aww too cute...thinking of you.....
your welcome....btw bigmike thanks a lot for all your help with the light...
yeah just water i go through two bottles a week and in the midst of all that i add like a 1/4 of a capful of growbig to it ...just a tiny bit but she/they dig it...Just getting caught up the pics on page 55 look great I wish someone would name a plant after me im so envious!! What did you spray on the plants is it just water?
lmao did you just ripped the bong a lil to hard and think this was the cute animal thread??or are you growing kittens....oooooo from bigmikes kitty...damn i cant believe cbraaszsy you loaded all those cat pic weirdo lmaooh yeah!!!!!!.........
pics of mom
pics of her boy (black cat) when he was a kitten and now
pic of ma dawg
if you all hadnt noticed ive been particulary good today as far as the sex threads and comments...then this turns into the pussy page despite my good efforts to sorry im an attention whore....i know i can be over the top but I know i do it to distract myself from writing my Im sorry for always tripping you really going to work on it...cuz the one person id really like to have attention from goes the other way when im over the top so it Im really going to try hard to focus on my hobby and writing my book.....
and sorry for offending anybody..and embarrassing FDD and make this site something he is ashamed of
That just sounds like an over-watering issue.. but then the water won't hold in the soil any more?HUGE PROBLEM WITH ELIZABETH
I really dont think I got off track on my watering...since she has been in the pot she is in I have given her a half gallon of water or mix every other day and she loves it and always drains back about 1/4 of what I give on Tuesday night I fed/watered and yesterday Wed when I pulled the drain tray it was 2x as full of water as normal more than even when i flush on her flush day...I let it slide and didnt give her a glass of water like she has been getting since shes gotten so big...this morning she looks droopy in places and not her usual self....her soil was dry a finger in an inch or so the soil was dry.....soooo I watered her the same 1/2 gallon only water.....she used to suck water immediately down this time it sat and took awhile to drain and then when i pulled the drain tray and measured it she had drained back 3/4 of the half gallon (the water is almost as clear as when i poured it in) just like when I watered on Tuesday...she only drank a 1/4 of the water....I squeezed the sides of my pot....
Urghh its like my soil is locked up and the water is just running right through and that possible? do I really have to untie all those branches from the screen and try and get that pot out to replant it or something...
I think im just going to detach the screen from the cart and uproot her clean her roots and put her in new soil then reattach the screen....
not any burns on her but i have two mutants that hate to be sprayed and they burn like crazyOk thats cool have you ever had any problems with burning spraying with the lights on? ive been told the water magnifys the light and can burn. Speaking of burk holy crap if you go in sun all day in floriday after a long winter not seeing the sun please use a good sun screan. Im itching like crazy now. I should have gone stronger than the 35spf