My First Grow

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
How much water are you using on yours Ive had some issues with my cfl growth adding light made the temp spike to the low 90's.... Im thinking of grabbing a 105 watt daylight could of by now with all the money ive spent on 4 23 watt daylight lol..... I keep seeing that my plant will grow the same with one 23 watt as it will with 4 anyone know if this is bullshit or true... im getting pissed because i want to add light but if its just gonna make the temp go out the roof and not help my grow get bigger and stronger than why wast the money?
i water mine about every 2-3 days, tho i watered it a couple days ago with a good amount then about half of what i had left in the cup and the soil is already drying out, maybe cuz the plant is bigger...anyway i use a shot glass to measure, and last time i put 6 shots of regular distilled water and 1.5 shots of Nitrogen rich water, miracle grow all purpose...i think mixing this small amount is good for the plant and shouldnt over nute it...

i think with 1 23 watt it may grow the same, but i am going for bushy rather than really tall, so i have the one bulb directly above the plant about an inch away, which i think is where the one would be if that is all i used...i have two on the sides (see pics) and i think that these provide the light to the lower and sides of the plant, promoting 'out' growth, i also think this may help with the tight nodes, as my branches are sprouting out less than an inch away from i said, 3 23 watt is still pretty low power consumption, so i dont mind running them all and if u look at how close the nodes are and the relative bushiness of the plant i think this could be due to the lighting...

the CFLs shouldnt give off much heat...mine barely do at room temp stays at between 76-83 degrees...if i see it get a little above 80 i open or crack my window which is about 4 feet from the closet door...this will usually drop the temp a few degrees...i also have a ran running on oscilation so it blows by the plants then out the advice i can give you to lower temp is to open the nearest window until the temp drops a little, then close or leave a lil crack to try and stabilize...

i know people say to go against nutes but when you use such a little amount i would say there is less chance of negative side effects, with a little amount i guess it will either help the plant or have almost no effect...

i think having a fan going through the room and around the light area will DRASTICALLY cut down on the temp, i have noticed no problems and its probably because the fresh air doesnt allow the air around the plants to warm up...hope i could answer some of ur questions there if i missed nething just ask...

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
watered today only about half what i usually give it, i think im going to start doing that and watering it more often rather than probably overwater with more days in setup coming soon

edit- i've heard 3 weeks before transplant...anybody else got any suggestions? i might start a new thread up askin this question if nobody knows...



Well-Known Member
How much do you water when u do water??? When i flush i flush with 3 liters...I water every 5 days with 1 1/2 liters that's usually when the pot is light and my moisture meter is in the red...I've been thinking about weighing it when im ready to water that way i know even better when to do it....Kinda nervous of overwatering cause i think that was one of many factors of my plants demise before it was REBORN!!!!


Well-Known Member
Plants looking really good...What day are u on?? I forgot...Is your plant starting to smell alittle...

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
its day 13 tomorrow will be two week birthday haha...i water with a lot less than that, but i am in a 6inch pot right now...i have a cup that is more than a 'cup' u know 8 ounces, but i think its about normal size for most ones u get from the store...imma say like 12-16 max ounces...i had been filling it up almost all the way and watering with that much every three or so days, but i felt it was a lil much and one time the water actually started to overflow, so since then i have been using probably 6-8 i said measure with a shot glass...last time i think i did 4 shots of distilled water (6 0z) to 1 or 1.5 shot of N enriched (about 2 Oz) she's gettin a lil bigger so i think she can handle this 3-1 ratio for a while...but yeah if it keeps drinkin like it did after the last water then i will probably give it those 8 oz about every other day...i think this is probably better than a large amount at once...just my opinion tho...if ur shit is a fem and produces u should call that shit they Pheonix...risin from the dead haha

*edit* it doesnt smell from a distance...when i walk in the closet for the first time in the morn i get a wiff for like a second then it goes away...but if i put my nose up to it (like i do every time i go to check on here) she smells about 25% like a plant, 75% like bud...but as far as a real odor, no nothing yet, but up close its smelling a lil

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
alright...added some more CO2 but then the shit started to overflow and a lil bit of the yeast/sugar mix got in the soil and i had to scrape it out, so i took the bottle out til it gets a lil less vigirous...almost all the leaves are getting to where they are bigger than the six inch pot now...check the pics! put a side pic i know its blurry but it was supposed to be a pic of the lil leave sprouts in between the nodes...she is about 4 inches or so tall and the stem seems to be getting thicker daily!


tommy gibbs

Well-Known Member
id suggest cutting back the water. the leaves are curling like that because they are over watered. wait for the pot to feel really light, then water it. but tahts just my thoughts, looks bushy though


Well-Known Member
Wow looking really good man...Your stem is getting big QUICK!! I wouldn't change anything about your watering schedule were basically do the same thing and my plants looking great...How big is your pot u said 6 inches but how many gallons??

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
id suggest cutting back the water. the leaves are curling like that because they are over watered. wait for the pot to feel really light, then water it. but tahts just my thoughts, looks bushy though
well thats something i didnt know, +rep...but yeah u mean how they are down on the tips and have an upside down U shape? i'll watch for that...i will wait and extra day to water and see if they start to look better...i havent been watering much at all (at least it hought) but i'll take ur advice you seem to know...

how many gallons? ahhh idunno...maybe 1? its kinda small...i mean its just the regular 6 inch u get at walmart, lowes, target etc...

any advice on when i should transplant into a 12 inch pot?


Well-Known Member
how often do u water? if u havent been watering much at all it could also be underwatering. they look the same. and transplant when u see the roots at the bottom.

tommy gibbs

Well-Known Member
it could be underwatering, but judging from the looks of your soil id say its a little over watering. for the transplant, id transplant now if you can. water them, then flip it upside down and let it slide out.(not too much water though, just enough too make the soil maintain shape) have a bigger plant filled with soil and a hole to place the old soil in. good luck

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
after cooking her for a few seems the only damage was done to the bottom leaves, and the growth is still normal...pretty good for lasting a day in the Sahara gonna post a bunch of pics now...i put some, they are blurry, but they are the leaves that are growing really close to the main stem, under the main fan leaves...i have been trying to angle my lights to get them more light...does anybody know if these are gonna grow out and be extra limbs? im confused any help appreciated and rep given for help or advice...enjoy the pics and say a prayer for the bottom leaves lol they look bad



Well-Known Member
I took a look at the FAQ again and if it looks like anything that it shows on there it looks like Magnesium deficiency take a look....Besides that the inner growth looks good...Looks like she getting big...

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
alright cool...i kinda doubt its magnesium deficiency or any deficiency considering the time that it got bad was when the room was damn near 100 degrees...i think those leaves just probably took the frying to save the new leaves...idunno i'll check it out tho, thanks


Well-Known Member
that looks like nute burn. mag def starts from the top and goes down. if it is a def it would be nitrogen but i would say 99 percent chance its nut burn or nothing