Nancy Pelosi message to America about Trump

That's not how it works, thank god... I thought you were a little smarter than that. Nothing has changed, this is how our founding fathers set it up and for good reason. We have a specific voting process and that's what we follow. The rules if you would.. She didn't win. She is not our president. Trump was elected fair and square (don't even start with the russian crap). So yes, the people are king.

I know how libs think. If they cant win fair and square, the change the rules. They try and do away with the electoral college, that didn't work, then the russia thing, that didn't work. Then grab the pussy thing, that didn't work. Accuse him of this and that.. Did Not work.. Now the ukraine thing, it's not gonna work. Failed after failed attempt. Many on the panel wanted to impeach before they had a reason. America see's this..

What they should be doing is finding an electable candidate instead they continue to dig their grave even deeper with trying to cheat the system. Fail and fail. 2020 is going to be a landslide and you wont be able to use the excuse "she won the popular vote".
You don't see the pattern? All those are things that President Trump has been proven to have done and said. Wake up man, the only thing that isn't working is Trump's ability to stop screwing up the troll his foreign dictator friends are working overtime to gas light America to cover for him.
That's not how it works, thank god... I thought you were a little smarter than that. Nothing has changed, this is how our founding fathers set it up and for good reason. We have a specific voting process and that's what we follow. The rules if you would.. She didn't win. She is not our president. Trump was elected fair and square (don't even start with the russian crap). So yes, the people are king.

I know how libs think. If they cant win fair and square, the change the rules. They try and do away with the electoral college, that didn't work, then the russia thing, that didn't work. Then grab the pussy thing, that didn't work. Accuse him of this and that.. Did Not work.. Now the ukraine thing, it's not gonna work. Failed after failed attempt. Many on the panel wanted to impeach before they had a reason. America see's this..

What they should be doing is finding an electable candidate instead they continue to dig their grave even deeper with trying to cheat the system. Fail and fail. 2020 is going to be a landslide and you wont be able to use the excuse "she won the popular vote".
Trump swore to protect the constitution and he's not only failing in that duty by blocking sanctions against Russia for interfering in the 2016 election but his actions in Ukraine and obstructions of the Mueller investigation constitute and attack on it. For these reasons, it is Congress's duty under the constitution to impeach and remove Trump from office for failing in this duty. Republicans in the Senate might not remove him from office but they will have to do so with the preponderance of facts showing that Trump is acting as if he were king and not president of a constitutional republic.

Also, too funny you say you know what "libs" think. In reality, what a person is thinking is the one thing that cannot be known. But the concept of reality is something that escapes you guys.
I love the Cons trying the old Russian thing didn't work.

Mueller knew wtf was up as soon as Barr was hired. Seems like the Dem controlled House is doing exactly what the lifelong Republican special counsel told them to .
Mueller didn't do shit...
You don't see the pattern? All those are things that President Trump has been proven to have done and said. Wake up man, the only thing that isn't working is Trump's ability to stop screwing up the troll his foreign dictator friends are working overtime to gas light America to cover for him.
Yeah I see a pattern. Same thing with kavanaugh. Accusations with no evidence. Failed attempts to stop due process. Hearsay.

In America you are innocent until proven guilty. So far, he hasn't been proven guilty.
Yeah I see a pattern. Same thing with kavanaugh. Accusations with no evidence. Failed attempts to stop due process. Hearsay.

In America you are innocent until proven guilty. So far, he hasn't been proven guilty.
Actually a grand jury agreed he’s an unindicted co conspirator in the federal felony for which his lawyer now sits in prison

And thousands of rapists like Brett kavanaugh were sent to prison by sworn testimony by their victims like Christine blasey ford
Yeah I see a pattern. Same thing with kavanaugh. Accusations with no evidence. Failed attempts to stop due process. Hearsay.

In America you are innocent until proven guilty. So far, he hasn't been proven guilty.
Invoking another obvious troll of Trump's, Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh was a job interview, and was shown to have been an idiot over privileged rich kid that liked to get drunk and thrust his white male privilege into the face of everyone around him apparently. The Democrats never were going to be able to stop it, and Trump used that to troll the crap out of them. They were really slow on the uptake of how Russians and Trump were playing the game.

Let's see how well this all sticks in real time when Trump's JOB is on the line. That is right, it is not his freedom, not his life, just his job, whose oath he has broken. People should be fired for the illegal acts he has clearly done, if he goes to jail, that will be decided by 12 American citizens, that is a whole other story.