My experience with meth

snorted a line of meth the other night, burned pretty bad unlike coke, grinding my teeth and felt fucked for the rest of the night lol, especially after i smoked a lot of weed and drank some liquor. woke up the next day fiending for a another line my friend gave me a small freebie and i was craving the shit hardcore yesterday, stuff is the devil, only herion is worse
Since we're posting montana meth ads. This pic gets me everytime, hope it was real at one time and not just photoshopped.

More of a Subway fan myself ;), at least if I'm on a budget. Firehouse tops all chain sub shops though IMO.
Where I live meth is kind of hard to find. People do shitloads of speed here tho, and it's usually rasemic mix of dextro and levoamphetamines, cut 50 times for the low-end users. (overall quality is garbage). Some times It's mixed with meth also but usually it's just "good speed" then since nobody tests their drugs... I got hold of some crystal meth tho, It was orange'ish crystals and was definetely meth due to the effects.. way more rushy, stimulated, horny and partypartywoooo-feeling, same time very relaxing mentally tho.

I like amphetamines overall, and I'm glad I can get good quality myself. Just wish there was more meth around.. Sometimes someone has some, then its gone and you can't find any in months.
I have to say I tried meth a few times always smoking it and all I could say was this is not even close to a handful of mushrooms or getting puddled...never came close to a good hallucinogen maybe getting a rig out may change my mind but dont really care to see at this point in my life...honestly would have never missed a thing not trying it...and yes I did get plenty high off the stuff just never sat right with me never gave me that thing if ya get me
I have to say I tried meth a few times always smoking it and all I could say was this is not even close to a handful of mushrooms or getting puddled...never came close to a good hallucinogen maybe getting a rig out may change my mind but dont really care to see at this point in my life...honestly would have never missed a thing not trying it...and yes I did get plenty high off the stuff just never sat right with me never gave me that thing if ya get me

Get out your biggest pail of why bother. Meth iv is one of the most illuminating, transformative, invigorating, superman flyingest feelings there can be.

For right about fifteen minutes. And then you spend the next six hours figiting, pacing, peeking out your front window, lecturing your girlfriend about ufos and anal probes.

Do it enough times and you start digging nonexistant worms out of your arms.

But other than that, it really is fun for a while. Really.
Last time I did it,she listened bout the anal probe...:hump:
Somehow the subject was a sore one for her the next week:lol:
I just got out of prison in october for meth. Believe me. Dont mess with that drug, if it gets ahold of you it will cost you your health and maybe. Even lost years. Peace
snorted a line of meth the other night, burned pretty bad unlike coke, grinding my teeth and felt fucked for the rest of the night lol, especially after i smoked a lot of weed and drank some liquor. woke up the next day fiending for a another line my friend gave me a small freebie and i was craving the shit hardcore yesterday, stuff is the devil, only herion is worse

Question.. Did he ask you to blow him before or after the "small freebie"??..

I just kid
Lol wtf ... Shit actually my experience was for 1 yr. My cousins all fucked with it. But only L's . Snort that shit.

I tried it once cuz my one cuzzin did to want to do the L. So she made me try smoking it. Shit was nasty.

I quit when I accidentally knocked over the cd case that had the L's . When I looked at the case shit was literally melted where the rail had been.
Shit turned me the fuck off.

Looked in the mirror and didn't like what I saw. Shit was like back in 2003 last tie I did that shit. Fuckin devil man.

I'd rather fuck with A1 Steak Sauce. If u know what I mean. But even that has been a good minute.