Nazi Trumps!

I don't have the technical skill, so could someone with artistic flair alter this classic Troma poster? Maybe using imagery of Drumpf, Hil, pegasus, nuclear missiles, etc.etc.?

Dyster is one exceedingly boring sock. Must be one of that twat twostrokes... "Internet generation"? Who the fuck says that besides someone pretending to be 80 years old. Hey, twostroke, that is me, living rent free inside your head, via my internet access. I would like to stick my dick in your ear. Would you enjoy that?
Toke up my friend, you need it.
Yes, i do. Living in a country populated by imbeciles like you (which i suspect may not even be the case) is a nauseating feeling.

How do you Komsomol dropouts get these old usernames anyway? Is it the Yahoo hack? Oh nevermind, you are clearly a dullard and have no clue. You will want to hook up with Pie. She's the closest you people will get to a person of influence. For what that is worth. Lol.
Yes, i do. Living in a country populated by imbeciles like you (which i suspect may not even be the case) is a nauseating feeling.

How do you Komsomol dropouts get these old usernames anyway? Is it the Yahoo hack? Oh nevermind, you are clearly a dullard and have no clue. You will want to hook up with Pie. She's the closest you people will get to a person of influence. For what that is worth. Lol.
Wow you are truly showing your intellect, what ever you are doing you better stop.
Dude your are as boring as shit and predictable.

Here are some other leaders for you after TRUMP!.


Milo is so fab.
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Going thru life being told how to think not good,
You should try a walk, fresh air, think for yourself.
You sound very unaware of the real world
Really good luck to you.
Does that mean you are leaving? Please don't. You haven't really said anything that shows how much of a total fucking idiot you are! How did Obama shred the Constitution? What are your favorite TRUMP! policies?

It is all well and good to just make fun of your obvious mental in-capacities but I would prefer it if you helped me out by telling me some of the things that you hold true. Come on man... if I am so unaware - don't you want to enlighten me with some of your spectacular worldview?

Ok, here are some discussion points.

What shape is the Earth?

Did the Holocaust really happen?

Chemtrails! Who is paying for them?

Who is really behind 9/11?

Is FOX News fair and balanced?

Jews! What do you think of them?

What religion is Obama and where was he born?

I sense that with a little work you could have as much influence as Pie does.
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