He was growing in a garage..not exactly a "locked, secure facility accessible only to the patient and care giver" My guess is that the garage was also used for storage of items that were accessed by others..and if they took a child, as you say, because of dirty laundry in the laundry room....I'd like to see a pic of that laundry room. Big difference between dirty laundry and filthy cat pissed covered pile of clothes that has been sitting there for months.
In most cases, when the little guy, or larger guy gets busted..the story they tell is far different than what took place.
If he was truly in compliance, he'll have no problem in court. He'll win, and would possibly be compensated for the actions of the police.
Every case of "police abuse" I've investigated..and I investigate and study a lot..usually are not cases of police abuse....they are cases of someone stretching the law for personal gain...be it as simple as wishing to grow outdoors, or have their grow in the house, but not in a secure locked facility.
And they almost always result due to a complaint by neighbors, or the lack of discretion shown by the "victim"..
Again, you say you can find these cases "all over"..post some links..I'll donate to the defense fund when I see one that has merit.
lol your truly are an idiot.
Its not my fault your google incompetent wow thought a retarded monkey with half a brain would know how to use google.
You surely seem to assume a lot of crap... You said feds don't bust small ops i disproved you. And now your asking me to go to someones laundry room and take picture. You're getting very desperate and everybody sees it.
Not my fault you are full of shit. And have NOTHING but assumptions with out any real proof. Go away child.