My First Legal Medical Grow

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Silent Running

Active Member
Very unique anyways. ;-)
I got told to prove I was the person I was using a picture of in my first I did. And I left no shadow of doubt.

Roots! I see roots! Has to feel good to make a DIY cloner that proves itself. +rep if I could but it tells me I have to spread it around first. Maybe they should change it to +ferts


Well-Known Member
Well, I would have no questions after the fact than. :-) I'm a believer.

I wish I would see roots in my cloner....oh wait I just cut clones this morning! :P


Well-Known Member
I think I am going to modify this one to be an aero cloner, I don't like the fact that the stems are starting to look kind of funny, they have a weird clear like gel over them? Maybe it is a temp issue with the water? How do I get rid of algae if it does form?


Well-Known Member
Mine had the clear gel too but since the plants looked healthy I left it alone, now it's almost gone with roots everywhere


Well-Known Member
It definitely could be algae...does it have brownish slime too? I had the same shit after like 4 days, I had to pick up some of this from Petsmart,

It also comes in a yellow bottle too, I thought baja used it as well...but there is the kind that prevents algae, and the one the kills present algae. I'd just clean the water and start fresh with the directed amount of algae prevention, pH-ed water, and whatever you're using for root growth if anything :-)

Hope it helps. If you stir the clones stem in the water if removes the gel right?


New Member
That hydroponic stuff sounds so hard to keep up with lmao!!! I have no idea how to do hydro... I need to learn Ive herd it grows way better and bigger yeilds!


Well-Known Member
This is what I have going on for August!

Querkle 7/29/10 day 45 Harvest Aug 9th

Bubba 7/29/10 day 30 Harvest Aug 24th

Odyssey 7/29/10 day 23 Harvest Aug 31st


Well-Known Member
This is what I have going on for August!

Querkle 7/29/10 day 45 Harvest Aug 9th

Bubba 7/29/10 day 30 Harvest Aug 24th

Odyssey 7/29/10 day 23 Harvest Aug 31st
Just checked my calender and as far as I know, I'll still be unemployed on those days! I'll bring my scissors :D


Well-Known Member
How about Monday? I gotta show you this fat Jack Herer nug, lol, picked up a qtr oz yesterday, his last batch. He doesn't know if he'll be getting any so I had to get it all, hahaha, can't go wrong for $85 :weed:

I don't even know if my idea will work for the price I have in mind but it's worth a try
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