My First Grow... Outdoor on tight budget

I think dissolving a stick in water to feed them would kill them. Those sticks are meant to be consumed over a long period of time. I'd recommend getting some compost and making tea. It's relatively cheap and easy to do. Plus you will be avoiding harsh chemicals. I think I got a large bag of composted cow manure for about $6 at Lowe's, and I've only gone through about half in a month. I've even been using it as part of my mix in my potting soil. You can really stretch it out pretty nicely as long as you aren't wasteful with it.

Yea, I agree with you that a entire stick disolved in water would probably be too much, so im just going to poor a little bit of the disolved solution in a gal of water each time to cut it. 6$ is out of my budget but if I had 6$ id probably by bat guano instead of cow manure compost.

just went through this thread and tht outdoor plant looks good. And for that inside grow , i cant believe nobody said this yet...but please get rid of the aluminum foil because it will burn your plants and could kill them , if you want reflective walls then just paint it with Flat White Paint or use Mylar which looks like aluminum foil you can get them at any hardware store i believe ... Good luck with your grow man! hope you get a nice harvest..peace

Yea, ive been meaning to change the aluminum foil to mylar for a long time now. But still each material is going to reflect light and heat back at the plants but mylar is more efficient at reflecting light than aluminum foil. But I dont think switching from aluminum foil to mylar will lower my temps.

Why do all your plants keep budding so early? It's kind of...cute.

I think I was because I put them outside during the wrong time of year when there was less then 12 hours of light so as soon as they poped up they started budding a week later.
I R A NOOB too... I'm trying to stay super low budget to prove that anyone can do this with a little bit of time and effort. Ive spent less than 50$ total on my set up... 50W HPS light fixture was 40$ and soil and nutrients 7$. And its only 50W light so im not using a lot of electricity, maybe a dollar more a month to run the light and fan.


This is the first one I planted...

This is the second one I planted...

It might make it after all... even after up-rooting its self and having to be replanted.

This is the third one I planted...

The first 2 were planted in miracle grow soil that had been flushed for 2 days before planting anything in it. The third one was planted in soil I got at the dollar store for a buck. I flushed that soil for 2 days too before I planted anything in it.



keeping my fingers crossed that I dont burn them to the point where they die. I give them about 1 fluid oz of a solution of water, half a dissolved nutrient stick, and 40 drops of liquid nutrients. I have no idea what the Ph or PPM is... I know this is very risky, but im going to try it anyway as a learning experience.
Finally, 1 of the 5 that originally started out in a shot glass soaking with water and then moved to a wet paper bag has poped a tap root...

Its too short right now for me to plant it so the seed is above ground and the tap root buried. I dont want to risk another one up-rooting its self, so I will wait till the tap root is about 1 cm long.



the last 2 that remain in the wet paper bag that started out in the wet paper bag still have yet to crack open.
I like the frugal nature of your grow. I keep trying to be cheap but then I get stressed out and buy something! I'll be watching. :)
I like the frugal nature of your grow. I keep trying to be cheap but then I get stressed out and buy something! I'll be watching. :)

Welcome Upwayup,
I dont have to try to be cheap... I am... HA. But I eventually will spend more money on a similar setup as cruzer101's cabs. Im just poor at the moment.





2 of them have stretched a little bit and 1 has recovered from being stunted and is starting to grow.
Staying up 18 hours a day and only getting 6 hours of sleep is starting to really drain me... I need to get a wall socket timer!!! It sucks having to stay up till 1 am every night and then wake up at 7 am to plug the light in.
why dont u put the cell phone alarm or something like me..:D but the timer is not a bad stess for u and the plants i think.. ill keep watching and the best of luck.. here my 4 new babies that i started like 2 o 3 weeks having some trouble with 3 of them..:(
lol yea but dont just copy people dome resersh and play a little with them..but i think they to close..but keep on with ur thing because u defenetley have something going on there!..after all we still amateurs lol but thats ok because each time we lear more and more..:D
nice..thats how i started to grow to..with an experiment and from then on wuujuu..but the first plant them cow ate it so..everybody says its funny i say its painfull..


I planted it in the soil I got at the dollar store. The seed is above ground and the tap root is buried in the soil.