Name my Food truck - Help a fellow stoner with a new business


Keep pigs as a side biz

fed from ur leftovers

listen to ur customers, bleed to pleeze

name ur biz truck after the locations you use

that way you need not pay for the use of the ground to sit ur biz

but ride on the good will of the bigger biz

like if you use the toys R us car park 3-4 different sites in town

the call urself Toys R us snaks

good luck
Greetz from a new user :D

"Grilled Cheese". And put a triangle of cheese or a sandwich on the grill of the truck :)

Sell grilled cheese sandwiches, tuna melts, etc. with various types of cheeses and really good breads.
Like a gouda and olive bread grilled cheese, etc.
Sun-dried tomatoes, hot peppers, other goodies. Really dress them up :)

And alongside the high quality stuff have a quick and dirty wonderbread and cheese slice version for folks with pocket change who just need a quick meal.

Also implement a "suspended" program like some coffee shops. Eg. A patron can contribute toward a free sandwich for someone else. So if there are local folks who are down on their luck they can get a meal for free or at a big discount, no questions asked.

That will likely get you some press coverage, which is free advertising, while you do some good.
Dananananananana Cheese Mobile. POW- CRACK- WOOSH- FLUSH
The Cheese Mahal
Cheese N Rice
The Cheesefather
The Cheeseshank Redemption.
Of Mice and Cheese.
Dr Cheeselove and the

Are you fucking writing these down OP or what?

It's excessively rare to see seven cheesy posts in a row.

Gouda show :wink:.
You might be surprised about that...

Probably. My part of California still hasn't gotten on board with the whole idea that consuming cannabis doesn't make you useless for work... Being a useless person does... I should probably pursue a bigger city. Or a different state entirely.
Probably. My part of California still hasn't gotten on board with the whole idea that consuming cannabis doesn't make you useless for work... Being a useless person does... I should probably pursue a bigger city. Or a different state entirely.
Bigger cities tend to have more liberal attitudes. That's been my experience, anyway.
Im slightly disadvantaged as to having no culinary background or food truck friends or relatives to bounce ideas or strategies off of
If you have industrial areas around your area hit those up for sure. Figure out when/where lunch breaks are going to take place and be there. It's going to probably take a little leg work and talking to people.
Burgers, burritos and dogs tend to do okay.
Burritos are fast, cheap and easy to throw together. They have a high profit ratio vs food cost.
Learn to make your re fried beans from scratch. Crock pots are good for this and you can generally leave them unattended while they're cooking.
Dry beans are cheap.
As far as recipes you don't need to be a chef nowadays. Youtube/the internet are cookbooks.
Make sure your food isn't bland either. Learn how to season the right way. Not enough to overpower everything but just enough to give it some flavor.
Have a visible sign out front for people to inform you if they have any food allergies. I've personally witnessed someone go into anaphylactic shock due to a food allergy. Check your ingredients on EVERYTHING if inquired. Even down to the seasonings.

I guess one of the most important questions to ask would be what is your truck equipped with for heating and preparing food on the go?
I assume a fridge/freezer. Do you have a grill, oven, fryers? Are they all up and in working order?