My first grow journal

Do you have a nice camera or is that a camera phone? I'm curious just how dated my camera and phone are. LOL, thanks for the love Golf-I'm a few days away from a new acid clone being cut and I'm going to post a picture of it at harvest. I'm so glad the seeding incident is over, thanks for sticking with me thru that rough patch. Nice camera work.
DSCF3420.jpgsome clones I cut from a flowering acid plant. I did this because out of the last round of clones I used one for a mother and now that it's getting bigger I think I may have mislabeled it so I cut these as an insurance policy. I'll know when I take a cut and the cuts flower for a few days.
DSCF3431.jpgDSCF3432.jpgDSCF3433.jpgDSCF3434.jpgDSCF3435.jpgDSCF3436.jpgDSCF3437.jpgThese are all pics of the latest acid plant reaping. again, still smaller in stature because veg was rushed but it fills the stop gap nicely (along with Glads gracious gift via Belle-thanks guys much love)

DSCF3438.jpg Here are the ice cuts we have been following on this journal. The 6 a selected for this batch. They will sit for a minimum of 3 weeks and I prefer a good 5 but we'll see I'm trying to fill in a new light and double output so I have been rushing the veg to kind of feather it out and fill the flower room. I'm a full 2 3week cycle from filling it and having the 3 week rotation smoothed out I think.
DSCF3439.jpgsoome more cuts of ICE for next time and a rooted Acid cut from the experiment above
DSCF3441.jpgFlower room, HPS (orange light side) is the older ones. next harvest is 9-3 to 9-10 and is a bubblelicious and a full on Acid. Then it's a group of 6 mixed AK48 widow acid mostly. I'm going from 3 and 4 plant rotations to 6 now and it's going well.
DSCF3442.jpgmiddle, orange and blue from the MH, they start on that side and move every 3 seek as old ones cycle out. I think it really is helping the AK48 and Widow to not stretch so badly in the first 3 weeks to have the MH right above and the HPS off to the side
DSCF3443.jpgThe rest, these are right under the MH see almost no HPS over here I see space, room for another 6 plant cycle, that's the goal that and to keep myself honest thru the journal. Next month after my ironman race on sept 9th when I can walk again I will be starting some BA seeds from my man to the north Glad. some straight up TGA.
DSCF3444.jpgAn over view of the flower room.


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Yo GLAD! you got an Ice lady now so we're growing the same gentics: out do me brother! Tell me it aint the sweetest tasting stuff I warn you though she will herm if she isn't happy. Maybe a cut to use some dutch masters if you aren't opposed but if you're between 65 and 78 deg at all times there should be no worries.
That sounds great. I get off on being one of the guys to buy new, untested strains the day they drop. I have a bottle of Reverse already. Having a heads up on it, makes it easy. My temps have been good now. Not sure about out doing you though. lol. I have been pumping out the tiny plants. I have a feeling lots of us with be growing like genetics. Your room is looking pretty good.
Nice looking grow! Did you switch to 2 HPS yet? I was reading a thread over at IC Mag last night and this guy is flowering with cheap ass $40 MH bulbs and pulling 4-5 oz out of 2g pots.. Beautiful plants too..

Way back in the day a friend and I used a 1000w MH and 1000w HPS to flower with awesome results.
That's what I'm rolling with right now, 1K MH and 1K HPS I want to see a few cycles go through the MH and HPS combo I have going on before I decide to leave it or go to 2K HPS. I got all digital switchable balasts for the 2 x 1K watt and a magnetic 400 watt hps that I use a conversion MH bulb in for veg. I got lots of flouro to for the little ones but with the conversion bulb I dont seem to need the flouro anymore as the conversion bulb seems to treat the little ones nice and easy. Both light kits came with 1 each HPS and MH so big score there with extra bulbs for next year-I don't think they are hortilux quality but fucking free is free and free is for ME! Thanks for following along!
I curse you Nirvana seeds, I curse you GOOD! Once these lights go on I have to confirm it but I think this AK-48 is bullshit, it's harvested terrible and loosely formed buds and I'm 99% sure right before lights out last night I saw ball sacs on these bitches. IF I find just one this morning when my lights come on I'm RIPPING all of them out the ground and pissing on them-literally! It'll mark the second set of herm seed from this shipment from that breeder. northern lights and ak48 both had herms and males and nothing usable. WTF pekers, I have great genes from you and I got other strains growing find without herm right next to these so it's not environment. I'm so pissed! BUT I got TGA genes now (thanks glad) so maybe it's time to dump that ak shit and do up that qurazy train and chernobyl!!!! no herms no herms no herms......maybe I should stop being a bitch and buy the dutch reverse. I'm pissed tho regardless!
The way I look at it, I buy lots of new gear. Also we are buying hybrids of hybrids and breeders keep mixing to make money, and I keep spending.... lol. I have a bottle of reverse.
You tried the shit out of Nirvana. You have a few TGA. Pick out a few other breeders and try one or two of their gear and your garden will let you know what it likes to work iwth.
There's nothing wrong with the bulbs that come free with the ballst kits.. I've used the cheap bulb that came with mine for a whole year, it is still working great 3.5 grows later.. I do have a new Ushio on the way though. I'll save the old one for emergency's in case the Ushio prematurely fails or something.
Background on my system for records and naming: I number the clones as they are cut and marked in the cloner BUT they don't get a sheet until they are in 3 gallon pots. Using the highest number of the last cutting taken that makes it into a 3 gallon pot I number the cuts and mark the cloner with cut date and strain name plus the numbers to be used. They get their number in order as they come out of the cloner into the small half gallon pots to root. They get all the info collected on them after they are moved to 3 gallon pots. I have one sheet for each plant in a 3 gallon pot. I keep track of amendments (added only to soil in 3 gallon pots all others are not amended yet-its unnecessary) I also keep track of date cut, first and second transplant (info kept on pot sticker that goes all the way to harvest jar with the plant) flower date harvest date every watering or feeding from transplant to harvest I have a space for dry wt and a narrative as well. every plant I have finished in the past 2 years has a data sheet kept in a seperate book. Mother plants are also numbered same way, and tracked using the same methods. Now the update:
So the ICE clones we're watching are all potted in the 3 gallon pots for the most part. I will move 2 more today and that will be the lineup for the next cycle.for my own reference I will name them right here so if something gets crazy I will know. ICE #'s 7-11 and 13 and 14

Clone cuts 1 8-29-12.jpgpossible replacements if any of the transplants die or suck. Got to have the numbers to get the best. The far left closest to us is an acid cut from an Acid plant in flower because I mislabled a mother and nearly fucked myself out of the strain! Anyway, she is nice and healthy and not too far into the flower so it's growing nice and will be the acid mother. Oh, if you notice it looks lean this week that's because AK-48 is a bitch and hermed so I had to go back and pull them all from every stage....and they were in EVERY STAGE! FUCKER. but, presence of mind and knowing my strains that I've been working with I save the acid legacy. I got a shit ton flowering so it won't even gap I don't think.

Flower room 8-29-12 acid week 3.jpg Acid early in flower. 3 weeks-ish
Flower room 8-29-12 Acid week 8.jpgACid in the final week of flower
Flower room 8-29-12 Bubblelicious week 8.jpgThe last of the bubblelicious strain, they are dying too but because they aren't strong enough of bubblegummy enough for me to keep on. Space is better served with Acid, white widow and ice for now. got them TGA's to start up too though so I needed the space. it's not nearly as good as it looks.
flower room 8-29-12 overview canopy.jpgCanopy of the flower room, jsut an overview of the canopy. it's all acid here!
flower room 8-29-12 overview.jpgAnd another
flower room 8-29-12 white widow week 3.jpgClose up of the white widow in flower. I'm thinking that will be my next run thru after Ice, I'm cleaning up a mother and she is awesome and ready to give tons of cuts. Love that widow!
overview flower room 8-27-12.jpganother overview of flower
veg room 1 8-29-12.jpgThe lean veg room all acid here, the only one that isn't is the back far left and that's the widow mother.

Thanks for following, I'm getting better at this journal shit I think. My camera still sucks and so does the photographer but my thumb is green and bong is full. I really want to do labs on the cuts we're watching at the end to really REALLY finish the journal. I'll post the actual hand written journal entries that corospond to the plants as they harvest out. Thanks again Gladstoned for pushing me to do a journal it's actually improving my grow. I can't slop thru any part of it, the whole world would see!!!!!! LOL


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Everyone who is going to make the next run thru that's all ICE has been transplanted into their 3-4 gallon pots.
9-2-12veg1.jpgback left is the widow mother back right is the ice mother. The rest in large pots are all Ice cuts waiting for their turn to flower. records so far tell me that best yeilds come from about 2 weeks to 20 days in the cloner then 7 to 35 days in the small pots with another 21 to 35 days in the large pots so we're trying to stick to that. So far so good and now that they are all here I'm just waiting for september 22-25 while keeping on the feed water feed water schedule. They're going to get fox farms full line next week probably begining in week 2 or 3 of the soil feed schedule. If I hadn't mentioned already this time at transplant I amended the soil as follows: Soil is made as before 1 part perlite/vermiculite/peat moss to 4 parts topssoil Then for every pot I added 2 tablespoons each :dolomite lime, jamiacan bat guano,mexican bat guano, blood meal, bone meal. I watered this with fox farms root drench and microbe brew a week or so before the plants went in teir pots. i put then pots full of dirt under the light and the plants in their little pots on top of the dirt. Let teh soil ill with it's stuff for a week and let the plant get a taste of it's new home before it moves in.
9-2-12veg2.jpgWhite Widow mother
9-2-12veg4.jpgIce mother
9-2-12veg3.jpgThat little plant will be my acid mother after the labeling mix up that nearly put them extinct in my grow room I am almost at a point I will have another mother for it.

Next week before I leave for my race saturday morning (I'm attempting my first ironman triathlon at cedar point) I will cut an acid plant that's finishing and the last bubblelicious plant I will ever grow (Didn't like it, not a strong enough plant or strain) and there will be pics then of those but it's just a slow veg now for the ICE we're watching. paperwork is picking up though, now there are 9 sheets to fill out at every feeding and watering. But to find your flaws and to correct them you have to record record record and keep records of your recordings for review. Thanks for following.
Thanks GLAD; I'll be posting pics of it on here and everywhere else on the interweb and the realy real world.


First: the ladies we're watching on this journal specifically my little ice plants.
9-4-12 veg room full pic.jpg
I'm looking at september 17th as the flowering date for these little monsters. That would be between 3 and 4 weeks from their T2 (second and final transplant) and put the harvest for them (they are 9 week 1 day plants) at about 11-20-12.
My flower room has lost one today, the final bubblelicious.
9-4-12 bubblelicious harvest 1.jpg9-4-12 bubblelicious harvest 3.jpg9-4-12 bubblelicious harvest 2.jpg
Another will go very VERY soon and that's it for this month. That's it for september and small 2-4 plant cycles. I have 4 acid plants and a widow harvesting in the second week of october (happy B day to me!) and it's the first cycle that's amped up to 5 next cycle could be 9 ice if they all fill in nicely. I'd be happy with the best 6 too but let's hope daddy needs to pay some bills!
9-4-12 acid clone.jpg
My acid girl that was saved from extinction is looking really healthy. soon as I see a root pop out the bottom she is going to get her own 3 gallon pot. not sure if you can tell but it has a few hairs on it that are already shriveling. It's my hope she was so early into flower that she won't do that whole bog down and take forever to regrow something to cut at thing they like to do. If she does I deserve it, lesson learned not so many joints in the grow room til the record keeping is done.


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The nervous energy is killing me, so I'm doing another update.
View attachment 2325047 So, front row all ICE, second row all ICE back row left to right: white widow mother, ICE, Acid Mother and ICE mother. The cuts we're watching are coming along well they are just starting to spread out and take off in their new pots.

View attachment 2325049View attachment 2325050View attachment 2325051View attachment 2325052
These are some pics of the Acid plant I cut last night. first one isn't even the biggest club of the bunch. I'm estimating this one to come out at about 2 oz. and I really hope it does it's got to feed 3 for a month! LOL, I got that bubblelicious plant too but it's pretty weak. Meh, next cut is going to be 4 of these this size (or bigger it looks like) and a white widow that is fucking OC! that's on between 10-3-12 and 10-10-12. Ice behind them.
9-13-12 veg room overview 2.jpg
Here are the Ice clones the journal was started for. About another week and a half before flower, I have been lashing them down and trying to branch them out she is a wild stretcher
.9-13-12 flower room overview.jpgHere is the flower room they're going into. cut the MH to save money-it was overkill with my gap here and only the 5 plants flowering. They doing well. 3 acid and one widow. I'll let you guess who is who.


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9-17-12 Flower ICE.jpg These are the first 5 to flower. They were transplanted on 8-20-12 and 8-25-12 so it's been at least 3 weeks. This gives the roots time to inhabit the whole pot. They'd do that if I flowered right away as well but that energy is best used building buds so I try and let them have 2-4 weeks. plus the break keeps me from being up all night cleaning bud on one night or over a few nights now I have 2 weeks to get it done.

9-17-12 flower room ICE 2.jpgSide view minus the corner girl, she got cut off in this photo

9-17-12 Veg overview.jpgHere are the rest of the ladies in waiting. back 3 are mothers the other big pots are ICE still and the lil ones are from my TGA seed grow thread.
9-17-12 flower room Acid and widow 2.jpg9-17-12 Flower room ACID and Widow.jpgThe rest of the flower room, 5 ACID And 1 Widow with about 4 weeks to go.
All the ice plants this thread was started for are now in flower.
9-20-12 flower room 2.jpgshould be a great haul in mid november. it's a solid 9 week plant no more no less. getting excited to get labs done on her I have no clue what I'm working with as far as profile or potency but it's a sweet tasting brain wreck so I really want numbers to quantify that LOL.
9-20-12 flower room 1.jpgStill waiting....mid october will be my first really big harvest with the new lights at full capapcity. I expect 7 oz of Acid and 1-2 oz of that widow there on the end. it's starting to turn a little already. big fat buds and just a few red hairs now. 9-10 weeks of flower is best for this strain and plant.
10-1-12 flower room 1.jpgIt's been what almost 2- 3 weeks in flower? I have them scheduled for harvest starting november 17 so they are going in week 3 aprox.
10-1-12 flower room 2.jpgLooks like a nice canopy I just tied them down and trimmed them up before this pic also fed them really good
10-1-12 flower room 3.jpg9 is the biggest set yet I spaced them about a week and I don't know if it was enough! What a sweet problem that may be. not to count chickens but I almost fear cleaning this mess. The MH and the system of 11.5 hours of that and 10 hours of the HPS is working great. The plants have ALOT more leaves and the caylxs stack much tighter under the MH and then when the stretch is over I can put them under the HPS and they grow like never before with all the extra foliage making food. Makes picking and choosing the ones to pluck in late flower easier too. I pull the big older fan leaves so the bottom buds finish more I think it helps. There is is thought almost all the way trough. no mites at all spotted temps are cooler now about 68 at night and 76 in the day that's also helping I think it was 80 and 60 and I don't think they liked the flux. Thanks for watching