My Plant. In the Middle of the Street


Active Member
lol, i just wrote a bit of here and there, question here and there, checked the preview and saw all these other posts, answering and describing most of it. so, here goes my blabla, good luck! :P


Well-Known Member
I wanna ask if I could fertilize my plant with ammonium nitrate or potassium nitrate and about the best proportions?


Active Member
I think its best to stay away from bot. they seem really "hot" and not at the optimaal N-P-K values of 1-1-1 or 2-1-2 ..
33-00-00 Ammonium Nitrate * 13-00-44 Potassium Nitrate Look for something more balanced


Active Member
They are looking good. Go easy on the nutes for now and pull back if you see the tips of the leaves burning.


Active Member
They are fine. That lower stuff is not important anyway its the bigger stuff up top to worry about. It is showing that the solution was too strong so next week when you fertilize don't spray the leaves and dilute your solution a lot more when you put it in the soil. Those are very high values on the nitrates that you are using so try to use just .25 the amount that you did the 1st time. Do you have any worm castings, bat guano or kelp meal available?

Dick Moser

Active Member
i dont know ml well but isnt that like less then a gallon??????? cause thats CRAZY!!!!!!!! dude i wont add a "HANDFUL" of nutes to the DIRT i was gonna plant them in let alone straight into the water for a foliar spray. i havent looked at the pics yet cause im to stunned by the HANDFUL, i dont even use a tablespoon. ill take a look at the pics but dude you need to FLUSH AND FLUSH AND FLSUH!!!!

Dick Moser

Active Member
the buds are like vaginas and the leaves like if you poured chemicals all over some chicks lower half and her legs melted off, dont you think that puss is gonna be fucked up too???? if you have any budding sites they are gonna die, i am sure. but what isnt so bad is that the plant will go into a kinda hyperdrive (unless its dying then its just gonna keep dying) but after about 3 or 4 days (a kind of healing period) then they spring RIGHT back up but i would watr with nothing but plain water for a while and foliar spray with some lukewarm water.


Well-Known Member
First try-FAIL!

This is the lesson I've learned,so don't judge me so hard :)

My plant is going on a water diet until it fully recovers


Active Member
You just need to listen better. Once again you asked for advice and didn't listen to a word of it. You went with 2 hardcore commercial products that are all wrong for what you are growing.

You should transplant into the largest pots you can get a hold of and then just use plain water for a while. They will come back and hopefully you will take the advice that you are asking for


Active Member
OK good deal. They have a long wat to go before its all over. Just remember with the fertilizer that less is better.


Well-Known Member

The other one with the many leaves instead of buds is slowly dying and I'm trying to keep it alive(or I'm wrong?!),so this is it...the biggest pot I could find with 5 or 6 drainage holes and I think the only plant I have is developing well...I'll be glad if I could receive any tips about something(whetever it is,because I really want to make it this time).And if there are any gurus of growing here that know what sort this plant is I'll be twice more thankful

Cheers :joint:


Active Member
Are these plants in direct sunlight during the day? Can't really say exactly what kind but they are saliva for sure. Long thin leaves