Nation's largest health insurer to exit majority of Obamacare exchanges

You can keep your just need to find a plan he's on..totally not impossible as most doctors are on most insurance company's lists.

Premiums were lower.. Much lower the first year before 50% of the insurance companies startup went out of business..the pool was large..the pool is now small = bigger premiums and calling the shots again..Obama could not have predicted this.

It would be nice if your signature was not the size of a billboard.

So I can keep my doctor if I change my plan? Didnt Obama promise I could keep my plan and my doctor? Oh yeah, he did....

The premiums were lower because the stupid burecrats didnt know how to run a business. When the real numbers started coming out you could see it was not viable. If a company has to pay out more than it takes in it goes out of business. Simple shit. Now the same people that designed the fucked up impossible system are feigning surprise that it is not working. Either that or they were totally incompetent in the first place. Pick your poison.

It would be nice if your signature was not the size of a billboard.

So I can keep my doctor if I change my plan? Didnt Obama promise I could keep my plan and my doctor? Oh yeah, he did....

The premiums were lower because the stupid burecrats didnt know how to run a business. When the real numbers started coming out you could see it was not viable. If a company has to pay out more than it takes in it goes out of business. Simple shit. Now the same people that designed the fucked up impossible system are feigning surprise that it is not working. Either that or they were totally incompetent in the first place. Pick your poison.


The ACA did operate as designed:

Open exchange with many insurers/competitive pricing was supposed to drive down premiums..and it did..for one year.

UHC is now picking and choosing states it wishes to insure more unhealthy states.
No Schularr it didnt work, it was a dog and pony show.

The insurers got compensated by the government ER: taxpayer money from the shortfalls in the first few years which means we all still paid for it. Now that the subsidies are drying up it is clear that the system is not economically viable. Not enough people are paying into the system to support it.

So, saying ACA worked is patently false. It has been a disaster since the beginning but it has taken a few years to see that it cannot work. Which is sadly what was planned for it in the first place to force single payer. Barak Obama has said that so it is not exactly a conspiracy.
No Schularr it didnt work, it was a dog and pony show.

The insurers got compensated by the government ER: taxpayer money from the shortfalls in the first few years which means we all still paid for it. Now that the subsidies are drying up it is clear that the system is not economically viable. Not enough people are paying into the system to support it.

So, saying ACA worked is patently false. It has been a disaster since the beginning but it has taken a few years to see that it cannot work. Which is sadly what was planned for it in the first place to force single payer. Barak Obama has said that so it is not exactly a conspiracy.

You're right..that and no Medicaid expansion from any of the red states better to let the millions continue to flood the ERs combined with hillbillys (like you) who don't recognize the value of prevention.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of..meh<shrug> why do I even bother?
You seriously need to find a new website if having the mods erase shit bothers you...

Authoritarianism?? Meet the politics section!!! LOL!
It would be nice if your signature was not the size of a billboard.

So I can keep my doctor if I change my plan? Didnt Obama promise I could keep my plan and my doctor? Oh yeah, he did....

The premiums were lower because the stupid burecrats didnt know how to run a business. When the real numbers started coming out you could see it was not viable. If a company has to pay out more than it takes in it goes out of business. Simple shit. Now the same people that designed the fucked up impossible system are feigning surprise that it is not working. Either that or they were totally incompetent in the first place. Pick your poison.

The Affordable Care Act was run into the ground by a right wing Congress that refused to fully fund it. Nobody is surprised that there are financial shortfalls affecting the program. Its what Republicans that control funding intended.

The next shoe to drop is a backlash against Repukes that sabotaged the plan and put at risk health care coverage for millions of people.
So despite the fact that the ACA was supposed to save billions upon billions of dollars it failed because the Republicans didnt put enough money into it?

Even you cant be serious about that statement can you?
So despite the fact that the ACA was supposed to save billions upon billions of dollars it failed because the Republicans didnt put enough money into it?

Even you cant be serious about that statement can you?
Absolutely serious about this statement. This country didn't save a dime by under funding this program. Would buying an economy car and then refusing to spend money to service it or change the oil make financial sense? The reason the ACA makes sense and is supported by the healthcare industry is because it saves money by getting people out of the emergency rooms and in preventive care. Congress failed to pass funding bills to subsidize care for the same people that eventually end up in those emergency rooms -- the most expensive way to care for people and mandated by law.

Then idiots like you repeat faux news as though that's all there is to know.
The problem isnt the amount of money being paid out, it is the number of young healthy people that decided that they were not willing to finance Obamacare on their hard work and funding. There isnt enough money going into the plan from people who needed to sign up. Your solution seems to be to just take more tax money to cover it no matter what the cost because *it is going to save money*

Seriously, examine your statement. The government lied when it said that money would be saved. Money has not been saved and more money is required.

It is the lie that it would be cheaper that you bought for full price and now it isnt the case and suddenly even if it is more expensive somehow that is ok....

Do you ever analyze the lies you perpetuate?
Absolutely serious about this statement. This country didn't save a dime by under funding this program. Would buying an economy car and then refusing to spend money to service it or change the oil make financial sense? The reason the ACA makes sense and is supported by the healthcare industry is because it saves money by getting people out of the emergency rooms and in preventive care. Congress failed to pass funding bills to subsidize care for the same people that eventually end up in those emergency rooms -- the most expensive way to care for people and mandated by law.

Then idiots like you repeat faux news as though that's all there is to know.

Out of Emergency rooms and it preventive care. Obviously never spent much time in an E.R. of a city hospital. That`s a foolish statement.

The whole thing is set up to benefit the big insurance companies. In Ma alone there were a few hundred people fully insured and in a hospital that says they don`t have available funds. That`s because the exchange companies are investing it and waiting for the interests to flip,...with your money, without your permission and they can do it. That was part of the lobbyist goal when Obama sold out the solution to health care in the US so they could generate funds with still money.

I have heard and said it many times, He had the solution solved with the first draft. Which is a carbon copy of Ma. Heath insurance. It would kill big Pharma and insurance,,...the lobbyists changed Obama`s mind and draft. How, Ask him not me.

I still hate him for that.

Keep saying that preventive action will keep ER`s clear......that`ll never happen. They say that because big pharma relies on the elderly for scripts too. They forget the six brothers a night in Chicago, or even that one day maybe, but just one day, Mass General will have no ER`s that day. Go there, any day, wait in the room, never stops.
Out of Emergency rooms and it preventive care. Obviously never spent much time in an E.R. of a city hospital. That`s a foolish statement.

The whole thing is set up to benefit the big insurance companies. In Ma alone there were a few hundred people fully insured and in a hospital that says they don`t have available funds. That`s because the exchange companies are investing it and waiting for the interests to flip,...with your money, without your permission and they can do it. That was part of the lobbyist goal when Obama sold out the solution to health care in the US so they could generate funds with still money.

I have heard and said it many times, He had the solution solved with the first draft. Which is a carbon copy of Ma. Heath insurance. It would kill big Pharma and insurance,,...the lobbyists changed Obama`s mind and draft. How, Ask him not me.

I still hate him for that.

Keep saying that preventive action will keep ER`s clear......that`ll never happen. They say that because big pharma relies on the elderly for scripts too. They forget the six brothers a night in Chicago, or even that one day maybe, but just one day, Mass General will have no ER`s that day. Go there, any day, wait in the room, never stops.
Repukes have been working to defeat the ACA from its inception. If you don't like the best plan Obama could cobble together with what he could then look to his opposition for a reason why.

Your reply was unreadable, and I have no idea what you were trying to say. MA has many more than a few hundred insured, for instance. What the fuch are you trying to say?

Emergency rooms are required by law to take anybody regardless of insurance coverage. By this law, we have already crossed the line into socialized medicine except this kind of coverage is the most expensive way to treat sick people that are broke. Big inner city hospitals are stretched to the max, both financially and in staffing, this is true. Dumbshit, the reason those hospitals are in such a bad way is because so many people have no coverage. Do you know why they don't have coverage? Because the fucking republican congress is under funding the ACA.
The problem isnt the amount of money being paid out, it is the number of young healthy people that decided that they were not willing to finance Obamacare on their hard work and funding. There isnt enough money going into the plan from people who needed to sign up. Your solution seems to be to just take more tax money to cover it no matter what the cost because *it is going to save money*

Seriously, examine your statement. The government lied when it said that money would be saved. Money has not been saved and more money is required.

It is the lie that it would be cheaper that you bought for full price and now it isnt the case and suddenly even if it is more expensive somehow that is ok....

Do you ever analyze the lies you perpetuate?
The only person perpetuating lies is you, repeating faux news.
Before ACA, 28% of young people had no insurance. After ACA, 18% are uninsured. So, I'd say you are barking up the wrong tree. 82% of all young people have health care insurance. That last 18% will shrink over time and are absolutely not the reason for ACA funding issues. Brainless repukes are the reason.

The reason ACA is expensive is because our health care system is more expensive compared to any other 1st world country. So, let's work on our outrageous pharma bills and the inefficiency of going through middle men (insurers) to bring down costs without cutting quality of care.

You propose the brainless solution of returning to Bush era status quo for healthcare. Sick people incur higher social cost than healthy ones. Which is why your fucked up idea isn't an option.