My work won't let me quit

I don't know if anyone suggested this yet, as I haven't read the thread because it sucks: since you know the place so well, why not rob it at closing time on May 5th? Not you personally, but one or two of your buddies. Split the $ 50/50 and take off. No one would blame you then, you just don't feel safe there anymore. They may not be able to afford to pay your last check right away after the robbery, you could tell them to forward it to you, or simply sue them for it. Suing them would be fun, and would take any suspicion off you as a suspect. I mean, who has balls big enough to rob a place then sue for their pay? mikek420, that's who. Good luck, bro...
I was saying that's the least I've made per hour in a while. I make around 15-17$ an hour if it were taxed

That's all you need, the 13th Amendment, it abolished slavery, you are free to go.
Slavery is working for no pay tho...

So I talked to the guys at work today, one of them was gonna let me stay at his house for the month or extra I would "have to stay"
He asked Pelon (the English speaking Mexican and my stoner friend) to ask me how long I'd stay etc.

So I said I would stay after may 6th
I get paid for a vacation I earned but won't be able to take (I'd have worked a 390 day work year with no vacation so I think I deserve/earned it)
And IF my friend in Colorado won't be able to break his lease.
BOTH of them have to happen in order for me to even consider it.

They said that I had quit once and don't get a vacation.
I had gone to Colorado on my DAY OFF to determine if I'd be able to move in October. I quickly found out that no I could not at that time, and called (14-16 hours later) to say that I'd be right back to work on Wednesday.

I told him that if they thought I was not eligible for a vacation, that I wouldn't even consider staying.
I don't know if anyone suggested this yet, as I haven't read the thread because it sucks: since you know the place so well, why not rob it at closing time on May 5th? Not you personally, but one or two of your buddies. Split the $ 50/50 and take off. No one would blame you then, you just don't feel safe there anymore. They may not be able to afford to pay your last check right away after the robbery, you could tell them to forward it to you, or simply sue them for it. Suing them would be fun, and would take any suspicion off you as a suspect. I mean, who has balls big enough to rob a place then sue for their pay? mikek420, that's who. Good luck, bro...
You didn't read my thread, I haven't read your post.
Slavery is working for no pay tho...

So I talked to the guys at work today, one of them was gonna let me stay at his house for the month or extra I would "have to stay"
He asked Pelon (the English speaking Mexican and my stoner friend) to ask me how long I'd stay etc.

So I said I would stay after may 6th
I get paid for a vacation I earned but won't be able to take (I'd have worked a 390 day work year with no vacation so I think I deserve/earned it)
And IF my friend in Colorado won't be able to break his lease.
BOTH of them have to happen in order for me to even consider it.

They said that I had quit once and don't get a vacation.
I had gone to Colorado on my DAY OFF to determine if I'd be able to move in October. I quickly found out that no I could not at that time, and called (14-16 hours later) to say that I'd be right back to work on Wednesday.

I told him that if they thought I was not eligible for a vacation, that I wouldn't even consider staying.

If you had not constructively quit why would there be any need to phone them notifying them you would be in on your regular day of work? Oh I see the vacation you are worried about is yours! LOL

Since you get paid under the table you can not use the Labor Dept. to enforce employment policy, nothing like voluntary slavery! LOL time to move on and get a job above the table.

PS out here in LA the only time I heard the term mara was about mara salvatrucha
PS out here in LA the only time I heard the term mara was about mara salvatrucha

The people at my job and other Mexicans I know call people from el Salvador "Mara" its kind of a slang term because ms13 came from el Salvador and they (the people at work use it as kind of a racial discrimination I don't know how to explain it it's like we're from mexico you're from this part of Mexico tho. And you're from Belize and you're from Guatamala and so on. Its not derogatory so "racial discrimination" is a bad choice of words
Cinco de mayo was the busiest piece of shit I fucking hate white people
(Not all of you just this bitch who saw me with an assload of dishes and then got up and stood in my way and then turned around to talk to someone for five minute)
Pinche puto gringo pendejos

I'm gonna stay to June 30 so I get a raise and my vacation hours and cover other bullshit going on like the fucking puercos. I did just move tho so I'll be in a different town so the cops don't know me and they're nice to me