A mix in the flower room.

Mostly chernobyl

a mix again

The finishing HPS side

These and the previous are about to be harvested from the side by side by side by side testing I did on my soil and fox farms nutrients. one is a pure organic soil of my making, another is that blend with mycos added another is a re-use of my soil and the last is the soil with fox farms nutrients used. I really don't see a difference except the re-use could have really used more organic amendments and alot more peat moss added to it-its clumpy and really hard with not much water retention

Mostly an Ice plant with a screen. I love that screen I went and got 3 more. it's a round screen that fits my pots perfect and has nice 1 to 1.5 inch square spaces. perfect for my pots

on the left by the AC is qrazy train A pheno and the TALL one is an untopped fat purple. got to see if she likes growing that way or if it's a screen plant. I bet it yeilds better screened

Another shot, same plants

This was a gift Super Silver Haze from a guy I met at the G&S market before it became a smoke barn or whatever it is now. looks frosty but also looks like it'll be a low yeilder. hope it isn't the greatest I ever had, I killed the clones to make room....so it will be LOL

Veg room! these are the clones, the little ones there my stand by's.

with the flash....for some reason

more cuts and jamaicans waiting for sexing

and again, jamaicans ready for sexing

And again, Jamaicans.

Some PMG Poison Kush plants that were put in my charge. Prolly transplant them tomorrow, give those roots room to spread out and I bet they are monsters in a week. Got to bouble check the lineage but it's a durban poison crossed with....a kush, obviously-not sure what one forgot will post when I get the info.