Background on my system for records and naming: I number the clones as they are cut and marked in the cloner BUT they don't get a sheet until they are in 3 gallon pots. Using the highest number of the last cutting taken that makes it into a 3 gallon pot I number the cuts and mark the cloner with cut date and strain name plus the numbers to be used. They get their number in order as they come out of the cloner into the small half gallon pots to root. They get all the info collected on them after they are moved to 3 gallon pots. I have one sheet for each plant in a 3 gallon pot. I keep track of amendments (added only to soil in 3 gallon pots all others are not amended yet-its unnecessary) I also keep track of date cut, first and second transplant (info kept on pot sticker that goes all the way to harvest jar with the plant) flower date harvest date every watering or feeding from transplant to harvest I have a space for dry wt and a narrative as well. every plant I have finished in the past 2 years has a data sheet kept in a seperate book. Mother plants are also numbered same way, and tracked using the same methods. Now the update:
So the ICE clones we're watching are all potted in the 3 gallon pots for the most part. I will move 2 more today and that will be the lineup for the next cycle.for my own reference I will name them right here so if something gets crazy I will know. ICE #'s 7-11 and 13 and 14

possible replacements if any of the transplants die or suck. Got to have the numbers to get the best. The far left closest to us is an acid cut from an Acid plant in flower because I mislabled a mother and nearly fucked myself out of the strain! Anyway, she is nice and healthy and not too far into the flower so it's growing nice and will be the acid mother. Oh, if you notice it looks lean this week that's because AK-48 is a bitch and hermed so I had to go back and pull them all from every stage....and they were in EVERY STAGE! FUCKER. but, presence of mind and knowing my strains that I've been working with I save the acid legacy. I got a shit ton flowering so it won't even gap I don't think.

Acid early in flower. 3 weeks-ish

ACid in the final week of flower

The last of the bubblelicious strain, they are dying too but because they aren't strong enough of bubblegummy enough for me to keep on. Space is better served with Acid, white widow and ice for now. got them TGA's to start up too though so I needed the space. it's not nearly as good as it looks.

Canopy of the flower room, jsut an overview of the canopy. it's all acid here!

And another

Close up of the white widow in flower. I'm thinking that will be my next run thru after Ice, I'm cleaning up a mother and she is awesome and ready to give tons of cuts. Love that widow!

another overview of flower

The lean veg room all acid here, the only one that isn't is the back far left and that's the widow mother.
Thanks for following, I'm getting better at this journal shit I think. My camera still sucks and so does the photographer but my thumb is green and bong is full. I really want to do labs on the cuts we're watching at the end to really REALLY finish the journal. I'll post the actual hand written journal entries that corospond to the plants as they harvest out. Thanks again Gladstoned for pushing me to do a journal it's actually improving my grow. I can't slop thru any part of it, the whole world would see!!!!!! LOL