My Nine Monster: A Story Written and Produced by TMB

I mean less than a dollar per brew, unless you are brewing in a trashcan, then it is quite a bit more. I use 4 gal of water at a time though. Maybe I use 2 bucks per brew, either way it last me 12 days.

You also put a lot more into your tea than I do. Yours is a well rounded feeding, suitable to replace a fertilizer. Mine is more of a brew of just beneficial life and a few other things to sweeten up my plants, and I use it with my fertilizer to cut back on how much I have to use
I mean less than a dollar per brew, unless you are brewing in a trashcan, then it is quite a bit more. I use 4 gal of water at a time though. Maybe I use 2 bucks per brew, either way it last me 12 days.

You also put a lot more into your tea than I do. Yours is a well rounded feeding, suitable to replace a fertilizer. Mine is more of a brew of just beneficial life and a few other things to sweeten up my plants, and I use it with my fertilizer to cut back on how much I have to use
Hello all-
The girls were fed tea again today. Heavy feeding, 7.5 gallons spread between 5 plants, the other 2.5 gallons went into the veggie garden. 1.5 gallons of tea was given to each plant, and 5-10 gallons of water added on top. They should love this feeding.
TLD came by last night and stayed the night. Great visit, dudes going through some real tough times. Was good to see him, had bacon and waffles this morning, and a bit of O.J. too.

Weather update....
Slight cool down, Thursday nights low was 71.7, and yesterdays high was 96.5. Last nights low was 68.0. They're talking low 80's next week, I'll be in Las Vegas July 14th - 18th, lets hope the cooler weather hit there too!
Where is that thread????

here it is... :)

TMB- Your grow looks much better in real life!

Smells better too...

mmmmm the smell of PK lingers in my nostrils.... miss the smoke.... loved the visit.... thanks for the real talk.... and reminding me....

Hodgegrown... I will be in touch soon :).... Love to you and yours
Where is that thread????

here it is... :)

TMB- Your grow looks much better in real life!

Smells better too...

mmmmm the smell of PK lingers in my nostrils.... miss the smoke.... loved the visit.... thanks for the real talk.... and reminding me....

Hodgegrown... I will be in touch soon :).... Love to you and yours
What's up TLD-
I agree about the garden looking much better in person. With the girls SCROGGED out, hard to see any progress through pictures. Thanks for the thumbs up!
It was good to share your company last night and shoot the shit. I was baked off my ass when I walked up stairs on my way to bed. Slept like a log last night!
Take Care Brother...
Weather update...
Ahaw!, nice weather has arrived!
Last night low was 63.8, and today's high was 92,8. Temps expected to go down another 8-12 degrees. Outstanding weather this week!
Does anybody else here get an incredible sense of peace and general well being while making tea and waiting for it to brew? I do. It's like saving up and buying an expensive new product that promises to boost your plants beyond your wildest dreams while only spending less than a buck at a time. It feels like I'm screwing the system over, and it feels good, lol.

Thats awesome haha! Cant wait to see pics!
Weather update-
Yesterdays high was 89.1, and Sundays nights low was 60.9 degrees. Last nights low was 60.4.
Carport girls were fed 5 tbs of Maxsea in 5 gallon buckets (1tbs a gallon).
Mixed up another batch of tea today. Going to Las Vegas Thursday, so I will feed Thursday Morning and they should be good through the 5 day weekend. I will have my sister water on Saturday.
Love the weather were having, been enjoying the plums too.
Hey Hodge-
LOVE THE WEATHER, I would love to have the whole summer like this!
I found a few "ripe" plums, but I will be overwhelmed in a couple of weeks. Wife will be making Plum Jellies. I had a large branch break on my peach tree, it's still attached, but lying on the ground. She's loaded up too!
Take care...
Had to replace those 2 plants that kept breaking branches. Dug them out and checked for beetle larvae, split stalks (both 3+ inches) and found no sign of infestation? Had a couple extra in 20 gallon buckets so shouldn't suffer too much. Both plants were of different strains so I know it's not genetics. all of the boxes get the same care in feeding and watering so I stumped????
Have a great time in sin city..
You going to Vegas?!? Have lot's of fun, and remenber; if you never sin, Jesus died for nothing!;-)

Hello all-
Back from Las Vegas, mellow trip this time, I went with my 2 teenaged kids, I can't get 2 crazy.
My son was in a basketball tournament there, his team went 1-3, but they played great! We are a very small county (17,000+) with only 1 middle school with a student population of 250 kids. To take 8 kids and compete against All-Star teams through-out the western U.S..... from L.A. county, Clark County NV (Las Vegas), Kingman AZ, and a "western All-Star" team that was unreal to watch. They had kids from Ca, Nv, and Az on this team.....BIG, FAST, and ALL CAN SHOOT/HANDLE the ball. They use a "pressing defense" that was very affective.
vs. Kingman 42-18 W
vs. 45-58 L
vs. Clark Co. 38-41 L
vs. West all stars 28-60 L
Great experience for the boys, they held their own until the western all star team showed up.
I left $110 on the tables there, hard to have "gambling" fun when you have your kids in the hotel room, my mind could never relax. Also seen Beatles LOVE at the Mirage, fun show to see with the kids.

Weather update...
Well it never got over 89.2 degrees, and under 57.5 when I was gone, great weather!
Lots of growth when I was gone, going to be a busy day in the garden today. Lots of catching up to do!
Welcome back bro, sounds like the boy's did well Rep'n NorCal, congratulations to them!:clap:

I had no idea what the weather was like at Yosmite lately, & I'm not used to that! Much better now.

"Mellow trip this time"? Huh! Have you looked in a mirror? You might have a Mike Tyson tattoo, you went with your kids!;-)



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Welcome back bro, sounds like the boy's did well Rep'n NorCal, congratulations to them!:clap:

I had no idea what the weather was like at Yosmite lately, & I'm not used to that! Much better now.

"Mellow trip this time"? Huh! Have you looked in a mirror? You might have a Mike Tyson tattoo, you went with your kids!;-)

Hello all-
If that's all I came back from Vegas with, then I'm doing good!:clap:

Weather is warming up, 89.7 Tuesday, with a low of 63.7, yesterday got a bit warmer, 93.9 with a low of 65.1 degrees. Warmer again today with expected highs in the mid to upper 90's. Weatherman say just a couple of degrees cooler this coming up week.

Brewing up another batch of tea, will feed tomorrow.
The Purps may be starting to stretch a bit. I'm noticing some changes in their structure/shape since I was in Vegas. I'll post pictures soon.
Off to golf in Yosemite today, my buddy and me are tied for the season, 3-3, I started off fast, but my game is struggling now. I shot in the low 90's the last 3 weeks. Two weeks ago I led every hole except the last hole where I Fu*cked up my 2nd shot and hit sideways into the bushes. AARRGGHH!:wall:
I never go to the driving range before golf (Yosemite's course has no driving range) but today I will stop at another course on the way and hit a bucket of balls first.:hump:
Are down stream from Vernal Falls? It's gonna be a great crawdad season, do you have a crawdad trap?

Are down stream from Vernal Falls? It's gonna be a great crawdad season, do you have a crawdad trap?

Damn that's BAD jj....
20+ years ago me and my buddy (double rainbow man....... Paul "Bear" Vasquez......I'm sure you seen the video on you tube) we would snorkel in the Merced river (river that flows thru Yosemite) and catch dozens of crawdads in a day, take them home, and chow them yummy lil bastards down. Now, I see no more crawdads, we ate all those bastards....oops!

Weather warmed up a bit again today....95.0 was our high, and 65.1 the low.
I beat my buddy at golf today, all tied up after 17 holes, came down to the last hole ....... I had to make a birdie to beat him, and a birdie was made!
So much fun when it gets that close, I luv it! The wins feel so good, and the losses sting like hell! Golf.....shesh!