Nastiest Thing Ever Happened During Sex

Well I guess I could add to the conversation. Lets see....I was at a party and I had really been interested in this hot chick. Liked her for ages. We were in high school at the time. Anyhow, so I finally hook up with her and we go into a room. We start having sex doggy style and the lights were out, I was drunk and things were a little crazy. So im trying to go harder and faster and on one of my out strokes my dick comes fully out and when I went to slamm back in I accidently hit her in her bum.
She starts screaming in pain, my dick has just been folded in half and one of her friends was walking by the door at the same time as this happens. So her friend opens the door and turns on the light to see why her friend is screaming. It was dead set the worst night of my life. I would be as bad as getting caught jacking off by your mother.
So im fully naked and in pain and this girl who I had such a crush on is lying, screaming on the bed holding her ass and her friend is screaming at me, asking what had I done to her friend. So this then attracts the whole party who pile in the room to see what had happened.
It was just soooo bad.
She never spoke to me again and for the next week at school everyone was talking about it.
I still have nightmares....
Well I guess I could add to the conversation. Lets see....I was at a party and I had really been interested in this hot chick. Liked her for ages. We were in high school at the time. Anyhow, so I finally hook up with her and we go into a room. We start having sex doggy style and the lights were out, I was drunk and things were a little crazy. So im trying to go harder and faster and on one of my out strokes my dick comes fully out and when I went to slamm back in I accidently hit her in her bum.
She starts screaming in pain, my dick has just been folded in half and one of her friends was walking by the door at the same time as this happens. So her friend opens the door and turns on the light to see why her friend is screaming. It was dead set the worst night of my life. I would be as bad as getting caught jacking off by your mother.
So im fully naked and in pain and this girl who I had such a crush on is lying, screaming on the bed holding her ass and her friend is screaming at me, asking what had I done to her friend. So this then attracts the whole party who pile in the room to see what had happened.
It was just soooo bad.
She never spoke to me again and for the next week at school everyone was talking about it.
I still have nightmares....
The last time I got down, this chick gave me an unbelievable BJ. She even swallowed.

But when I started to fuck her, the room was overcome by a terrible smell.

Long story short - that was the first time I faked an orgasm.
I heard a guy at a party talking about 69ing and he looks up and sees this little white thing moving by her bung turns out she had pinworms....he almost lost his tube steak when he jumped up and freaked...
That shit is just wrong.

To this day I still can't figure out why women enjoy this shit.. is it a whole power trip thing? Abused at a young age? Bad experiences with dominant men? Or do you wish you were a man?

IDK, I just don't get it.[/QUOTE]

One time I tried to do that. Ok, see...I HATE the taste of cum. But I, every once in a while would take a mouth full for my boyfriend because I loved him and wanted him to completely enjoy himself. Well, once, I wanted him to know what it tasted like, because he kept asking me one time as if he was curious. Well, I took a mouth full and moved up to kiss him. He didnt know I had some in my mouth, but as soon as I start to kiss him he quickly pushes me away "THATS DISGUSTING!!" He yelled. I ran to the bathroom to spit it(normally I swallow just to get it gone fast without trying to offend him by spitting) but this time I spit, and kept washing my mouth out. It had been in there too long and the taste was sickening, I almost puked. Afterwards, I explained what I was doing, since he asked me so many times, I was just going to let him know by experience. He wasn't mad at me, which was good, but he made me promise never to do that again, and I had no problem agreeing with that!
when I was around 16-17 years old i moved out of my parents house, and started living with a bunch of friends...

One day I come home from work, to find 2 beautiful women ** both were complete knockouts, 1 brunette and the other chick was a hot Fire Crotch ** in my living room being entertained by my roomies. i sit down and join the conversation, i noticed though that brunette was didnt talk too much, and when asked why she was so quiet she signed to me that she was deaf
** i know enough sign language to say a few words and phrases**

She and I begin carrying our own conversation, when she looks over at me and does the old " slide the finger in circle" jesture with her hands asking me if I wanna fuck? I obliged... cause i knew this was gonna for sure put me in hell...

** she actually verbally ASKED me, that alone was almost enough for me to lose my mind in laughter**

She and I start going at it and I'm on top, and she's moaning ** more like grunting, but i think it was supposed to be moaning** she started getting into it a lil more and STARTED TALKING DIRTY IN MY EAR!!! ** uhhh eayaaa, eels ood and shit that i couldnt make out **

at this point i'm in tears from me laighing... laughing so hard that I had to bury my face in the pillow next to her and was literally screaming with laughter...

We switched around and I was plowing her from the back making this woman scream/grunt/what ever you call it... all the while I have my head back in laughter like some kind of mad scientist... this went on like this for about 45 minutes to an hour... her screaming and me laughing like a super villain..

when we finished and walked back out into the living room I find my roomies all sitting there shaking there heads at me in one giant collective moment of me being an asshole...

all i could say was "WHAT??? I didn't know deaf girls were so loud..."

She and I have been dating on and off ever since...
My friend and his ex girlfriend were in bed 69in it. she was on top. anyway they were going at it when all of a sudden he got the shits all over hid face!
My friend and his ex girlfriend were in bed 69in it. she was on top. anyway they were going at it when all of a sudden he got the shits all over hid face!

HA! gross! how do you recover from that? very realistically i imagine.....
I fell over and knock'd myself out (was drunk and slip'd on some clothing on the floor, had a wooden floor that was like an icering.... very slippy ), and yeah woke up to my girlfriend just laughing her ass off :cry:

*edit* But i got a present for falling over and hurting myself ;)... haha
when I was around 16-17 years old i moved out of my parents house, and started living with a bunch of friends...

One day I come home from work, to find 2 beautiful women ** both were complete knockouts, 1 brunette and the other chick was a hot Fire Crotch ** in my living room being entertained by my roomies. i sit down and join the conversation, i noticed though that brunette was didnt talk too much, and when asked why she was so quiet she signed to me that she was deaf
** i know enough sign language to say a few words and phrases**

She and I begin carrying our own conversation, when she looks over at me and does the old " slide the finger in circle" jesture with her hands asking me if I wanna fuck? I obliged... cause i knew this was gonna for sure put me in hell...

** she actually verbally ASKED me, that alone was almost enough for me to lose my mind in laughter**

She and I start going at it and I'm on top, and she's moaning ** more like grunting, but i think it was supposed to be moaning** she started getting into it a lil more and STARTED TALKING DIRTY IN MY EAR!!! ** uhhh eayaaa, eels ood and shit that i couldnt make out **

at this point i'm in tears from me laighing... laughing so hard that I had to bury my face in the pillow next to her and was literally screaming with laughter...

We switched around and I was plowing her from the back making this woman scream/grunt/what ever you call it... all the while I have my head back in laughter like some kind of mad scientist... this went on like this for about 45 minutes to an hour... her screaming and me laughing like a super villain..

when we finished and walked back out into the living room I find my roomies all sitting there shaking there heads at me in one giant collective moment of me being an asshole...

all i could say was "WHAT??? I didn't know deaf girls were so loud..."

She and I have been dating on and off ever since...

I loved this . . lmao.

The nastiest sex experience I can think of is when I was giving my ex head, I blew chunks all over his lap. It came on so suddenly .. I didn't even feel sick. Well I guess now I know deep throating is not one of my specialties! :spew:
I loved this . . lmao.

The nastiest sex experience I can think of is when I was giving my ex head, I blew chunks all over his lap. It came on so suddenly .. I didn't even feel sick. Well I guess now I know deep throating is not one of my specialties! :spew:

practice makes perfect.
back in the day i was seeing this girl on and off for two years (filled with emotional and psychological bullshit, but being emotionally unstable i fucking craved every single up and down second of that). i liked her so much that i didn't even realize how smoking hot she was. anyways, we were 18 and went to this pool during one hot summer day. it was a public pool. we were chilling in the pool under slide and started to dry hump each other. we were trying to be as discrete as possible but i think we got some dirty looks but i didn't really care. i came and almost drowned from the climax, being high, and i was lost my grip (i was holding on the the slide and my grip slipped off). anyways we then went right to the hot tub, and at the same time several classfuls of children came in (middle schoolish) and went right to the slide, each laughing themselves head first down teh pool right into where i just made a protein deposit. not as nasty as some of the stuff already posted but i still think i may not get into heaven because of this.
anyways we then went right to the hot tub, and at the same time several classfuls of children came in (middle schoolish) and went right to the slide, each laughing themselves head first down teh pool right into where i just made a protein deposit. not as nasty as some of the stuff already posted but i still think i may not get into heaven because of this.
Exactly why I never go in public pools....ewwww. :spew:.