My very 1st grow.. very ghetto to start!


Active Member
Naw no offense taken man its just i don't usually get refereed to as kid ya know. I grew up on the west coast. Didn't even relate the "kid" thing to the right coast, but yeah I should have. No big deal, its just I refer to my 3 kids as kids and don't get put into that category to often.

President Kush

Well-Known Member
I only know about the "kid" thing cause I live in the northeast US and sometimes get in the habit of using it myself :bigjoint:. The west coast is indeed different from the east. I always wondered how much I'd stick out if I were to visit LA or something.

Anyway, the plant is doing fine. I searched the whole thing for additional spider mites but didn't see anything, so I think I'll hold off on the mite-killer-solution spraying for now. Moar pics will be posted shorty.
If you have $25 buy some Botanicare Vegetative fertilizer. Throw in a tablespoon in with a gallon of water everytime you water. when its time to flower get the Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Bloom 1-4-5. Like a charm everytime. And good for a budget....but CFLs will not get you far. Small fluffy buds is what youll get. If you can put out $100 and get a cheap 100w High Pressure Sodium fixture you will get more of a result than you will with a bunch of CFLs. But using that fert will definitly not hurt dude!


Well-Known Member
That plant can double even triple in size when flowering so I wouldnt make another grow box any shorter than 4ft tall. I just have to say you are very lucky that plant came out female you only get like a 1/3 chance of female. I have one question for you what lights did you say you are using how many cfls

President Kush

Well-Known Member
If you have $25 buy some Botanicare Vegetative fertilizer. Throw in a tablespoon in with a gallon of water everytime you water. when its time to flower get the Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Bloom 1-4-5. Like a charm everytime. And good for a budget....but CFLs will not get you far. Small fluffy buds is what youll get. If you can put out $100 and get a cheap 100w High Pressure Sodium fixture you will get more of a result than you will with a bunch of CFLs. But using that fert will definitly not hurt dude!
Yeah, this was just a no-budget grow to familiarize myself with the process, hence the ghetto setup lol. My upcoming "big time" grow will include multiple HIDs, probably 2 x 400W HPS and some CFLs thrown in for good measure. I'll check for the Pure Blend Pro Bloom next time I visit the hardware stores; how much should I dilute it for a plant of my size?

That plant can double even triple in size when flowering so I wouldnt make another grow box any shorter than 4ft tall. I just have to say you are very lucky that plant came out female you only get like a 1/3 chance of female. I have one question for you what lights did you say you are using how many cfls
palehawaiian mentioned the flowering growth issue before. I'm in the process of
scouring local stores for some bigger boxes actually.

I'm definitely lucky, that's for sure. I'm lucky the plant ever got that big in the first place, not to mention the fact that it's female :lol:. I started out with a whopping 13W CFL @ 9500K, then added a 26W CFL @ 6500K(?). Now it's just the 13W plus a 23W CFL @ 2500K (in preparation for flowering). Once I get the box set up I'll add another 1-2 of the most powerful CFLs I can find.

I'm thinking about taking some cuttings and growing a few more plants of this strain when I move onto my real grow. I hope it's not too late.


Active Member
Cuttings would be fine just take a few off the bottom of the plant... It's ok to take them right up till you switch to 12-12.
As far as that goes, its hard to clone plants while they are flowering. You can do it but its ten times as hard to get them to root and grow.

You know how to take cuttings?

President Kush

Well-Known Member
pretty nice job doin it ghetto, keep up the good work, scribed.
Thank you bro, I appreciate it!!

Cuttings would be fine just take a few off the bottom of the plant... It's ok to take them right up till you switch to 12-12.
As far as that goes, its hard to clone plants while they are flowering. You can do it but its ten times as hard to get them to root and grow.

You know how to take cuttings?
I think you take them at the node or before it or something. LOL I guess I forgot how to do it, damn. Also, do you need to do anything special to the cutting to get it to root? I heard rooting hormone is popular, but is it necessary?


Active Member
Rooting hormones help out alot. It can be done without them but your odds will drop alot. check out the other threads here about cloning.

Here is a link to one that made a while back. Its not something i wrote i just copied and pasted.

President Kush

Well-Known Member
Rooting hormones help out alot. It can be done without them but your odds will drop alot. check out the other threads here about cloning.

Here is a link to one that made a while back. Its not something i wrote i just copied and pasted.
Thanks for the info. I'm going to take a cutting tonight and attempt to get it going. If it fails, I'll take a couple more until I get one to sprout. Once I have a clone successfully growing, that will be when I flower the existing plant, even if I don't have the necessary supplies. I really need to move some of this harvest to help me out with a few short term expenses. I hope I can get in at least one more CFL and some nutes before I am forced to do that.


Forgot to mention that I will be watering her in a few hours. That means I'll have new pics either later today or tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
yeaaaaa. il lookin forward to an update as well.. and once i order my seeds online (im gonna get feminized seeds) and grow a couple plants to flower.. and keep 1 mother plant.. and just take cuttings off of that one.. and keep the other seeds i have left for back up just in case somethin goes wrong. =-) sooo many different types of strains to choose from... =-/ hard to narrow it down.. im DEFF gonna order from nirvana.. just not sure which fem strain yet... =-/
yea PK nice read so far. I decided to chime in just to say my first grow was low,low, low budget...but I managed I guess 1 b/c I just love the PLANT and I'm a 4th generation farmer 2nd hell I spent so much time w/ my plants I think I "VIBED" the best buds i ever smoked. Now my yields were nowhere near these folks at RIU. But I bet the HIGH can compete w/ some of the best. And thats coming from an all around heavy smoker!!!!SAtivas,..Indicas......I smokes!But anyway GOODLUCK and let me tell you it's a JOY to grow you're own BUDZZZZ


Active Member
help me out with these
better lights? on short budget and what soil is best? other lights?
when to transplant to bigger pots


Active Member
may want to open your own thread but ill give u a little advice right now. first drop those floros on top of the plants, like 1-3 inches, looks like the high lights may have made them stretch, second root mass is typically the same as leaf/stem mass, so you should have it in a pot that is bigger than the plant, i know that this is not always possible due to space restrictions so you may have to feed more and keep them in smaller pots.

President Kush

Well-Known Member
OK fellas, I'm finally back with moar pics !!:weed:

Sorry about the delay and I also apologize in advance to the guy asking for advice. I will help you out tomorrow if I don't end up answering you in this post. I just blazed some new shit and it is taking me forever to type stuff. I keep forgetting what I was just about to write and have to delete shit I typed and rewrite it over and over again haha. More on this later..

Ms. plant continues to thrive. In fact, she is sucking up more water than ever. Now that I have a clone that appears to be growing, I will start building the flowering system. Before I actually flower her, I am going to ask my associates if they want to buy cuttings. I may end up user her as a mother plant and flowering a few clones!

To make the cutting, I found a small branch w/ 2 internodes and cut it at a 45* angle about a half inch below the last node with a razor blade sterilized with alcohol. After cutting off all but the top leaves, I stuck the clone into a paper cup w/ holes in the bottom, filled with the same MG "moisture control" soil I used for the mom. I made a hole in the soil with my pinkey and placed it about an inch down into the soil. I then watered the soil and cutting with distilled water via spray bottle, and placed it into an upside-down elliptical plastic container. The cup w/ plant was placed under the cap and screwed into the container, that way it was on top of the underside of the cap and the round bottom of the container was the "greenhouse" that will help the cutting retain moisture. I didn't use and rooting compounds, nutes, or any special medium or lighting. It is currently sitting behind the plant so that it gets some indirect light. It started to wilt and then straightened out pretty quick. Hopefully soon I'll see it start growing.

Now, onto this new bud.. It is the weirdest smelling stuff I have ever had. It smells sort of like haze, but when you really stick your nose in the bag you get a whiff of this sort of cheese smell. Remember that strange kid from school that everyone said smelled like cheese? That's what this bud reminded me of. It looks good, with lots of crystals and dense buds, and some of the flower petals (I assume that's what it is) are purple, probably frostbitten. My only concern is that it may be moldy, due to the smell and some patches of white/yellowish white on the buds where it appears the leaves have lost color. I tried smoking some out of a bong and hey, it definitely got me high, but I still want to be cautious. I think the dealer said it was Purple Crush, but I doubt that's what it's really called. Check out the high-res pics below and lemme know what you guys think:

Pics of the plant:

Pics of the smelly bud:

