My first attempt at growing


Well-Known Member
its in a 2.5 gallon...I was thinking i could ride it out.....but i knew it was a liability....thanx tet....ya the bitch has been tilted as fuck....falling all over da place.....i held her up with some wire....+++++++++rep if i can...


Well-Known Member
I water her everyother day....i make sure alot of water drains out each i will start using ff big bloom...


Well-Known Member
That 4 footer would like a 5 gal bucket with a bunch of holes, I thinks.
You could put a big stake in there too.


Well-Known Member
Good drainage is only part of it. You have to have soil that holds some moisture and has some nutritional value as well. You still have time for one more soil change... or at the very least, a topping off of the current soil.


Well-Known Member
It probably is just fine. But all soil needs to be changed at a few points in the grow to keep it in top shape. You're not doing anything wrong. Just top off the soil my moving to a bigger container if you can. If you can't, try flooding a few times with water and then give some low nitrogen nutrition. It will be fine. :-)


Well-Known Member
yo cheezy put a link for your journal in your signature so we can check the bitch out!

Tet.. i wish I was working in my room today.. that was the plan but i forgot I signed up to work this weekend... and as usall the im getting my ass kicked!! probably wont be able to do a thing in there till next weekend... But when i start I am going to start a new journal.. I want to document setting it up.. testing heat wise and what not before putting any plants in there.. anyway back to work for my sad ass... just checking in quickly.. may be back on tonight.. captain no life here..


Well-Known Member
yo cheezy, watering everyday is too much... gotta let those girls get some dry time in the soil cause this lets the roots get oxygen.... unless of course your grow room is like a dessert and the soil gets bone dry each day...

BTW, this is exactly what Tetra was saying a few posts back ;)


Well-Known Member
fucking tired man!!! Couldnt sleep last night, so I got like 4 hours sleep... not able to function on that like I use to be able to!! Work is kicking my ass today!! just taking a lil lunch break now... funny how I end up there when Im susposed to be getting lunch!!!

bfq nice to see you lurking around again!! company gone?


Well-Known Member
yeah man, company is gone.. getting back into the swing of things.

my grow may suck for pics but i gotta say it sure is cool to have strangers standing within two feet of 20 or so plants and not having a clue :D

the bad news is i had WAY too many clones cut... i thought i was going to lose a lot and didnt... so, now my flower tank has 4 plants in Solo cups stuck in nooks and crannies... lets see what happens with those :D

should have just culled them, but the mad scientist in me said WTF :twisted:


Well-Known Member

I really admire that you have been able to hide your grow so well. I am aiming for that with my next setup. My problem is in venting. The easiest would be to go through the floor, venting out under my house. However, I live in a mobile park and the manager lives next door. Wouldn't have been a problem before but we recently got new managers and they may be out to prove something. Besides, it's not worth the risk. The other option is to run a hose through my wall and meet up with the bathroom fan and run it out that way, but there isn't room for a full dryer vent sized hose. My grow will be in a homemade cabinet in my bedroom and I often have to give up my bed when my dad and his wife come to visit because the sofa bed is the most uncomfortable thing in the world. Is it possible to have a stealth operation that close to unsuspecting noses?


Well-Known Member
depends on your strain... some ultra dank skunk will never work in a setup like that, no matter what you do. my strain (un)fortunately has a very light smell (which is probably due to some deficiency i have introduced) so i get away with very little in the way of oder.

one thing that helps with stealth is misdirection.

for example, a user unseen for awhile (picasso) put an air purifier on top of his cabinet. this gave the casual observer a rational excuse in their mind for why his cabinet was humming from fans.

an easy way to make tell tale ductwork going to the ceiling invisible is to cut boxes to fit around the duct over the cab. to the casual observer it looks like there are just boxes stacked up there... in reality, the boxes go around the ducts... fill them with Styrofoam or other insulation material and they will make exhaust rattle go away.

drier duct is nice to use for intakes and exhausts cause it is fairly easy to get and work with... but it isnt the best choice for the job. PVC piping makes GREAT ductwork and can be easier to hide. also, rather than using fittings for your bends, spend $20 and buy a hot air gun and melt the PVC to fit how you need it (easier said than done, takes a knack and care).

the smooth surface area of the PVC makes for better and cooler airflow. the physical nature of the PVC allows for a truly custom fit, which is crucial to a stealth grow.

larger PVC allows air to move quieter, BTW. a 2" tube might whistle. a 4" wont.

one thing is for sure, put a lock on the cabinet doors!


Well-Known Member
oh, as for mine hiding so well... a false wall sure does help :twisted:

i literally have to crawl into my grow under a counter top. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, unfortunately I have very limited space. I may have to break down and move the grow. In the other room we could vent out into the hot water heater compartment and the air could flow outside that way as no one goes to that side of the house for anything. I'm hesitant only because I'm much more observant than the occupant in the other room and this room is cleaner. This is the best location except for twice a year when my dad and step-mother come to visit. I may just need to invest in a good blow-up bed and keep people out of my room. :-)

If only we could hurry up and get the stupid laws changed, none of this would be a problem anymore. Sigh...