain RO water for the first 3 weeks and lay off the neem until they go into the flower box.


Well-Known Member
Yup did the same thing neem and nutes but mine is more like 3 weeks . However the damage is identical to yours .It is coming back around now and looking good .


Well-Known Member
In other news: my 2nd Magus Motavation seed germ'd about 14 hours after being put into tap water, instead of RO water. Lesson learned: Germ seeds in 24 hour old tap water, and switch to RO water when they go into pro mix.


Well-Known Member
In other news: my 2nd Magus Motavation seed germ'd about 14 hours after being put into tap water, instead of RO water. Lesson learned: Germ seeds in 24 hour old tap water, and switch to RO water when they go into pro mix.
Yeah I believe it's the minerals in tap water that aid in germination . Some use very light bloom nutes to aid in germination also . I just use tap and a rooting agent , works good in rooters or straight soil .


Well-Known Member
I made a pound of canna-butter a few days ago with 37g of trim/popcorn. A day later I took it off the top of the water and changed containers. Today I opened the fridge to check on it, and it was gone. My roomie mistakenly thought it was old leftovers/trash. :wall:

Time to go downstairs and trim the other/younger chronics that have been hanging for over 2 weeks and make another batch.


Well-Known Member
neem oil will not effect a plant like that unless..
A. you used way to much.
B. you sprayed them while under the lights.
C. you did not use organic dish soap as a spreader.

i use neem on all my plants leaves and in the soil and never had a prob.

all you other plants are looking great to besides the hermie


Well-Known Member
A and C are both possible, but I sprayed them under CFL and did a final dry outside the HID footprint under an oscillating fan.

Making another pound of budda with 59g of premature chronic buds that have been hanging for 2+ weeks. :weed:

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
I made a pound of canna-butter a few days ago with 37g of trim/popcorn. A day later I took it off the top of the water and changed containers. Today I opened the fridge to check on it, and it was gone. My roomie mistakenly thought it was old leftovers/trash. :wall:

Time to go downstairs and trim the other/younger chronics that have been hanging for over 2 weeks and make another batch.
SHIT!!!!! LOL that sucks bro. I am about to make some more butter for a cancer lady that I know, I do all the work and just give it to her. It is my good deed for the week! Sorry to hear about your roomate brotha! But it happens.

Oh and I switched for one watering to Tap and the ladies didn't like it at all! The leaves showed how much they didn't like it so I am back on Distilled water. My beans take about 12-14 hrs to show tap root with distilled water.

Your grow rooms look so clean all the time bro and plants look great! I would rep ya if I could!


Well-Known Member
My Il Diavolo Auto is 24" tall and hasn't slowed down stretching. I raised my veg 400mh as high as I can, and she only has 12 more inches until she hits the glass.

SHIT!!!!! LOL that sucks bro.
She thought it was some old grease or something. :dunce:

I am about to make some more butter for a cancer lady that I know, I do all the work and just give it to her. It is my good deed for the week! Sorry to hear about your roomate brotha! But it happens.
Nice, my brother wanted the butter, but I really wish I had just made some more QWISO now. I haven't made anything with the 2nd batch of butter, so maybe that will change my mind, but 6g of hash probably lasts a bit longer than a pound of butter. :twisted:

Oh and I switched for one watering to Tap and the ladies didn't like it at all! The leaves showed how much they didn't like it so I am back on Distilled water. My beans take about 12-14 hrs to show tap root with distilled water.
Yep, my wonder woman is still fighting the mag deficiency caused by the tap water, but apparently I have to use the tap water to germ with. Live and learn, 2 seeds gone. :(

Your grow rooms look so clean all the time bro and plants look great! I would rep ya if I could!
Waiting eagerly for the shipment notice on my 4x4 tent, but it is going to be a bear to assemble. I am only going to have about 2 inches of height to spare when assembling it in the utility room.


Well-Known Member
Waiting eagerly for the shipment notice on my 4x4 tent, but it is going to be a bear to assemble. I am only going to have about 2 inches of height to spare when assembling it in the utility room.
It is on it's way, time to start cleaning some room for it tomorrow. :hump:

Scheduled Delivery:
Wednesday, 04/06/2011, By End of Day


Well-Known Member
Do you think this tent can support 2 air-cooled hoods for my 600 and 400 lamps? Or will I need to use a single hood, and buy a 1kw ballast and lamp to replace my 2 fixtures?



Well-Known Member
I was just worried about the weight of 2 tempered glass hoods, but I recall seeing other 4x4 and 5x5 tent grows with 2 lights, so I suppose it should be fine. I will head to the store tomorrow and get a new hood, fan, and some ductwork/clamps. I will probably upgrade the 400w eventually so that I am running 2 x 600w instead, but I am not sure if I should go with MH or HPS ballast if/when I do. I have a brand new horti 600 super hps on my shelf as a spare already, so all I would really need is a ballast. :twisted: