My experience with meth

i used to be pretty heavily addicted to.opiates sure not that bad to others but from my pov, having fent patches taped all over me, while chewing on dilaudid and letting sub tabs dissolve on my tounge like candy...was great...or horrible lol
was free for me and never ran out so i was goin at my leisure.

im down to a few norcos here and there so im happy

i enjoy downers, im just trying to chill most of the time

i get great quality coca, but i have anxiety which seems to be progressing. i really dont like taking any upper without a zannie or something to hit gabba, enough alcy will do the trick.but i really dont care for any stim that much
but i used to pop 15-20 2mg xanax as a normal thing. its too inebriating and cant function so well.

so with that in mind. i have kinda drifted away from most drugs.
i guess i have an "addictive personality" now a days i try and alternate, pilps one week then just weed then nothing. keeps tolerance down and mental state up

i had some ..idk lsd and some sort of dissociative last night..and feel kinda crappy this morning

anyway.....just talkin
i just smoke weed, drink a nice bit, and occasional bit of blow or psychs

Did some booger sugar back in 99...the majority of drugs I did was in 99...joined th3 army in November 99...never done heron, exctacy. ..and all the other weird named drugs people do in the hallucination sub forum

My best friend died of a heroin od while I was in Afghanistan back in 2005...I found out over th3 phone through my parents ....I think I could have saved his ass if I wasn't deployed

When I was stationed in Korea I had upper jaw surgery (SARPE )..I was eating percocets and tramadol like candy...also a liquid diet didn't help....after a couple months my stomach started hurting....all them pills were fucking me up....even my soldier said I would be so doped up I would drool and not notice. it didn't help I had metal mouth from all the dental work

Stick with weed people!
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i feel ya, i had a close....friend, actually a neighbor
die/od a couple years back. it stuck with me

he was "gay" bi whatever, ya i know odd to start with that lol....wonderful kid.. a freshman maybe sophomore in h.s.
Was at a party taking place at his girlfriends house..took some ecstasy, took too much i guess idk and started freaking out...the mom (his gf's mom) gave him some methadone I think it was and told him to go sleep it off.....
He never woke up

The mom was arrested a day or so later

The gf having lost bf and mom now in prison shot herself in the school bathroom with a .22
The gf thing was more best friend thing they just idk in public...was complicated

My last words to the kid.....I jokingly made a comment about his sexuality, his last name was shehy (sp?)..I was much older than him and was seriously joking..ah such an ass I am!!! but as a sort of role model he took it pretty hard, likely the "cause" of the od in the first place, he didnt really do drugs at all
and had i been around like normal, with my pharm background i absolutely could have saved him

anyway more talk
Did some booger sugar back in 99...the majority of drugs I did was in 99...joined th3 army in November 99...never done heron, exctacy. ..and all the other weird named drugs people do in the hallucination sub forum

My best friend died of a heroin od while I was in Afghanistan back in 2005...I found out over th3 phone through my parents ....I think I could have saved his ass if I wasn't deployed

When I was stationed in Korea I had upper jaw surgery (SARPE )..I was eating percocets and tramadol like candy...also a liquid diet didn't help....after a couple months my stomach started hurting....all them pills were fucking me up....even my soldier said I would be so doped up I would drool and not notice. it didn't help I had metal mouth from all the dental work

Stick with weed people!

coke and pills is the most addictive harmful shit out there u moron don't shove mdma and drugs like that into that category

u went from least harmful drug by far (weed) to the very worst
coke and pills is the most addictive harmful shit out there u moron don't shove mdma and drugs like that into that category

u went from least harmful drug by far (weed) to the very worst

i can shove in whatever category i want .. they all are fucked up drugs and can and will have adverse side effects in the long run ..some may take longer than others
so will weed, u don't think weed has bad side effects excessively over while? cause it does

oh i'm gonna go out and do a bunch of hard drugs then clump all mind opening psychedelics into the same fucked up category and act like weed is something magical

you sound extremely ignorant
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Reading the amount of fucked up in this thread makes me feel right at home, as if I am clocked on, on the job at work

My job company in particular is VERY good at making people into meth users.

Grew up knowing lets say, Travis, since I was 12, 10 years ago.

He always worked at a contract service company that provides services to customers.

They have been scrooge asshole pinch penny muther fuckers since they took over the franchise back in the 20th century

Travis began using Crystal meth by only smoking, throughout the years. Here and there things maybe got sketchy but he chose his liquor over the habit.

Travis and no lie, 2/3 of the company have been users and tried more than a few.

Travis finally couldn't handle his job anymore, and going through moderate use, flipped the fuck out, man.


The last time I saw him working, we were all driving to a job site in a convoy of trucks. We pulled into a gas station, and I couldnt hear or notice the boss signaling me to park a certain place. I was just cruising my own way to find a spot when Travis got out of the moving truck (8 or so mph) and yelled at the top of his lungs at me trying to tell me directions the boss said.

He sure did stop oncoming parking lot traffic, and got attention of bypassing customers

Meth makes you flip out, and my work doesn't help the stress load either
I have been agitated lately and it's no bueno

Travis stopped showing up to work, bought tons of honey whisky and balls of ice. He began to let strangers stay in his small apartment that he already shared with his mother and helped provide it as a roof over her head

he lost his place within a month, family, friends, job, respect

I casually saw him months later... most people cant change who they are. Fuck.
My meth experience was great, up until I was up for 6 days and literally seeing stuff that isn't there, not cool like hallucinogens but like scary thinking people are there kind of seeing stuff, don't do it, this was with "clean" stuff as well. Fucks you up no matter how clean it is. And she mixed it to help with the burn if anything I've never ever ever heard of anybody mixing it because its "too strong" you want it strong....
coo coo. i feel like ramblin too.
coca def has a good side

story tellin bro
man i remember in the late 80's earl 90's man i was gettin ki's for 15 a g, cross country trips to new york drop weight..ballin . but this is how it went down.. hit up my contacts
go into the building and they frisk you, pull your heat or whatever then hand you a respirator. if not yiu walk through the next set of doors and immediately have to take a shit or puke. females around butt naked with they mask on of course. walk in, ay what you want.. depending what you ask he sifts looking through, grabs a block and throws it on this industrial paper cutter, but block cutter with two niggas pushin down on that handle..shwap!
you look and its like marble, literally. with amazing shine, straight pearl and you can see all the layers during og press. ahhh its a little over 500 but i got you

i would get a bird and put it in a makeshift press. a few inches of room around the birdy in wood 2x4. and a clamp over plexi glass. clamp that bitch down and hit her with a drill to break up your ki..or else it goes everywhere! scrape a knife on it and it sounds like concrete.
they used ether, sometimes they froze it lol
i deleted my rambling didnt think any1 would want to reply to my wrecked up shite lol

never seen drugs in them amounts qwizo aint gonna bullshit and say i have, 4/5oz of repressed coke multi oz's of mdma crystal, kilos of weed and hash but thats about it and never no meth, the uk media has been harping on about meth and a possible epidemic for yrs but its never happened.

the UK are i think the biggest drug users in europe, its a multi billion £ industry but we also very far from the source bar the mdma and on a whole we accept very poor qaulity drugs as a norm?!? soapbar? sprayed weed? num3 heroin, more bicarb than coke crack, powder that has very little cocaine aka pubgrub lol just for the drunks who no no different.

hence why the UK is one of the biggest users of the darknet, our drugs on a whole aint wotha cup of cold piss.....