My first attempt at growing


Well-Known Member
I remember what a lid is and I also used to by cigarettes for 35 cents a pack! Bought them for years and years for 50 cents a pack. Used to drive people around in my car when I was 20 and unemployed, so I could earn money to buy a Pepsi, a pack of smokes and a joint. Sometimes I'd do it twice a day. I was always high, always had cigarettes and a cold bottle of Pepsi.


Active Member
Kinda sad, the government has really let a lot of people down, we need to take care of our own,first.
Its not that persons fault.
theres some things I agree with you about in this, and some things I don't, but I won't turn this into a philosophical discussion on weed forums :P


Well-Known Member
Yea I watched most of it last night! pretty impresive!! stayed up till 4 am dicking around on here and then up at 8 am... damn Im tired....