My First Grow... Outdoor on tight budget

Today I woke up and started thinking about how to get natural sun light indoors to light a plant... The obvious idea is a sky light, the next one is mirrors, and then I had a better idea...

I was thinking I could run a few lines of fiber-optics cable from a window that gets sun to my plants inside. But then I would have to buy the expensive cable. So now I need to build a wish list for my birthday and see if the g/f gets me something i can use.
I moved the other tiny lady that was outside to my indoor re-veg trash can. They both barely fit into it. I'll have pictures up tomorrow, my camera is recharging.
So... A family of Blue Jays moved into a tree in my neighbors yard and they have been eating all my lady bugs. I cant bust out the paintball gun because they fly right back to my neighbors yard and I would risk shooting their house. I dont want to go to home-depot and buy lady bugs because I think the Blue Jays are just going to keep eating them and I would be paying to feed birds and not protect my plants from spider mites. I guess I need to buy some neem oil and maybe some safer insect spray.
Here are some pictures of my indoor set up...






I've been watering the outdoor plants every other day... and I flushed the indoor tiny ones yesterday. I plan to add a small amount of nuts mainly N to the indoor midgets to get their growth to restart.

Watering the indoor plants is harder because i have to empty the run off water that sits at the bottom of the trash can 4 hours after Ive watered them. I was watering them everyday with 1 cup of tap water each, but it didnt look like the soil was ever drying out so, Im cutting back to every other day with 2 cup of tap water each. ( Dont have a RO system yet )
Outdoor plants have been getting tap water for the entire run. I added a half inch of Miracle Grow to the top of the pot when the first lady began to flower, and have not added any nutrients or fert at any other time. I dont have a Ph or PPM meter so i cant give you the specs of my tap water.
the fist pic the outdoor ladies.. u have 2 plants in one pot one is biger than the otherone.. transplant them to separate pots because one is getting more nutrients than the otherone..
I agree with you el tio... I should move them to separate pots, but I ran out of soil when I was first planting the seeds so they ended up having to share a pot. When I get some more soil and some more pots or buckets I will be sure to transplant them into separate pots. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
K scraping the water every other day for the tiny ladies inside... Now every morning I take the tiny ladies into the bathroom and drain the run off water at the bottom of the trash can and then water the plants while they are in the bath tub. Then I let them drain for 20 to 30 min still in the tub. While they are draining I clean out the trash can first with water, then with H202 (hydrogen peroxide). Then I dry the trash can both inside and outside and put the plants back in with their 1 to 2 inch plastic spacers at the bottom to raise the plants closer to the light.

The soil was just too dry after not watering the indoor ladies for a day. So now its back to watering them everyday, but I cut more holes in the bottom for drainage so the soil wont start growing fungus. 4 hours after I put the plants back in the trash can and under the light I will drain the run off water again. Then I repeat the entire process again each morning.
Outdoor ladies got 1 Gal of tap water today (1 gal total for both of them in same pot)... herm got 1/2 gal... A tiny wolf spider is now doing the job my lady bugs were doing. Except the wolf spider seems to be better at its job. Its killing all the gnats, white flys, spider mites, thrips, and any other insect it can catch. Wolf Spider > Lady Bug but I cant just go catch wolf spiders and put them on the plants. They have to willingly move in.
I didn't put up pictures of the tiny midget ladies inside a few days ago... so here they are now










I guess the midgets are still trying to bud... I can see new white hairs growing from the top of the tiny midget lady. Im going to lengthen the light time on to 18 on/ 6 off... I have been running 16/8. And outside they are getting 12/12... slowly moving to 13/11. Only 5 hours of that is direct sunlight.
Ok i just went back and read thru the thread.
Idk is re vegging those plants will be worth it, its gonna take for ever, and there not i the best of shape.
I would germinate some more seeds, and maybe get a bunch of plants going in party cups or something, how much light do they get outside?
I would try and move them around so they get light all day, i know you said you have neighbors on all sides, how big are the walls?
Im sure there are some spots you can find out of sight that get light, plus that would be kind weird if your neighbors are lookin over your wall anyways haha.
I see your in 619, ever look into getting your medical card?
Have you looked into get any kind of nutrients? even anything like they have for regular plants will work. Neem oil is pretty cheap as well, which should help with the all the bugs you got.
I would also toss the hermi, idk if you would even get anything out of it either.
[QUOTE="SICC";4129189]Ok i just went back and read thru the thread.
Idk is re vegging those plants will be worth it, its gonna take for ever, and there not i the best of shape.
I would germinate some more seeds, and maybe get a bunch of plants going in party cups or something, how much light do they get outside?
I would try and move them around so they get light all day, i know you said you have neighbors on all sides, how big are the walls?
Im sure there are some spots you can find out of sight that get light, plus that would be kind weird if your neighbors are lookin over your wall anyways haha.
I see your in 619, ever look into getting your medical card?
Have you looked into get any kind of nutrients? even anything like they have for regular plants will work. Neem oil is pretty cheap as well, which should help with the all the bugs you got.
I would also toss the hermi, idk if you would even get anything out of it either.[/QUOTE]

I agree, this re-veg is taking a long time ( 11 days so far ). I probably could have germed more seeds by now and had them bigger then the tiny ladies im trying to re-veg.

The fence that runs around my yard is only 5 feet tall, but some of the neighbors have an elevated patio so they can see right over the fence into most of my yard. Plus they have 2 teenage boys that love to spy on the neighbors.

I just went outside and I repositioned my BBQ to block their view of the plants and maximize the amount of daylight the plants get.

I cut the herm on the node before the male parts started to show just as an experiment in topping and to see if the female trait will carry up to the top where it has started to grow male parts. If it tops with male parts then the herm is going to be cut down, If it tops with female parts I might keep it around for another week just to see if the male characteristic shows back up. If it shows back up im cutting it down.

I dont have a card yet, cheapest one I can find around here is 140$. I can save up the money, but when I get it I always seem to buy a half ounce. A few of my buddies have their cards, and have been offering me cheap clones, but I dont have my aero system set up yet. Another buddy of mine grows for a doctor that owns his own dispensary down here. He sold his last crop of 20 plants 11 lbs for 18k 2 months ago. Im going to see if he can give me some cuttings for cloning and maybe bum some nutrients off him. He uses all T5 floros with no HID lights all the way through and gets decent bud but not as dense nugs.

Now im going to try and copy your party cup grow, and Im hoping I do as well.