Nastiest Thing Ever Happened During Sex

Yeah that old period smell is the worst, like blood sitting after a couple days is the worst smell fucking ever, like literally rotting fish, but anyways one time after sex i was like wtf is that smell, the windows were open so i figured it must be the stench of some carbage outside but nope, i got up next to my bitch and it was all her!!! Dude my crotch reaked all day, like if the air was still the fummes would make it through my shorts and all the way up to my nose, ewww. But its all good, havnt smelled it again that bad yet, ill just take a brake next time on that time of the month.
Someone pissed on me in the shower once...even though it was in the shower I still felt it was a tad disrespectful... same guy spit on my pussy while he was eating me out... I slapped him on the side of his head... I didnt need any lubrication and we're not in an effen porno.

ew i fucking hate that
many years ago I was lying on my back while wifey was down below doing her business.right when I blew she quit sucking and managed to put my own load on my chin.
About 30 years ago i had a girlfriend who was a serious freak & i mean serious,she loved everything & wanted everything done to her every time,i mean hair pulled,ass slapped,ass fucked the whole 9 yards,i was cool with it too:mrgreen:.

Anyhow we were getting down & she wanted me to suck on her toe's,i figured what the hell,she just got out of the shower & was always squeeky clean so why not,here i am suckin away on her lil toe when i felt something in my throat,i stopped sucking & tried to cough it up but it just dug in & hurt like hell,i had to slam a beer & eat it cause it wasnt comming up.

Later that night she was putting on her socks to go home & she said "LOOK AT MY TOE !!!,her lil toenail was gone,i sucked that puppy right off !!

I dont mess with feet's anymore :spew:
My buddy has a huge cock, walked in on him one night at a casino party (probably bout 11-12inches)(I had to get a beer you know), we were running a train on a girl and I needed to get a beer because I met a girl on the elevator (never even made it down to the casino!) as I was going to play some slots, anyways we go back up to the room Im smashed already, I grab a beer for the girl,(Mind you 5 minutes after I get done blasting a chick in the ass!) I get tramatized looking at my buddy just chilling with his boner in hand. Get the beer and go into the hotel bathroom, she is like so how many people have you gotten tonight? (Ick what a slut!) So she starts sucking me off in the shower, (me and my poopy dick) and then we start going at it..I mean i was just slamming her head against the tub, then she is like "do anything you want to me" so I pull it out stick it in her ass, as Im pounding away Im bout to nut and she is like "I want you to cum in my mouth" so I pull it out and put it back in her mouth and let it go..About 5-10 seconds later she looks up and she has shit on the side of her mouth, absolutely disgusting wether in the shower or not.... NOw back to my buddy, I get out of the shower the girl disappears, probably a little embarressed..and my buddy is like hey check this out, he was blasting this other girl in the ass as well, the bed sheets were covered in shit juice! His beater was covered in shit juice..The room smelt like dirty asshole, needless to say he got dibbs on the shower next, anyways sorry this is so long but the next day he is like WTF are these red bumps on my cock??? He leaves work and goes to the clinic (he is fucking tripping out at this point) anyways it turns out it was just a bacteria infection not the ole herpes, from getting asshole juice all over his shit. Long story short we dont fuck bitches in the ass no more, its just disgusting, the inside of the ass is like the nastiest place on earth! Even worse than inner city detroit!
....Later that night she was putting on her socks to go home & she said "LOOK AT MY TOE !!!,her lil toenail was gone,i sucked that puppy right off !! I dont mess with feet's anymore :spew:
Ewww reminds me of a story one of my friends told me... She said she was givin her hubby head, and the next day her throat started feelin itchy and within hours her throat started swelling up... Eventually it got so bad she couldnt breathe, so she went to the ER and she actually had a pube that had imbedded itself in the lining of her throat. She said she told the doc it musta been a cat hair... but she said she was laughed at for saying it... AWKWARD.

Perfect example of why all men need to MANSCAPE.

my sisters boyfriend is a ER nurse and some came in an said they slipped in the shower and landed on the soap dish that went right up thier ass. So the sent her to Xrays and say that the soap dish was shaped just like a Dildo. Duhh. so they had good laugh and then asked her what "Soapdish" does she have
Ewww reminds me of a story one of my friends told me... She said she was givin her hubby head, and the next day her throat started feelin itchy and within hours her throat started swelling up... Eventually it got so bad she couldnt breathe, so she went to the ER and she actually had a pube that had imbedded itself in the lining of her throat. She said she told the doc it musta been a cat hair... but she said she was laughed at for saying it... AWKWARD.

Perfect example of why all men need to MANSCAPE.

Lol-that would suck!
Btw We1 your ass juice story made me a bit nauseated... lol.
Shoulda smelt the aroma...Gag-eriffic! Never-Ever again!!! Although still to this day my buddy wants to know how I did it, wasn't even gone five minutes didn't even make it off the elevator, I don't really remember, there was three people on the elevator, a couple and the girl, the couple told me my shirt was on inside out, the couple got off on the second floor, and I took off my shirt and the girl helped me get it back on, guess she musta liked my body...that or she was just really slutty...Anyways that was the first and only time I banged two chicks in one night, although I did tell one chick I hadn't got laid in however long even though I fucked a girl the night before. Jeez what happened to me??? Now I practically have to beg to get a suck off, that or I have to smoke um up, that remind me about 1 month ago I woke up next to a Godzilla Biotch!!!! It kinda made me wanna quit drinking! Well at least I don't really remember shit, the only reason I remembered anything at all was cause I had hickies all over my neck.
my sisters boyfriend is a ER nurse and some came in an said they slipped in the shower and landed on the soap dish that went right up thier ass. So the sent her to Xrays and say that the soap dish was shaped just like a Dildo. Duhh. so they had good laugh and then asked her what "Soapdish" does she have

I wonder if it looked like this.Potatoes and Jelly #1
I like pissin on hoes but they get madd
Yah if you pissed on me you would get a knee straight to the nuts... Although I have been pissed the shower... not too happy...
Some dude I dated always said shit like "you can pee on me if you want that would be sexy"

I mean, then what after the piss absorbs in his bed his room is gonna reek of urine...

not a sex story but a gross story,

i had this fat nasty female patient once. she came in bc her pussy had a bad odor. so me being a student i get handed the nasty patients. i put her legs up on the stirrups and the whole room stunk up. it smelled like bigfoot's asshole after eating mexican sushi.

the nurse started gagging, i started gagging, the attending out side fainted. the sprinklers turned on lol jk anyways i open her up look inside and pulled out a toungue ring or a cockring, one of those things, which had caused a bad bacterial infection. and she says "ohhhh we were looking for that, so thats where it was"
Yeah I worked with docs doin pap smears before... I assisted...
Once we had a patient that had a tampon in her for a month and when he pulled it out of her it was green...BARF.

Once there was a patient that was hella fat, and had a yeast infection that spread into her fat rolls on her legs...

Ive smelled pussies so bad that theyve ruined my appetite for the day.
