Mr. Bongwater
Well-Known Member
just like herion, it'll fucking kill ya sooner or later or put u behind bars
i just smoke weed, drink a nice bit, and occasional bit of blow or psychs
Did some booger sugar back in 99...the majority of drugs I did was in 99...joined th3 army in November 99...never done heron, exctacy. ..and all the other weird named drugs people do in the hallucination sub forum
My best friend died of a heroin od while I was in Afghanistan back in 2005...I found out over th3 phone through my parents ....I think I could have saved his ass if I wasn't deployed
When I was stationed in Korea I had upper jaw surgery (SARPE )..I was eating percocets and tramadol like candy...also a liquid diet didn't help....after a couple months my stomach started hurting....all them pills were fucking me up....even my soldier said I would be so doped up I would drool and not notice. it didn't help I had metal mouth from all the dental work
Stick with weed people!
coke and pills is the most addictive harmful shit out there u moron don't shove mdma and drugs like that into that category
u went from least harmful drug by far (weed) to the very worst
so will weed u don't think weed has bad side effects excessively over while? cause it does
i know mmj has negative side effects ..shit will make a depressed person more depressed and think abotu shit
long story short drugs are bad ...why do we do em ?