My work won't let me quit


Well-Known Member
I had planned to move to Colorado around may 6-7. My reasoning behind the date lies with my job. I am a cook at a Mexican restaurant. Cinco det mayo is a huge business day for them, we prep extra food for 7 days, just to make it through one day.
If I quit before then, they'll be one guy short, or have to hire a new guy, basically being one guy short.
April 30 is a payday. I had originally planned on leaving april 30, but cause I'm a nice guy decided to stay and work the holiday.

I get to work today... They ask me point blank if I can stay until the END OF JUNE.
(Planned to leave april 30, then backed up to may 6-7, noe end of June???)

So they have to have a good reason right?

IF I do NOT stay until June 30...
NO ONE at this restaurant will get their 7 day paid vacation.

So its up to you Mike. Stay and give us a vacation. Or be THAT GUY. That ruins it for everyone.

This is a big decision man! I'm looking to move to Colorado where I can legally breed marijuana, which is something I've done before and WANT to do. I keep saying that once I move I'm basically retiring because weed is fun for me, not a "job"

So guys, what do you think? The decision is entirely on me I know but I wanted to share it and see what others thought.

I don't wanna be an asshole that makes you not have a vacation for two years. I also don't wanna stay any longed than I have to. But if I stay its a little extra money. But if I go the marijuana industry is lucrative.


Well-Known Member
I had planned to move to Colorado around may 6-7. My reasoning behind the date lies with my job. I am a cook at a Mexican restaurant. Cinco det mayo is a huge business day for them, we prep extra food for 7 days, just to make it through one day.
If I quit before then, they'll be one guy short, or have to hire a new guy, basically being one guy short.
April 30 is a payday. I had originally planned on leaving april 30, but cause I'm a nice guy decided to stay and work the holiday.

I get to work today... They ask me point blank if I can stay until the END OF JUNE.
(Planned to leave april 30, then backed up to may 6-7, noe end of June???)

So they have to have a good reason right?

IF I do NOT stay until June 30...
NO ONE at this restaurant will get their 7 day paid vacation.

So its up to you Mike. Stay and give us a vacation. Or be THAT GUY. That ruins it for everyone.

This is a big decision man! I'm looking to move to Colorado where I can legally breed marijuana, which is something I've done before and WANT to do. I keep saying that once I move I'm basically retiring because weed is fun for me, not a "job"

So guys, what do you think? The decision is entirely on me I know but I wanted to share it and see what others thought.

I don't wanna be an asshole that makes you not have a vacation for two years. I also don't wanna stay any longed than I have to. But if I stay its a little extra money. But if I go the marijuana industry is lucrative.
maybe i'm the "sucker"
but i'd stay.
those guys were in the "trenches" with you.
treat them with respect.
You'd want them to do that for you if the roles are reversed.
That's what i'd do, the world would be a better place if people thought of the well-being of others before themselves...

You guys hear me from way up here on this horse?
th (28).jpg


Well-Known Member
You wouldnt be the ahole, they would. I wouldnt help anyone that said that to me. Live for your self and dont change your plans. In fact tell them to suck it when you go. If the people you work with actually believe you are the reason they dont get a vacation then they also have a problem.
RUN FOREST RUN!!! And dont look back.


Well-Known Member
Just don't give em your answer until May 1st. Now I hate the cowards way out but fuck that shit they sound shady as fuck and will probably not pay you if you tell them no. This is why Trump wants a wall.


Well-Known Member
Just told them

I told you November, 1 2015 that may 5th was gonna be my last day at work. Its your management's problem not mine.

If the "POTential roommate" (punny mike...) Has to waitbtil June to break his lease it MIGHT work in your favor


Well-Known Member
explain how your leaving would block them froma vacation for two years, please. I need to know before I post my snarky advice.
heh... good point.. I missed that part..
two years?
maybe he meant two months.
working at a restaurant BLOWS.. they are the most insensitive employers out there
I'd still stay and help out my friends.
but that's all predicated on if you LIKE them.
if you hated everyone at the restaurant, then yea
fuck em
but if you respected anyone, i'd stay


Well-Known Member
explain how your leaving would block them froma vacation for two years, please. I need to know before I post my snarky advice.
They last took a vacation one year ago. I leave, they don't have enough manpower to take a vacation in June. Then they can't go on vacation til next june


Well-Known Member
I had planned to move to Colorado around may 6-7. My reasoning behind the date lies with my job. I am a cook at a Mexican restaurant. Cinco det mayo is a huge business day for them, we prep extra food for 7 days, just to make it through one day.
If I quit before then, they'll be one guy short, or have to hire a new guy, basically being one guy short.
April 30 is a payday. I had originally planned on leaving april 30, but cause I'm a nice guy decided to stay and work the holiday.

I get to work today... They ask me point blank if I can stay until the END OF JUNE.
(Planned to leave april 30, then backed up to may 6-7, noe end of June???)

So they have to have a good reason right?

IF I do NOT stay until June 30...
NO ONE at this restaurant will get their 7 day paid vacation.

So its up to you Mike. Stay and give us a vacation. Or be THAT GUY. That ruins it for everyone.

This is a big decision man! I'm looking to move to Colorado where I can legally breed marijuana, which is something I've done before and WANT to do. I keep saying that once I move I'm basically retiring because weed is fun for me, not a "job"

So guys, what do you think? The decision is entirely on me I know but I wanted to share it and see what others thought.

I don't wanna be an asshole that makes you not have a vacation for two years. I also don't wanna stay any longed than I have to. But if I stay its a little extra money. But if I go the marijuana industry is lucrative.
I'd leave now, 7 days notice, that way they get to train the new guy up

you may well know how disruptive the hospitality industry is,

working long hard hours for a pittance, nuf said, least the waiters get a tip you get sweat?

Tho you are leaving 'friends' behind, they are behind.. maybe never to be seen again?

unless the management can grease the deal, be out as soon as you can

already they have you differing ..?

good luck