My experience with meth

My only experience with meth was pretty great and accidental, first drug apart from weed I ever tried actually. Was with my best friend who is a year younger than me and his cousin who is 7 years older than me and his friends. His cousin was smoking with his friends and offered us some crack, now both my friend and I thought he was talking about crack cocaine and although cocaine is pretty bad for you I humored the idea of trying freebase cocaine for my first hard drug so i was like yea whatever. So my friend and I have a couple of hits each, then his cousin calls him a meth head and he's like what the fuck was that just meth and everyone else was just like yea what did you think we were smoking. Turns out people in Australia call meth crack and actual crack is non existent here, we were both 18 and ignorant to Australian drug culture at the time.

After the initial shock my friend had from just founding out he smoked meth when he thought it was something else he became very charged, energetic etc etc as you would expect from smoking some quality meth for you first time. Everyone was pretty charged except me actually, especially the guy who brought the stuff with him, he was like v8 twin turbo charged. I felt a lot different to everyone else, my body was warm, I was comfortable, didn't really feel like moving much, honestly was a lot like a morphine high for me which was really weird since everyone else was charged off their heads. I had another hit just to make sure I had enough and the effects got stronger but it was still the same kind of effects not 'charged' at all. My friend and I walk back and forth between the petrol station across the road and back to the apartment a lot because he keeps deciding he wants food and other things, he's full of energy skipping, spinning around in the car park while i'm just dragging behind wanting to lay down.

The night was pretty fun we all just sat around talking, everyone went home or just went to their rooms while my friend and I stayed up in the lounge room all night. We spent the whole night literally just sitting down and talking to each other, i'm a very introverted person and I've never really connected with anyone or had many friends and my friend has had a lot of troubles growing up as well , we had been best friends for about 4 years before this but we had never really connected before, we knew barely anything about each other we realized. We spent the whole night just talking about a lot of things that had happened to us growing up and just opened up to each other about who we are as people. This is the first time either of us have really connected with someone so much before since that day we've become like literal best friends for life we don't know anyone that has as good as friendship with their friends as we do with each other, its great.

The next day came round and we had a party to go to (hadn't slept of course) but my friend ended up bailing but before I left to the party we had another hit and also took some speed as well (first time with that too) so I was pretty up and ready for this party. This time though the effects were definitely more charge like especially with the speed. I just spent the whole night walking around and talking to people, was quite a boring party until everyone decided to go home or go to bed, I end up jumping in the spare room and laying down in the bed when one of my best friends I've known from the start of high school comes in and says get out 'cause she's sleeping there i'm just like fuck no i'm way too comfortable so she just says fine whatever and gets in with me. 5 minutes into laying down she's now rubbing all over me and tugging on my pants so then we just randomly proceed to have sex, have never had a sexual thought about her in my life and haven't since then either, was hands down one of the most random occurrences that's happened in my life.

All in all very good experience, I still laugh about sleeping with one of my best friends while I was on meth, she doesn't know I was on anything either. Since that night I've also found it much easier to talk and open up to people. I think all drugs can be used for great benefit but the key is always moderation and control.
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bro guys and girls have never been just friends..
ime just doesnt happen, hence why she fucked yiu homie.
ive never had a female friend and the relationship stay innocent....ever
bro guys and girls have never been just friends..
ime just doesnt happen, hence why she fucked yiu homie.
ive never had a female friend and the relationship stay innocent....ever

Funny you say that, took my ex girlfriend to the hospital on monday and the doctor was saying the same thing and said we couldn't just be friends even though she had a boyfriend, funnily enough she broke up with the dude yesterday and guess what her and I ended up doing last night 8-) haha
Day by day I have growing thoughts of very bad actions. This shit has destroyed my virgin mind, but I dont make enough money in life to afford the amount that would allow me to continue further in, eventually putting me into karma hell and real life prison

I like it though, as sad as all this shit is. There is a dark enjoyment I feel.
Day by day I have growing thoughts of very bad actions. This shit has destroyed my virgin mind, but I dont make enough money in life to afford the amount that would allow me to continue further in, eventually putting me into karma hell and real life prison

I like it though, as sad as all this shit is. There is a dark enjoyment I feel.

Gots ta chill

I got ya back homey
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Day by day I have growing thoughts of very bad actions. This shit has destroyed my virgin mind, but I dont make enough money in life to afford the amount that would allow me to continue further in, eventually putting me into karma hell and real life prison

I like it though, as sad as all this shit is. There is a dark enjoyment I feel.
Yeah it feels amazing.
If it didn't they would call it work or something,
But you do not escape fully intact.