My First Legal Medical Grow

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Well-Known Member
Not to sound like some brown-noser but Bill and Baja, I'm fucking jealous....I'm trying to move out to California now. :-)


New Member
Hell me too!!! pot is the fasting growing bussiness!! Have yah herd of that food place they opened up that puts MJ in all of there food its called Ganja Gormay??


Well-Known Member

Yes Ive been extremely busy. Once the summer season is over, i will have a lot more time on my hands to spend here and in my grow mecca.

Silent Running

Active Member
Thought I'd leave you some love. Just got done going through 3 of my 4 seed run sites. 94 in the picture, but I found two more that I missed when I was jarring. So, 96 total off 3 of the 4 sites. ;)



Well-Known Member
I went to the nursery today, and got some Green Light Super Bloom 12-55-6 .10% Chelated Iron?? Whatever that means. Also bought a case of ladybugs, I let about half free today, and put the rest in the fridge. I will release the rest in a couple of days.

Silent Running

Active Member
Lowryder x white widow i believe
You'd be right on the money. Happy birthday Natty. I did the ladybug route once. Didn't pay attention that I was suppose to release them during dark period or close to it starting. Watched as all my ladybugs flew over to neighbors yard. It was for a regular garden. Was pretty funny to watch 1500 ladybugs swarm neighbors though. *whistles*


Well-Known Member
thanks for the bday wishes.

Silent you are just.... bad
first you hold out on pollen, then you release a swarm of ladybugs to attack your neighbors... tisk tisk


Well-Known Member
I have been neglecting the bajamed's since they are male, I just noticed today that Bajamed 2 is female, and she looks a lot like BM1, so it might be a Jack, but I'm not sure.


Well-Known Member
Happy belated Natty

If you have a Jack male you should store its pollen so I can cross it with some off my Attitude seeds later
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