My First Grow-Kush-Outdoors(pics)


Well-Known Member
well here it is, only the bottom of the leaves on plants look like this and its still only about 5-10 leaves a plant which i just pluck off
anything to worry about? thanks for all help this is my first grow and i have not a sweet clue



Well-Known Member
went out this morning and i couldnt have been happier with what i saw
buds are forming nicely, now its just a waiting/praying game

no signs of pests besides a bit of slug damage but i can handle that...
hopefully pics soon, this morning was a spur of the moment visit, was just bored


Well-Known Member
Read through your journal. No need to worry about the lower fans, that's normal.

Just remember it's not rocket science, it will do everything it can to survive without your help.

If it's near houses or something where somebody can see you, don't be sneaking around at night with a flashlight, best time to go is dawn, nobodies awake.

Good luck, don't get ansy and cut buds off to smoke.


Well-Known Member
I especially like how you named them.

My gardens are a holocaust by comparison, I wouldn't want to get attached, and name a plant, then cut it's head off and completely dissect it :bigjoint: then burn her and inhale the smoke

I'm a mass murder, when sensi girls see me coming :D they scream, I fatten them up and slaughter them :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I'm hearing that it's not unusual for lower leaves to dry and drop off as the plant grows; saw that happening on mine and was told to relax - good luck!


Well-Known Member
I especially like how you named them.

My gardens are a holocaust by comparison, I wouldn't want to get attached, and name a plant, then cut it's head off and completely dissect it :bigjoint: then burn her and inhale the smoke

I'm a mass murder, when sensi girls see me coming :D they scream, I fatten them up and slaughter them :bigjoint:

yea i do my best to not get attached, outside u never know when u could be jacked, but its hard
i havent been out since my last post so i gotta get out there sometime soon


Well-Known Member
finally got out to my spot and am so excited to see my own marijuana plant growing into these late stages :D
i didnt get pics cause i dont kno where my camera went but i may be out to water again pretty soon so ill try to find it

i watered tonite with around 45 mL of molasses to a 2L, hoping to thicken up the buds over the next few weeks but time is no longer on my side, the nights are getting colder

currently the buds are all pretty much popcorn-ish size with the tips of the hairs amber, if u have ever seen orangeshovels journal, pretty much what his plant looks like hair wise (amber tips) but not as big buds or as many trichs, although trichs are starting to pop up everywheres :D

im so excited, these next few weeks are gonna be suspenseful
peace out rollitup, work in the mornin
dont forget to blaze:weed:

Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
hey hooked, just read through the journal. its been a while since pictures (id love to see some). its a really exciting time huh? i cant wait until harvest day! good luck!


Well-Known Member
yea ill be sure to get pics soon
been crazy busy lately, barely find time for the girls, but i do cause i love em to death <3 hahahah

but picture your plant with a bit less trichs and a little smaller buds :P
supposed to frost tonight, how bad is frosting for my plant?


Well-Known Member
well i was motivated by orangeshovel to go get some pics so here you ladies and gents are, fresh pics of my first grow, i am so excited to have made it this far

how long do u guys think i have left? the buds are still looking small to me but temps are dropping pretty quick around here, may frost tonight
edit: hairs are mostly amber tipped on top halves of plants, bottom halves a bit more white, trichs are steadily coming gotta get/find a microscope

all comments welcome

:peace:smoke weed everyday:leaf:



Well-Known Member
Hi HookedOn, how's it going mate? Those girls have really come on well. Some nice looking buds there ;) I'm really glad they're doing the business for you, looks like you don't have too long to go now either. Keep up the good work, you've done a great job so far.


Well-Known Member
hey GB thx for stoppin by! and u just came back to the site too so welcome back! although i guess u have been back for a few hours :eyesmoke:
i just wish they were as tall as yours :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the welcome back HookedOn. At least you got buds on them which is more than I can say for my Cinammons LOL. You really did well with those man, seriously. Well done, I hope they smoke good too.


Well-Known Member
Hi HookedOn ... I luv it when people do the before and after thing ;) It's great to see just how much those girls have come on. I'll say it again, you've done a great job with them mate, specially as they're out there in the ground doing it the natural way. Excellent work, hope things continue to go well for you. And thanks for the pics :)


Well-Known Member
and thanks you GB for all the support, you have been one of the few on RIU to constantly visit my journal

and when i said pics i meant PICS but my computer was being slower than a fuck tard last night and i didnt have the patience
this ones for you GB

2nd picture is nibbles, shes my 3rd mistress
last pic is my favourite, pretty sure its of Bertha
also attempted to get cola shots off all 3, but my cam is a piece of shit as u can tell, but u guys get the idea :-P



Well-Known Member
Shit HookedOn, those girls are even nicer than I thought!!! Awesome pics man, I'd Rep you again but it won't let me LOL. Loads of tasty buds there, Bertha especially looks amazing. You gotta be well chuffed mate :) I love the name Nibbles too man, it really suits her LOL. Great job indeed!!! And as for me coming to your journal I'm only here cause I wanna be mate, and cause you first popped into mine way back when. We support each other and that's what it's all about!!

Anyway HookedOn you oughta be rightly pleased with your girls, they're doing great :) Keep up the good work ... And many thanks for posting those pics, I really enjoyed seeing them ...