thought experiment?-
imagine if a suit, from some generic organization, had a need for information concerning a culture of which he were ignorant.
i think he would ask in just the way you did.
by the way, down with the oppressive man. why are YOU supporting him.
clearly you are using the word "usable" out of context in that comment. i could "use" all that trim to roll joints too, but i wouldn't be administering that to those in medical need. or anyone that would want to stay healthy.
2.5 ounces of usable material refers to the medication at hand.
you have 10 cookies? 1g a piece -mark your shit. 10gram of "usable material"
are you saying-
you're a pharma rep, or a cop?
that's just it. i don't think you're a patient or caregiver. you are here gathering information.
for your culture.
I remember when a dime bag used to cost a dime.....LOL. You know how you can tell people who don't grow their own? Their posts make them look stupid. Bet you buy your pot and I bet you're not rich.Here, let me help you all out with some 5th grade economics: When a merchant sets his prces its based off a thing called demand. It's not based on what it cost him to produce but merely what he can get for his product. The market decides this price, not the manufacturer. When you're little heads get too large to pay for your pot it'll still comand what the market deems fair. When you throw hissy fits on a forum prices will be set by....the market. When you insult manufacturers and cuss us all for being greedy drug dealers (making you dirty drug users by the way; your terms not mine fellers) the market still set the price. I can bring a sac of the best dope in the world to market and f you all got full bongs I go home with a tiny profit or a bunch of useless product. On the flip side, no matter how I make it once I got grade AA dope, if you all got empty pipes I can get top dollar. so, there is the blueprint for your ultimate pot-world domination and a key to the destruction of the drug dealing hordes out to destroy your altrustic dream world of free drugs for all who fit your outline a sick person. I'm sure you and the only buy shell gas on tuesday e-mail group will have my life and livelihood destroyed shortly and I welcome it! once we kill all the growers we can get our free pot, right! HOOORAY!
know why they still call it DIMEBAGS? cause thats what they still really are worth![]()
I think you said bob was cop quite a few times and he has not come out said he wasn't. He does have the cop attitude thinking about caregivers harvesting pounds and selling on the black market.Theparkinsons thing my be something he put in there to make you feel sorry so you would drop the subject.are you saying-
you're a pharma rep, or a cop?
that's just it. i don't think you're a patient or caregiver. you are here gathering information.
for your culture.
LOL, cuz he is a really bad undercover cop. Of he is some street beating low level cop on his own time trying to crack something to make a name for himself. Cops and I have a long history and I don't EVER want to merge cultures with them. funny how quick you got spotted. time for a new gmail account, RIU account and back to the drawing board.Imagine if a suit, from some generic organization, Had an UNDERSTANDING of a culture, and was trying to help that culture understand and partake in in the merging of cultures?
you answer as if your only intent with the merger would be for your own gain.
Why would the man in the suit, continue to try and help you have commerce in his culture?
I'd love to see that, but virtually every care giver who posts in a medical forum, insists that they should be able to do what ever they want with plant counts (as long as they stay 12 per patient), be responsible to their patients only for minimal amounts of medicine( usually 1 oz per month), and be able to make what ever profit they can on the overages from some one Else's plants.(Read the law). The patient assigns his plants, not "gives". The care taker cultivates the patients plants for the patient, not as part of a "total harvest", with a minimal portion of that harvest going back to the patient.
That line of thought simply undermines any legitimacy of the medical law. Yet, they are the same people that claim they think cannabis should be legalized.
No fuck you, honestly if you ever go to jail for anything I do hope you get a sore throat from the first cock you suck.
Those types did what they could to help legitimize and then legalize medical cannabis. They broke laws so we wouldn't have to.
They didn't do it to be martyrs for meat puppets like you to make a living off of weed.
You are a service to no one other then yourself, which against everything the people you named stood for.
what transition?-
I think you said bob was cop quite a few times and he has not come out said he wasn't. He does have the cop attitude thinking about caregivers harvesting pounds and selling on the black market.Theparkinsons thing my be something he put in there to make you feel sorry so you would drop the subject.
LOL, cuz he is a really bad undercover cop. Of he is some street beating low level cop on his own time trying to crack something to make a name for himself. Cops and I have a long history and I don't EVER want to merge cultures with them. funny how quick you got spotted. time for a new gmail account, RIU account and back to the drawing board.
LOL. You're a joke. They made their livingand get to be martyrs I get to eek out a livng and get called every name in the book. Hope you lose all four limbs and have to rely on someone to grow your prosthetics. Bet when blus cross is done with that transaction you won't feel so bad about what I'm doing. That and you'd have no limbs to grow your pot, LOL! I kill me!![]()