My First Grow... Outdoor on tight budget

grow 15 new plants ull have like 6-8 females that should be good for experimenting with light and soil some pics of my babies today!


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here 4 more babies that i planted like two weeks ago..lets see how they do..


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I agree, this re-veg is taking a long time ( 11 days so far ). I probably could have germed more seeds by now and had them bigger then the tiny ladies im trying to re-veg.

The fence that runs around my yard is only 5 feet tall, but some of the neighbors have an elevated patio so they can see right over the fence into most of my yard. Plus they have 2 teenage boys that love to spy on the neighbors.

I just went outside and I repositioned my BBQ to block their view of the plants and maximize the amount of daylight the plants get.

I cut the herm on the node before the male parts started to show just as an experiment in topping and to see if the female trait will carry up to the top where it has started to grow male parts. If it tops with male parts then the herm is going to be cut down, If it tops with female parts I might keep it around for another week just to see if the male characteristic shows back up. If it shows back up im cutting it down.

I dont have a card yet, cheapest one I can find around here is 140$. I can save up the money, but when I get it I always seem to buy a half ounce. A few of my buddies have their cards, and have been offering me cheap clones, but I dont have my aero system set up yet. Another buddy of mine grows for a doctor that owns his own dispensary down here. He sold his last crop of 20 plants 11 lbs for 18k 2 months ago. Im going to see if he can give me some cuttings for cloning and maybe bum some nutrients off him. He uses all T5 floros with no HID lights all the way through and gets decent bud but not as dense nugs.

Now im going to try and copy your party cup grow, and Im hoping I do as well.

damn only 5 feet, thats kinda weird haha.
The hermi is a hermi man, even with the topping, its not gonna do bac to being just female.
140 is alot for a card, but if you could get clones, i would aslo try that since its a guaranteed female.
I was just thinking you can do party cups since there easy to hide, and you can still get a good yield of them.
Sounds good man, that will probably be better.
A fresh start is always good.
Keep us posted :leaf:
g/f keeps bugging me to post the pictures she took of a humming bird and its baby in the nest... sorry have to make the woman happy...100e0483.jpg100e0479.jpg100e0493.jpg100_0486.jpg100e0497.jpg

Thats cools tho, i've never seen a humming bird nest before, i got one that always come by my window.
k just got back from my friends house, and he gave me 3 Af-Wreck seeds for free, but I want to save those until I get better at growing. Im just going to pick 10 of the biggest and roundest seeds out of the mix bag. Some are striped, some are all dark brown, and some are all light brown.

To germ these 10 seeds, I put them in a shot glass with water in it. When the tap root pops out I will plant them into party cups or small square flower pots that hold about the same volume as a party cup. The difference between the two is the square flower pots have drainage holes in them already and are square. The party cups dont have drainage holes and are round.

I couldnt tell if SICC put drainage holes in the bottom of his party cups, but I want to copy his method.
Its all good man, i did have drainage holes in my party cups.
And you should do the same.
Have you looked into the paper towel method to germinate the seeds?
dude your plants are getting fried from too much miracle grow, throw that shit away and go buy some organic nutrients. If you are spending money on lights you might as well just grow them outdoors and spend the money on nutrients instead. botanicare makes pure blend pro grow and pro blend bloom which are organic and work good or you could get something else. There are plenty of nutrients to choose from, flora nova, fox farms, and advanced nutrients which is the best and way over priced.

nice fucking seed collection
[QUOTE="SICC";4130008]Its all good man, i did have drainage holes in my party cups.
And you should do the same.
Have you looked into the paper towel method to germinate the seeds?[/QUOTE]

K ill put drainage holes in the party cups.

Ive tried the wet paper towel method before and accidentally let the towel go dry. I guess I can try it again since I have the time to keep an eye on it. Im going to put 5 in a wet paper towel and keep 5 in the shot glass of water to see if one works faster then the other.
dude your plants are getting fried from too much miracle grow, throw that shit away and go buy some organic nutrients. If you are spending money on lights you might as well just grow them outdoors and spend the money on nutrients instead. botanicare makes pure blend pro grow and pro blend bloom which are organic and work good or you could get something else. There are plenty of nutrients to choose from, flora nova, fox farms, and advanced nutrients which is the best and way over priced.

nice fucking seed collection

Ive gotten a few mixed comments on miracle grow and how my plants are going to react to it. I really dont think Ive burnt them, if anything they are showing nutrient deficiency. Before I planted the seeds in Miracle grow soil I flushed the soil with 5 Gal of water for 2 days because I read about miracle grow killing plants. I do plan on getting a few nutrient solutions though, probably next pay check. Was going to start with what I saw SICC using... Micro and Grow for veg and hydrozyme for roots and kool bloom for flower, also saw he had some (botanicare) hydroplex, and sweet; (General Hydroponics) Flora Micro, Kool Bloom, and Flora Grow.

I used to move some serious weight in college like a pound a week, and I would pick through each nug looking for seeds so my costumers would be happy with seedless bud.
seeds picked for germ





I ran out of paper towels so im using a brown paper lunch bag.
OMG!!! less then 12 hours from putting the 5 seeds in between a folded brown paper bag that was thoroughly wet and inside a plastic zip lock bag 2 of the 5 have already began to split open. The tap root hasnt come out yet but I can see the seem of the seeds cracking open and the white inside the seed.

zero of the 5 in the shot glass have cracked open as far as I can see. 3 have sunk to the the bottom of the shot glass and 2 are still floating.

These seeds from the mix bag are over 5 years old and still viable.
So now I need to get my ass in gear and prepare for these new seedlings. Didn't plan on a less than 12 hour germ, I was thinking 24 to 72 hours.

Going to get some soil today and some basic nutrients and set up the party cups. Ill get more pictures up later today when the camera is charged.
Here are some pictures of the seeds. The 2 close ups are on the ones that have split already.



And the pictures of the ladies outside... I got a little trigger happy with the camera


















now the smaller one...




These are the pots im going to use instead of party cups. The g/f brought home 10 of these a few months back and I have yet to use them


Nice, those lil pots will be perfect.
Your ladies look good, got some nice frost going on the one thats budding.