my outdoor medical grow 2010!


Active Member
that sounds like where i live, norcal
na im in so cal
They should be all right, Are they out in the open? I would be sketching a bit to if they are.
theyre not in the open but i will go check on them early tomorrow morn. ill remember to bring the digi cam for some better pics 4 you guys:blsmoke: as for the nitrogen i think im gonna take some coffee grounds out there and put some around the base, wat do u think?


Active Member
Yeah man, Good idea.Im all for easy homemade ferts and organics. Even taking 1/20 milk/water would help, It's protein building nitrogen. Takes a while to kick in but it does the job if you don't want to go with commercial ferts. Personally for vegetation(N) this is my add to my medium(soil) for outdoors i use fish leftovers from the local fish shop, small ammount of horse manure and a secret compost mix. For the watering i add a bit of milk to 1 out of 3 waterings and a little bit of my organic nitrogen that i am being a tight ass in using so it lasts a while. Flowering(P + K) - Eggshells crushed then boiled so i add that to my water for(K).also woodash in water for (P) and of course i use the organic bloom that you can buy from your local hydroponics store. Hope this helps man, peacebongsmilie


Active Member
thanks man ^^^
so i just took some used coffee grounds and tossed em into my compost tea. ill be watering them with the tea infused wit the java today and post up some pics as well.


Active Member
ok so they're doin pretty well. one more disappeared:wall:
one plant i was hella proud of showed balls today so he got plucked:cuss: one is showing pistils on top so they ARE flowering i guess. could be the reason they're small 4 their age(2 months) took 4 cuttings and threw em into my bubbleponic cloner. they look a lil sad but im hoping they perk back up in a few days. how far should my 2x t8 flouros be away from the tops?



Active Member
3-5 inches will be fine without harm for t8's. Your plants will re-veg soon so no need to worry, keep pumping N. Ive now seen a few threads where plants have been put out early and they just started growing more shoots.:peace:


Active Member
3-5 inches will be fine without harm for t8's. Your plants will re-veg soon so no need to worry, keep pumping N. Ive now seen a few threads where plants have been put out early and they just started growing more shoots.:peace:
ok cool:weed: will keep up with the coffee grounds then. man my clones have perked back up already:-P


New Member
either that or dilute them in some water...
you know there are alot of other ways to give your plants organic nitrogen! like manure: cow, horse, hog. And bat guano, look for the right kind of bat guano because there are some that are for blooming and some that have alot of nitrogen and you gotta be careful to not burn but it is all organic shit! last season i used em all and produced some biggons! this is what i added to mine last year im going to do pretty much the same this year: bat guano cow manure, Pig Manure w/ corn stalks composted, worm castings, redwood compost, and pebble rocks. i didnt have to feed and grow nutes until right before they bloomed i noticed a little yellowing at the bottom of the plants so i gave em a good shot of nutes right before they flowerd then went on feeding them AGE OLD ORGANICS bloom the rest of their big ass lifes!



Active Member
today i journeyed out and gave the girls some more compost tea with the added coffee grounds(Nitrogen). they are lookin green and healthier and gettin bigger every time i see them. i also noticed some pistils on two more plants. i of course im not mad about getting fems, but its frustrating that they will be stunted by having to re-veg:-(
clones are on day 5 in the bubbleponic cloner. the foliage is still perked up on most of them, but no signs of any roots :wall: waiting for roots to show sucks!:finger:


Active Member
bongsmilieWait it out for a few more days, If nothings happening after a fe days you should get a razer blade and put little slices in the stem and dip in water then in the rooting hormone. It helps root development.:peace:


Active Member
thanks man :) i just took a peak today and saw some little white nubs on there so i think in about 3-4 days i should have some little roots! ill keep ya posted. also got some rain today, maybe more tomorrow. my little ones will be watered for me!