Well-Known Member
You can keep your just need to find a plan he's on..totally not impossible as most doctors are on most insurance company's lists.
Premiums were lower.. Much lower the first year before 50% of the insurance companies startup went out of business..the pool was large..the pool is now small = bigger premiums and calling the shots again..Obama could not have predicted this.
It would be nice if your signature was not the size of a billboard.
So I can keep my doctor if I change my plan? Didnt Obama promise I could keep my plan and my doctor? Oh yeah, he did....
The premiums were lower because the stupid burecrats didnt know how to run a business. When the real numbers started coming out you could see it was not viable. If a company has to pay out more than it takes in it goes out of business. Simple shit. Now the same people that designed the fucked up impossible system are feigning surprise that it is not working. Either that or they were totally incompetent in the first place. Pick your poison.