You guys seem to think I'm not aware of how cheap is can be and havn't been down this road before. I have a PC, I have my incubator totes still, I have my fruiting chamber totes still I have spores, I have syringes, and I even have jars. The thing I don't have is space, not even a closet or anything practical to use for this currently nor do I want to spend the time fcking with preparing bags as that I don't have experiance with. This will cost me more up front for sure I would never deny that or suggest this method to someone trying to do this on this on a budget. This kit is perfect for those who are limited on space, and don't desire to do the sterile work and PCing like I said before. Its a trade off higher cost, for simplicity, no mess, and a gaurentee. Back when I had my mushy grow set up I bought about 6 3lb bags of rye, and shot them up and all failed. I personally blamed the spores, but I don't know what the problem was. With this kit I don't have to guess anything or really do anything. Open the bag drop in the spores, shake and stick it in the corner .....done for a month or so till it colonizes. Then dump into the substrate shake and stick it in the corner for another month. Then expose to some light and lower temps and fruit that bitch. I'm gonna be wrapping the bottom of the block in foil I think to try to prevent side fruiting. It wasn't a big issue last time but seems like a good idea.
Its also not just rye berries either. The bag with the berries in it has the spores, there is also a the 5 lb bag of manure which I couldn't find a 5lb bag but 5 1lb bags were about $22. Not that it can't be found cheaper that was just at the bottom of one of your links. Also not that $22 accounts for the rest of the price, but it is one more cost.
Anyway I'm not trying to change your guys minds, just explaining I don't think I'm crazy. I'm just willing to spend the extra money right now rather then having the extra work, hassles and time involved in running a regular setup. Time being a big one of those, as I used to spend many many hours preparing everything, pcing, and steralizing when I was gonna make a run of jars, making trays or whatever step really. If I had a place I would have set up my original operation along time ago, but since I don't I'm just gonna be happy to have some shroomers growing again.