Nation's largest health insurer to exit majority of Obamacare exchanges

You cant compare entire health care programs like 2 pieces of fruit. The treatments are not the same, the level of training of the doctors is not the same, the medical technology is not the same. You get one statistic and think it means what you think it does but you are completely wrong.

People got so sick of europe running their lives they risked their lives to sail to a new land where less than 200 years later a bunch of whiners is demanding we become europe 2.0.

Ever see that commercial about the difference between Dish and Cable TV..'the settlers'?..that's you:lol:
It is not the governments job to provide healthcare, free housing, welfare, food subsidies, etc....

I think that Obamacare forces me by legislation to have healthcare and to prove it to the IRS every year by providing documentation along with proving all my income and expenses in the hopes that the government doesnt confiscate even more of my money. Privacy??? LOL!!! The right against unreasonable search and siezure??? LOL!!

The government is way past the line and all you got is greed, envy and hatred and a government promising to get even while it never does because it is bought and paid for by the very people you hate. You got nothin and you think laughing at me makes a difference? I doubt it is gonna put money in your pocket or add years to your life.
It's the government's job to provide for the wellbeing of its citizens, that includes basic healthcare

You don't seem to understand how democracy works. If you don't like the taxes you pay, vote for people that will decrease or eliminate them. If they don't win, then you'll pay whatever percentage that's required of you, you don't have to like it. Tax collection doesn't depend upon your approval

The majority of Americans support universal healthcare and it will eventually lead to single payer

If you don't like it, hey, there are always internet forums you can complain about it on :)
It is not the governments job to provide welfare

article 1, secrion 8, unitd states constitution

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defenceand general Welfare of the United States

I think that Obamacare forces me by legislation to have healthcare and to prove it to the IRS every year by providing documentation

this is how i know you were lying when you said you paid any taxes at all.

there is a single box you check that asks if you had full year insurance or not. no documentation required.

just put a check in the box if you'v had healthcare.


of course, a poverty level taker like you makes so little that people like me are the ones subsidizing your healthcare.

so i don't get why you are so upset that i am paying for your healthcare.

i don't mind helping out unskilled, indigent little leeches like you. i think it provides for the general welfare.

ya welfare mooch.
article 1, secrion 8, unitd states constitution

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defenceand general Welfare of the United States

this is how i know you were lying when you said you paid any taxes at all.

there is a single box you check that asks if you had full year insurance or not. no documentation required.

just put a check in the box if you'v had healthcare.


of course, a poverty level taker like you makes so little that people like me are the ones subsidizing your healthcare.

so i don't get why you are so upset that i am paying for your healthcare.

i don't mind helping out unskilled, indigent little leeches like you. i think it provides for the general welfare.

ya welfare mooch.

No documentation required is a lie or lack of knowledge. The form comes in by mail before tax documents and must be present when filing in Ma. It lists every month and by who. Yes you must also check the box too.

Another buck lie in action.
It is not the governments job to provide healthcare, free housing, welfare, food subsidies, etc....

I think that Obamacare forces me by legislation to have healthcare and to prove it to the IRS every year by providing documentation along with proving all my income and expenses in the hopes that the government doesnt confiscate even more of my money. Privacy??? LOL!!! The right against unreasonable search and siezure??? LOL!!

The government is way past the line and all you got is greed, envy and hatred and a government promising to get even while it never does because it is bought and paid for by the very people you hate. You got nothin and you think laughing at me makes a difference? I doubt it is gonna put money in your pocket or add years to your life.

without the government providing all those things you mention you'd have no way to acquire them. by your own admissions, you don't make enough to pay taxes. you're welcome

a simple thank you to those that do make enough to pay taxes would suffice.
gotta love having a window blind installer, a pool cleaner (this year), a time share hustler and an old man who can't get it up anymore and is living on his wife's indulgence explain all these cool republican theories that haven't worked anywhere

the producers should be ashamed
gotta love having a window blind installer, a pool cleaner (this year), a time share hustler and an old man who can't get it up anymore and is living on his wife's indulgence explain all these cool republican theories that haven't worked anywhere

the producers should be ashamed

it's been really fun to expose them as frauds over the years. they all seem to think they are some kind of "makers" and "job creators" and "business owners" when a quick glance at reality shows they clearly don't even pay taxes.

most of them are living on the social security checks us liberals are sending them too.

i guess you had the caretakers at your home fill out the form for all that social security you sucked up, gramps.

View attachment 3663413

noble attempt at trying to cover your fellow taker leech though.

No, you are deceiving. The document I`m talking about is your proof. You can`t just lie and check the box. You can`t get your return done without it. In Ma.

Not covering anyone, like catching you being deceitful.
You can`t just lie and check the box.

actually you can. but you'd better have a good reason why you lied if they come and audit you.

i sent in my tax payment this year having only checked the box. and i had full year insurance. the instructions do not differ if i were expecting a return.

you are a retard and have been proven demonstrably wrong yet again.

accept it, like you should accept your latent homosexual desires.
IRS form 1095-B. I have Ma. Health match my other insurance, and why I lost my doctor. I can file Federal but not State return without it. I can`t afford the Affordable Care Act other options in 2015, so I go bare min.

Print it out, crumble it into a ball, Odd shaped, turn it sideways and stick it straight up bucks ass.

bare minimum while making $200k installing window blinds? can't afford the aca?

ya don't say...........
I told you years ago that the ACA is Obama`s copy of Romney`s Ma. Health program. You didn`t think Obama came up with it did you ? He stole the program from Ma. Some greatest Pres. eva.
It's the government's job to provide for the wellbeing of its citizens, that includes basic healthcare

You don't seem to understand how democracy works. If you don't like the taxes you pay, vote for people that will decrease or eliminate them. If they don't win, then you'll pay whatever percentage that's required of you, you don't have to like it. Tax collection doesn't depend upon your approval

The majority of Americans support universal healthcare and it will eventually lead to single payer

If you don't like it, hey, there are always internet forums you can complain about it on :)

without the government providing all those things you mention you'd have no way to acquire them. by your own admissions, you don't make enough to pay taxes. you're welcome

a simple thank you to those that do make enough to pay taxes would suffice.

Without government enabling and encouraging forcible monopolies, thus creating an artificial supply obstruction within an unfree market, other more competitive options would exist.

You are flailing in the branches and need to strike root causes, you dig, Mr. Diggler?

Yes, I'm up here...way over your head.
UHC lost 1 billion dollars because the young healthy people the government promised would sign up for the plan never materialized. It is funny that the incompetent people that designed the plan are now blaming the failure on the people required to carry the plan out.

We were told that Obamacare would allow you to keep your doctor, lower premiums and be better all around for everyone. Is there any promise that has not been broken?

You can keep your just need to find a plan he's on..totally not impossible as most doctors are on most insurance company's lists.

Premiums were lower.. Much lower the first year before 50% of the insurance companies startup went out of business..the pool was large..the pool is now small = bigger premiums and calling the shots again..Obama could not have predicted this.