My first attempt at growing


Well-Known Member
Ok kids a lil quick in n out!!! Started the new life today!!! Went great but a super long day!!! so short and sweet and no pics tonight. Ok first thing this morning I go to check before going to work and there are more nuggets and they are much more difined... So I started checking the others and found one with realy nice white shoots comming off, Pretty sure shes a she...hmmmmm
anyway i ripped ole johny walnuts outta there just incase and ripped off to work....didnt have much time in there today before lights went out.. I gotta get a party bulb... but temps are way fucking hot!!!!! Im so anxious to get this grow over so I can start over and get it a lil better... anyway peace to all ya and Ill be back tomorow with more time....


Well-Known Member
glad it went well!

i had a thought... since you arent at a shortage for space or lights but are at a shortage for hydro equipment... you could run a bit of an experiment if you were so inclined... and settle (at least for yourself) the age old debate of which is better: soil or hydro.

next crop, hopefully from "name" brand seeds... grab a bag of soilmix stuff and a 3 gallon pot or so and run one in dirt as you run the rest in your hydro rig. sprout the seed in a small rockwool cube just like you would for the hydro and when it is ready, just pop it in the dirt, cube and all. get a simple set of nute mixes for it, nothing too elaborate and just get a feel and see which works better... at least for you. you do that before you get all gung ho on the new room and you will know which way you want to go.

just my thoughts, and easy enough for me to say since it aint my grow op ;)

most of us grow the way we do for the same reason you are using hydro... it is what we had and what we were taught on... makes for bias.


Well-Known Member
Ok kids a lil quick in n out!!! Started the new life today!!! Went great but a super long day!!! so short and sweet and no pics tonight. Ok first thing this morning I go to check before going to work and there are more nuggets and they are much more difined... So I started checking the others and found one with realy nice white shoots comming off, Pretty sure shes a she...hmmmmm
anyway i ripped ole johny walnuts outta there just incase and ripped off to work....didnt have much time in there today before lights went out.. I gotta get a party bulb... but temps are way fucking hot!!!!! Im so anxious to get this grow over so I can start over and get it a lil better... anyway peace to all ya and Ill be back tomorow with more time....
yeah green party light has made my life alot easier!!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I Just Kick On The 500w Haligen And Get Busy... Then Shut It Back Down Asap... And Never Any Prob's Here. My Cirplet Ass Needs The Space And Light. Lol Db.:)


Well-Known Member
Congrats on the female bro..

thanks man! Im psyched.. no other males have showed themselves yet either... btw fucking avatar is epic!!!!! DB must be so proud!!!!

Another long day..... I may be back on later tonight if not there will be plenty on here this weekend!


Well-Known Member
If I Smiled Any Bigger, I Think I Would Swallow My Ears. Lol!!!
Just Got A Phone Call In The Middle Of This.... My Cookies Have Downed Another Grown Man... He Is Now Huging A Chair, And Dosn't Want Anymore To Smoke. Lmfao... See There Equilizer Cookies, You All Can Be In A Chair Like Me... Lol Anothier Victim. Db.:) And The "tlb"

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
Great News man- How many do you have left to sex?

, I just had 4 pre-flowers emerge after my 36 hours of darkness and have 7 more to sex

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
Yeah I dont own it- but every time i am at my headshop i read a section lol... But yeah both Jorge and Arjan use 24-72 hours of darkness depending on the strain...


Well-Known Member
Ok I think the remaing 4 plants are female! The top three nodes have lil white V shaped hairs coming out where the nuggets where on the other. Ive tried to take pics but still the shaky hands bamboozle me! Ill post a few here maybe someone can see something.... Im pretty sure they are female but sure yet...
Also the heat is so out of control... my high is fucking 100 daily.. This cant be Im assuming.. so I am taking my exhaust and hanging it directly above my lights and plants... kinda nervous I gotta make sure that heavy fucker is secure... but its all I can think to help at this point... for the next grow Ill be buying this 11,000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner
way expensive but over time it will pay for itself...
ok pic time now while Im waiting on my help to hang this monster..



Well-Known Member
lookin good bro. yeah I have a 12,000 btu portable a/c in my room and it has worked great cooling my room and my cabinet for my mothers. I haven't really seen it get over 85 and it consistantly keeps my room at around 79.