Nazi Trumps!


Tomi is so fab.
@Pinworm, I like your rant.

If the Democrats were running somebody a little bit palatable:
Someone not waging a divisive race-baiting war;
Someone not perpetually engaged in shady, edge of illegal, and actually illegal activities;
Someone who claims to be flat broke, while having a net worth of hundreds of million dollars;
Someone with a wisp of understanding and familiarity with common middle class values;
Someone not named Clinton.....

If Democrats had not spent the last eight years dividing Americans along painful fault lines that were in the process of healing and nearly healed... But they did.

Then Trump would not even be a possibility, or even a consideration as president.

You guys, your side created this shit storm. We are all fucked because of it.
Someone not waging a divisive race-baiting war;

a birther giving a pass to a birther. brilliant.

Someone not perpetually engaged in shady, edge of illegal, and actually illegal activities;

3500+ lawsuits, currently on trial for RICO violations and rape, illegal bribes to pam bondi and greg it a pass. brilliant.

Someone who claims to be flat broke, while having a net worth of hundreds of million dollars;

versus a guy who claims to be worth billions but is clearly only worth a few million?

you are a retarded person.

you spent years parroting trump's birtherism verbatim. and now you blame the left for his rise.

correction, you are beyond retarded.

go back to stormfront.
With all the senseless murders, bombings, mass shootings, everywhere from London, Florida, Turkey, Iraq almost every fucking day...I gotta admit, I am fucking scared, too. But, the people who do this - they are religious extremists. Not just Muslims either. You've got Christian extremists, too, like the one who killed all the black churchgoers in South Carolina. It is not just strictly a religious problem - every single one of those people, they ain't no rebel, they ain't no liberator, they are a bunch of fucking fascists!

So, why, why, why, why the FUCK would anybody say the answer to fascist religious extremist terrorism is MORE FASCISM?!!!!!! That ain't gonna solve shit! It is just going to get more innocent people killed, make regular people's lives miserable, allow more hate and bigotry, like UKIP and the other Neo-Nazis like.

Of course, we got a great big fucking problem here now from someone who has studied this for a while, and decided, OK, this is how I am going to take over - "Come on everybody, let's fucking hate!" Let's side with a guy who's comb-over cost $450,000 a year (look it up, it's true) just so he can hide the KKK hood underneath ...
But, I will bet you a lot of you people know someone, a person's family, fromwork or at school, who think UKIP are pretty cool - who though brexit was a great idea, cause it keeps people with dark skin from coming into the country and shit like that.

So, what the fuck do you do? Do you tell them to fuck themselves? Do you tell 'em how fucking stupid they sound? Call them out for being a redneck cunt? Or do you sit down and talk with them? Not argue. Talk. Tell them, look, we are all worried about our jobs and the economy, but it is not people from eastern Europe, or the Middle East, or Mexico that are taking people's jobs - it is banks and corporations that are shipping them clear out of the country, and laughing all the way to the fucking bank!

Example: They may counter and say something rednecky, say you're fucked, fuck you, let's build a wall, blah blah blah, and your stomach will churn trying to reason with them, but - at least you planted the seed! Somebody had to do it, and you fucking did it.

So maybe 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 years from now they are gonna wake the fuck up and say, SHIT! I am sure glad somebody talked to me, eye to eye, like a human about this. Maybe I was a dumb cunt afterall for believing that the richest 1% actually want to help me. That right there is how you can fight this bullshit racism, this bigotry, and fascism.

But, here, there is something else we can say to these fascist cunts if you are really pissed off and frustrated like me... NAZI TRUMPS!!!!!!!!

Doesn't it feel good to vent? Yea. Thank you for time. Enjoy the rest of your stay.

Good cry