My Growing


Well-Known Member
thanks man ya i hope it pull through too i had just FIMed it like a week and half ago and theres like 3 new shoots coming out and i was already reeking so i was liking this plant.


Well-Known Member
My last grow (first solo grow) failed. Transplanted in flowering because i freaked out when i over watered it and it reset the plants life cycle pretty much, so i chopped it down.

over watered/deficiencies


Active Member
EWWW EWWWW dude.... You have disrespected all plant life :( Get that
Incandescent light bulb out of there. It's just a waste of electricity.


Active Member
Your going to have a killer plant! May I recommend once your plant has about 3-4 weeks left put another plant in veg? I made the mistake of waiting too long and now I am without my own bud for 1-2 months.


Well-Known Member
Your going to have a killer plant! May I recommend once your plant has about 3-4 weeks left put another plant in veg? I made the mistake of waiting too long and now I am without my own bud for 1-2 months.
thanks! iv been thinking about starting a new veg room but suspicions are down do you think i could put my plants back in veg? or would that be not good because i want to do some scrog but they dont grow enough in flowering and my plants are small.

what i want to do is see if my big plant bounces back in the next few days and if it doesnt i will just have my two smaller ones and put them back into veg for like 4 weeks and scrog then put them into flowering again

i want to do it right from now on no shortcuts.


Well-Known Member
well heres the setup with the new lights and my plants. the big one still looks bad and the smallest thats in a big pot seems good and the leaf just looks weird where the tape was and the smallest non re potted plant seems to have spots on it.

