Nastiest Thing Ever Happened During Sex

lets see, cunnilingus with women on on their period, yeast infection and pussy farts. the yeast infect was kinda nasty, the period was tasty and the farts was funny. imho
Ya when my daughter stayed at my stepmoms while I was on vacation she told my daughter it was ok and to go ahead... I was ticked... but it is true I guess it builds up your immune system.

Not saying its ok... but everything we touch is nasty. Whatever went in our nostrils probably went in mouth too. I loved eating boogers when I was little.. hhaha and I bet all of you guys did too!

I got caught in preschool so I gave it up. I was mucho embarrassed.

so you gave it up?
were you a hell booger feen?
wow...... I've had a few fukkin... well, some accidents, but these... these beat all
I guess one of the weirdest was when she farted on my dick right b4 i stuck her ass, but i understood. cause she gotta get the air out. Nehow, a few times i fucked her too long in the ass and she shit all over my dick. Not a biggie, i mean, I was the one fukkin her, so it was really my fault. hmm.......

But for nasty stories, i once was fucking a girl on her living room floor and i stuck my hand in summin wet n sticky. I forgot about it, figured it was cum or summin, smelled like it. Nehow, I wake up in the mornin and see this NASTY fresh tampon next to my fuckkkkkin FACE. Guess either her sister or one of her nasty lil friends had pulled it out and left it there. (we were all sleepin in the same room, some moved to the couches, some hit the floor) nehow, i was like "you people are all disgusting" and picked that shit up and threw it away.
I went out one night with some friends and got fucked up!!! Met this girl started fuckin around at the bar, long story short went back to my house and she starts blowin me right?? well I had to piss so bad but it felt so fuckin good so Im holding it hoping it will just subside, yah right, it got to the point where I couldnt hold it, and shes workin it , the swivel wrist thing going up and down, she was good!! and it happened, I pissed alittle in her mouth she, stopped right away and gave me this weird look, and said "did you just piss in my mouth" I told her I really had to go, well to my suprise she wasnt mad!!
one time i was joing at this old girlfriend of mines vagina, liking that shit up, then out of nowhere she quefs and farts at the same time, keep in mind this was 69, i got some spray from the fart up my nostrils, and a mouthful of rotten fish shit.
I just got a new pittbull pup he is 3 months old and we let him sleep with us:-) I was hittin my girl from behind ya know doing my thaaang, when all of a sudden I felt a sandpaper tongue roll up my ass...WTF I never jumped off my girl so fast man.... aight aight I admit it kinda felt good ahhhhhh! j/k I was scared:-)
Didn't happen to me, but my best friend was so drunk he shit himself while banging a chick. Had trouble getting a date, after that ...
I'm still scared from the first time i laid it to my chicks pooper, and I finally got the fucker in....if you have done it then you know that shit is tight and unless your hung like a wild field mouse the chick is gonna tense a bit:-) well she was tensin alright and i felt like king motha fuckin Kong till i pulled it out and SHIT was all up on my stick;-( BRUTAL....Ran my ass to the shower and stayed there for an hour scrubbin my weeeeen man.
alright one time i was at a bar totally wasted wheni was in my 20's but back then i wasn't really a ladies man and there was this hot chick that wanted to hook up so we went back to my place and she pulled out these sex beads and she wanted me to stick them in my ass so i was like ok she is super hot its worth it so we were in the middle of it and she pulled them out and i shit every where so i was like woops and went to the bathroom to clean up and when i came back out this chick had like a shit fetish and was playing in my shit it was pretty nasty
I just got a new pittbull pup he is 3 months old and we let him sleep with us:-) I was hittin my girl from behind ya know doing my thaaang, when all of a sudden I felt a sandpaper tongue roll up my ass...WTF I never jumped off my girl so fast man.... aight aight I admit it kinda felt good ahhhhhh! j/k I was scared:-)


Had the same thing happen to me, going at it and my Lab, who always has to be within 3-4 ft from me or the wife ALL THE TIME, is in the room and she is on the edge of the bed and I was standing up with my legs spread a little to get the right height and next thing you know I am JUST about to nut and I feel the tongue licking my ass. LOL It broke my concentration so fast!
alright one time i was at a bar totally wasted wheni was in my 20's but back then i wasn't really a ladies man and there was this hot chick that wanted to hook up so we went back to my place and she pulled out these sex beads and she wanted me to stick them in my ass so i was like ok she is super hot its worth it so we were in the middle of it and she pulled them out and i shit every where so i was like woops and went to the bathroom to clean up and when i came back out this chick had like a shit fetish and was playing in my shit it was pretty nasty

that's fucked up bro; what is even more fucked, is i have heard this exact story before....
Well....I dont have anything really gross...but my ex would spit on his hand and lube his dick up before he jammed it in cuz he couldn't find a clit with a map and a fucking penlight. He had balls the size of a dinner plate...every time you 69'd him, the damn things would cover your had to lift them to get air. I often imagined suffocating beneath them if he had a heart attack and died on top of me, and my mom being called in to identify the body. I imagined the headline....WOMAN SMOTHERED BY GIGANTIC NUTS "When he died, he like shit on her forehead," coroner says.
Last night I sneezed and shot a butt plug across the only reaction was to turn to my hubby and say "could you get that?"Not gross but I did get some superb distance.:-|