Nation's largest health insurer to exit majority of Obamacare exchanges

"Several administrations, both Democratic and Republican, advocated affordable housing policies in the years leading up to the crisis. The Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 established, for the first time, an affordable housing loan purchase mandate for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, a mandate to be regulated by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Initially, the 1992 legislation required that 30 percent or more of Fannie’s and Freddie’s loan purchases be related to affordable housing. However, HUD was given the power to set future requirements, and eventually (under the Bush Administration) a 56 percent minimum was established. To fulfill the requirements, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac established programs to purchase $5 trillion in affordable housing loans, and encouraged lenders to relax underwriting standards to produce those loans.

“The National Homeownership Strategy: Partners in the American Dream”, was compiled in 1995 by Henry Cisneros, President Clinton’s HUD Secretary. This 100-page document represented the viewpoints of HUD, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, leaders of the housing industry, various banks, numerous activist organizations such as ACORN and La Raza, and representatives from several state and local governments.” In 2001, the independent research company, Graham Fisher & Company, stated: “While the underlying initiatives of the [strategy] were broad in content, the main theme … was the relaxation of credit standards.”

The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (majority report), Federal Reserve economists, and several academic researchers have stated that government affordable housing policies were not the major cause of the financial crisis. They also state that Community Reinvestment Act loans outperformed other "subprime" mortgages, and GSE mortgages performed better than private label securitizations."

“Members of the Right tried to blame the seeming market failures on government; in their mind the government effort to push people with low incomes into home ownership was the source of the problem. Widespread as this belief has become in conservative circles, virtually all serious attempts to evaluate the evidence have concluded that there is little merit in this view.”
-Joseph Stiglitz
Stock awards. When the stock price goes up, you should be rewarded. Salary has remained the same from year to year. That's how the system works whether have-nots like it or not. Suffer........

Yes you should be rewarded for singlehandedly making your company's stock increase..too bad that's not the was and always will be off the blood sweat and tears of the EMPLOYEES.

YOU didn't build that..WE did!
if UHC lost 1billion in two years, sounds like he should be punished to me, not rewarded.

ACA is a success by all accounts. too bad your GOP held Congress failed 62 times to repeal it. talk about inept.

UHC lost 1 billion dollars because the young healthy people the government promised would sign up for the plan never materialized. It is funny that the incompetent people that designed the plan are now blaming the failure on the people required to carry the plan out.

We were told that Obamacare would allow you to keep your doctor, lower premiums and be better all around for everyone. Is there any promise that has not been broken?
But you'll be dead in a year or two from that prostate cancer you have..speaking of dead I'm sure that shriveled thing hanging between your legs was long ago.

Good example of the compassionate left. :rolleyes: Speaking of dead, when's your boy Sanders gonna hang it up?

Liberalism is indeed a mental disease.
UHC lost 1 billion dollars because the young healthy people the government promised would sign up for the plan never materialized. It is funny that the incompetent people that designed the plan are now blaming the failure on the people required to carry the plan out.

We were told that Obamacare would allow you to keep your doctor, lower premiums and be better all around for everyone. Is there any promise that has not been broken?

Whole thing has been a debacle, another Obama con game. How about the half mil of taxpayer's money on the failed software program that took almost a year to fix, the delays because of it, the screw ups. Obama and his cronies couldn't screw in a light bulb if they had too, they'd turn it counter clockwise like they do all their counter productive drills.
Whole thing has been a debacle, another Obama con game. How about the half mil of taxpayer's money on the failed software program that took almost a year to fix, the delays because of it, the screw ups. Obama and his cronies couldn't screw in a light bulb if they had too, they'd turn it counter clockwise like they do all their counter productive drills.
How about the taxpayer money wasted on 9 different republican investigations into Planned Parenthood?

How about the taxpayer money wasted on 2 international wars?

How about the fact that single payer - the original progressive position - costs less and produces better results?

You are bitching about the republican idea of the individual mandate, that's your position, genius

The progressive health care package hasn't been implemented, come cry to me when single payer goes through next administration
How about the taxpayer money wasted on 9 different republican investigations into Planned Parenthood?

How about the taxpayer money wasted on 2 international wars?

How about the fact that single payer - the original progressive position - costs less and produces better results?

You are bitching about the republican idea of the individual mandate, that's your position, genius

The progressive health care package hasn't been implemented, come cry to me when single payer goes through next administration

Single payer is awesome!! Just ask anyone waiting for an appointment at the VA.

How about the fact that countries lie about how good their single payer healthcare is. If you die waiting in line for care in Canada it is considered a success!!!

I dont want the choices of my medical care taken out of my hands and given to a burecrat. Not sure how you can comprehend otherwise.
Single payer is awesome!! Just ask anyone waiting for an appointment at the VA.

How about the fact that countries lie about how good their single payer healthcare is. If you die waiting in line for care in Canada it is considered a success!!!

I dont want the choices of my medical care taken out of my hands and given to a burecrat. Not sure how you can comprehend otherwise.


Facts don't lie, liars like you do
"burecrat. Not sure how you can comprehend otherwise."

No one screams imbecile louder than nlx.

You understood the word. I chose not to hit the spelling icon to change it. Look how low you have sunk, you sit online and wait to nitpick about nothing on a pot website.



Facts don't lie, liars like you do

You cant compare entire health care programs like 2 pieces of fruit. The treatments are not the same, the level of training of the doctors is not the same, the medical technology is not the same. You get one statistic and think it means what you think it does but you are completely wrong.

People got so sick of europe running their lives they risked their lives to sail to a new land where less than 200 years later a bunch of whiners is demanding we become europe 2.0.
You cant compare entire health care programs like 2 pieces of fruit. The treatments are not the same, the level of training of the doctors is not the same, the medical technology is not the same. You get one statistic and think it means what you think it does but you are completely wrong.

People got so sick of europe running their lives they risked their lives to sail to a new land where less than 200 years later a bunch of whiners is demanding we become europe 2.0.
You're a complete ignoramus

America is not number 1 in everything, this is something you'll just have to learn to deal with. Other countries outperform the US in many different ways, it will benefit us to adopt their successes and abandon our failures

Single payer is coming whether you like it or not
You're a complete ignoramus

America is not number 1 in everything, this is something you'll just have to learn to deal with. Other countries outperform the US in many different ways, it will benefit us to adopt their successes and abandon our failures

Single payer is coming whether you like it or not

So, it is your belief that within the next 30 years that the government will take over healthcare and make private healthcare illegal?

Because that is the only way that single payer could possibly be implemented.

I am sure you wring your hands with glee at the additional power and control the government would have over people, not just their financial health but their very lives. I guess everyone better vote Democrat at that point or get put to the back of the line...

It is sickening how you want to give all your freedom to some faceless BURECRAT rather than take responsibility for your own life. I guess it is easier to believe they wont fuck it up as bad as you have.
You understood the word. I chose not to hit the spelling icon to change it. Look how low you have sunk, you sit online and wait to nitpick about nothing on a pot website.

Bro if it was about your spelling you would have half a point. But it is not. My post asserts your status and accurately characterizes the worthlessness of your drivel.
So, it is your belief that within the next 30 years that the government will take over healthcare and make private healthcare illegal?

Because that is the only way that single payer could possibly be implemented.

I am sure you wring your hands with glee at the additional power and control the government would have over people, not just their financial health but their very lives. I guess everyone better vote Democrat at that point or get put to the back of the line...

It is sickening how you want to give all your freedom to some faceless BURECRAT rather than take responsibility for your own life. I guess it is easier to believe they wont fuck it up as bad as you have.
People like you see the world in only black and white. This has nothing to do with government control. You only think it does because you're a paranoid right-wing fundamentalist

Other countries provide health care to their citizens at higher quality and lower cost than we do, what rational person would want to keep a failed system over one that we know performs better? A stupid person, that's who. All of these countries that do it better than us have a higher quality of life, their citizens live longer lives, and they're generally happier than Americans, the government doesn't "control" anyone's life any more than they do in America

45,000 Americans died every year from preventable causes simply because they couldn't afford basic health care before the affordable care act was implemented. That's the system you want to go back to because you think universal healthcare is "government controlling your life"..

People everywhere laugh at you
countries lie about how good their single payer healthcare is.


all the statistics from all over the world collected by countless organizations are all just a conspiracy.

therefore we cannot even bring up how much better single payer is proven to be, because that "proof" is all just one big gigantic conspiracy.

just like global warming.

retarded delusional morons are retarded and delusional.
People like you see the world in only black and white. This has nothing to do with government control. You only think it does because you're a paranoid right-wing fundamentalist

Other countries provide health care to their citizens at higher quality and lower cost than we do, what rational person would want to keep a failed system over one that we know performs better? A stupid person, that's who. All of these countries that do it better than us have a higher quality of life, their citizens live longer lives, and they're generally happier than Americans, the government doesn't "control" anyone's life any more than they do in America

45,000 Americans died every year from preventable causes simply because they couldn't afford basic health care before the affordable care act was implemented. That's the system you want to go back to because you think universal healthcare is "government controlling your life"..

People everywhere laugh at you

It is not the governments job to provide healthcare, free housing, welfare, food subsidies, etc....

I think that Obamacare forces me by legislation to have healthcare and to prove it to the IRS every year by providing documentation along with proving all my income and expenses in the hopes that the government doesnt confiscate even more of my money. Privacy??? LOL!!! The right against unreasonable search and siezure??? LOL!!

The government is way past the line and all you got is greed, envy and hatred and a government promising to get even while it never does because it is bought and paid for by the very people you hate. You got nothin and you think laughing at me makes a difference? I doubt it is gonna put money in your pocket or add years to your life.