My First Grow


Well-Known Member
looks good dont see to much of a problem did u water after transplant? na roots going around the outside is fine thats how roots grow. the lights on side wont be to low enless there are burn patches which i cant see. how often are u watering? i normaly water every 3 days and that servs me good. if u waterd when transplant trye watering in 3 days and see if it perks back up when u water then it means they were under waterd and if there over waterd then that time will sort them out. the dryness could be bad humidity. what light are u flowering with? i would use hps i used cfl before and got like 1/4 of a 25 bag of bud lol


Well-Known Member
i know this isnt the right thread to put this in but what ya recon of using hydro nutes with soil? i used canna hydro nutes other day and not sure if they will do or not. just wanna get peoples opinions.

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
well im hoping to buy a couple 55k lumen HPS bulbs when i get my setup complete...use one of those over two of 4 plants and two hps...right now im just trying to make do with what i got, u issues worrie4d about watering now since i just transplanted and it was looking like water defiency when i i watered with morning with about 8 ounces right around the stem and around the area where the roots should be, i am going to again tonight with the same amount to make sure it has sufficient water for this transition stage...i

its a 3 gallon pot, and i have heard every 2-3 days watering is good for the plants so they dont drown...i am still not sure how much water to do for this size pot and all that for now i may be OVER watering technically...but this is because it drooped cuz of lack of water and i want to give it enough to perk up in the next few days before i get into a new watering schedule...u said 3 days which i agree with but any suggestions on how much for this size pot?

anyway, it is more perky today...hopefully adjusting to the new pot and getting the water it was thirsty for...

i will probably have those HPS lights within a couple of weeks, so they will probably be what i will use for flowering, right now i am in Veg and i am planning to keep it in this stage for another week or two...

i gotta go to a couple classes but later tonight i'll get on here and discuss my method for nutes, considering it is NOT what most people do, most people are so scared of nute burn and toxicity that they dont fuck with them...i'll list what i use, how i measure and mix, etc...

while most say dont use nutes at all for 2 weeks, i say if you use such a light amount that it WONT burn them or harm them, all that it can do is help them IF they need it, u know? if you can use none and get good results, maybe you can use very little and get better results...if my plants are ever looking for a nute it will be there, even if its barely there they can get it if they want it back on later to discuss with ya smoke...thanks for the feedback tho


Well-Known Member
you say "hps lights" I hope you mean the whole setup. You need a ballast to run those. You could just get one 400w or a 600w and they would flower out your plants PERFECTLY, concidering you nute and water them right. I still think you're overwatering. Weed doesnt like "wet feet". I also use the 3 days water cycle. When i water I just guess usually and try to imagine how much water im putting in it, making sure i cover a lot of the surrounding area too. Its good to sometimes to let it go extra dry for a bit, and sometimes some extra water is nice... other than that stick to something regular

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
yeah im overwatering right now cuz i underwatered and it damn near gonna get on that 3 day schedule, which i was on before...once this one recovers...aka now its starting to look better so i will probably water in 2 days then three from then on...u got a suggestion for how much water for a 12 inch 3 gallon pot every 3 days? anyway here is the light... im gettin two of those...each one will be over two plants


Well-Known Member
yer i dont realy know how much to water with i generaly just give them as much water as i feel fit i figure if i do give them to much it will just come out the bottom anyway lol.

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
damn slinky its looking sexy as all hell hah i see you got some fire blankets? shes looking good though man
ya man those shits are mad reflective and cost two bucks for like 8ft by 4 feet...shes perkin up definitely more...i shoulda taken pics when she was at her worst just to show u guys but neway i'll post some new ones up tonight..and maybe an extra pic :shock:

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
alright...still trying to recover from droopiness and transplant so bear with me...

pic 1 - side view...i think the higher leaves are standing up a LITTLE more...but like i said im going to give it a few days before i expect nething serious...

pic 2 - light yellow spots on the left leaves...i think i may have had the side lights a little too close cuz from what i looked up it seems like heat burn, not nute, considering it hasnt gotten any nutes in a few days...anyway do you guys think the side lights are helping at all? i have them about 1.5 inches away from the plant...3 total...or will one top light be sufficient? i dont wanna risk burning leaves nemore...

pic 3 - top can see some new top leaves have started to grow seemed like yesterday they were stunted but they have definitely grown a little since then...i guess the lil stunt is expected from transplant/stress...anyway u can see how bushy it is lol im lovin it like that...but yeah its about 6-6.5 inches tall right now...

pic 4 - one of the burned leaves, this is from the 90-100 degree stress it got a couple of days back where this set and another set of leaves turned brown and have just gotten worse...they were basically cooked they are like the dried up leaves you find outside...should i clip these? if so anybody got any methods? or do i just let them die and fall off?

pic 5 - over the top, showing where i got the side CFLs set do u guys think these are gonna help or should i just ditch them and go with one overtop?

pic 6 - BONUS! Day 5 of the new baby! shes got a couple little leaves sprouting up from the middle, next set of foliage...about on the same pace that the first baby was on...the seeds were from some retard kid...first he said they were 'jamaican red hair' then he said they were 'chronic' i am just gonna say they are 'probably better than my first bag seed' haha...yo that what ur name is i cant tell with all the letters...think of a nice name for this one its all urs

ALSO should i start a lil LST on her? or maybe wait a couple of days? and if anybody can tell me if those 3 side lights are needed i'd appreciate it...enjoy...



Well-Known Member
looking fucking sxc dont see the brown spots ur talking about but shouldnt be from lights there miles away. u got a fan on it?


Well-Known Member
I am psyched about naming your newborn...I'll post it's name tommorow i really wanna think about this one and come up with an awsome name seeing all the help you have gave me....But hey besides the couple leaves it looks good...I think my plant has caught up to yours...I just started some bat guano today...I was gonna go the FF way but the guy at my hydro store told me if i'm gonna be flowering in the next month it's not worth it to buy Big Grow untill my next grow....Hey check out my grow i posted some new pics it shot up in the past 24 hours...I will come up with a sick name for your new plant by the morning.....

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
i saw the new pics imma post now...caught up, ur shit is ahead of mine by like 3inches, and since it was 'topped' its like double ahead lol it looks to me like you got two plant with the way urs grew...btw where u get that bat guano?

and yeah i got a fan on it...


Well-Known Member
no, they definatley will... i burned mine a bit , they actually get kinda hot too the touch... both my 26w daylights, and 42w softwhites get hot-ish

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
ya...i def had them too close now they are further away so we will see what happens...the few yellow spots are really worrying me im going to research that now...


Well-Known Member
2-4 inches away man also , raise those side lights up about 2 inches and see if the leaves uncurl aight?

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
i raised the lights a lil and now the side ones are even further away from the sides of the plant...i am doing the paperclip LST method in the FAQ.

what i did was hook some of the big fan leaves coming off the main stem, i put the hook at the base of where the 5-7 main leaves come off, hooked it around that, and pinned it in the soil...

i also tried to make sure as much of the branches behind these, the smaller ones, were sticking out and not tucked behind now i have a bunch of about 2 inch stems sticking out that are the 'new' outside edges around the plant...according to the FAQ these will grow out towards the light because of more exposure, and the leaves that i have bent down to the soil shouldnt be hurt too bad...actually it said the bending down of these leaves stems will promote hormones to be sent to the smaller branches...i left the top two fan leaves and the small pair growing from the middle, but all of the others are pinned down...they are still getting light so they shouldnt die...the middle that used to be tucked in the dark now have a lil light...lets see how this goes...

tell me what you all think and if i did it correctly...



Active Member
looking good i havent been able to follow an lst thread yet so im looking foward to this one... when are you going to start flowering?:weed:


Well-Known Member
uhhh... try to get some pics like a side profile view, or a way we can see the clips and the way you did it, and if you only paperclipped the leaves, that wont do anything, you should have the whole plant bent over and all the branches at the same height, horizontal i believe.. I havent done it but have read on it, and next grow will be LST if it isnt autoflowering.